


Microsoft Patch Tuesday Tsunami: No Zero-Days, but an Asterisk

Microsoft patched a record number of 147 new CVEs this month, though only three are rated "Critical."

LG Smart TVs at Risk of Attacks, Thanks to 4 OS Vulnerabilities

Scans showed that 91,000 devices are exposed and at risk for unauthorized access and TV set takeover.

EV Charging Stations Still Riddled With Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

As more electric vehicles are sold, the risk to compromised charging stations looms large alongside the potential for major cybersecurity exploits.

Proper DDoS Protection Requires Both Detective and Preventive Controls

Distributed denial-of-service attacks still plague the enterprise, but adding preventive measures can reduce their impact.

Why Liquid Cooling Systems Threaten Data Center Security & Our Water Supply

We are potentially encroaching on a water supply crisis if data center operators, utilities, and the government don't implement preventative measures now.

92K D-Link NAS Devices Open to Critical Command-Injection Bug

The company is asking users to retire several network-attached storage (NAS) models to avoid compromise through a publicly available exploit that results in backdooring.

Frameworks, Guidelines & Bounties Alone Won't Defeat Ransomware

We need more than "do-it-yourself" approaches to threats that clearly rise to the level of national security issues.

Ambitious Training Initiative Taps Talents of Blind and Visually Impaired

Novacoast's Apex Program prepares individuals with visual impairments for cybersecurity careers.