


ConfusedPilot Attack Can Manipulate RAG-Based AI Systems

Attackers can introduce a malicious document in systems such as Microsoft 365 Copilot to confuse the system, potentially leading to widespread misinformation and compromised decision-making processes.

Fighting Crime With Technology: Safety First

By combining human and nonhuman identity management in one solution, Flock Safety is helping law enforcement solve an impressive number of criminal cases every day.

Why Your Identity Is the Key to Modernizing Cybersecurity

Ultimately, the goal of creating a trusted environment around all digital assets and devices is about modernizing the way you do business.

AI Hype Drives Demand For ML SecOps Skills

Companies are putting "AI" in just about all of their products, which opens up new security holes. LLM SecOps and ML SecOps are becoming must-have skills.

SOC Teams: Threat Detection Tools Are Stifling Us

Threat detection tools yield too many false positives, security pros say, leading to burnout and resentment.

Marriott & Starwood Face $52M Settlement After Security Breaches

The hotel giant will be held to higher security standards in a series of proposed requirements, including implementing a new annually reviewed security program.

American Water Reconnects Its Network Taps After Cyber Incident

The company is beginning to bring its systems back online, though the investigation wages on.

The Invisible Army of Non-Human Identities

The future of cybersecurity will be shaped by how well we manage the explosion of NHIs.