


GHSA-87qp-7cw8-8q9c: web3-utils Prototype Pollution vulnerability

Versions of the package web3-utils before 4.2.1 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via the utility functions format and mergeDeep, due to insecure recursive merge. An attacker can manipulate an object's prototype, potentially leading to the alteration of the behavior of all objects inheriting from the affected prototype by passing specially crafted input to these functions.

GHSA-jwrc-3v3f-5cq5: PaddlePaddle allows arbitrary file read via

paddlepaddle/paddle 2.6.0 allows arbitrary file read via

GHSA-wfgj-wrgh-h3r3: SSRF Vulnerability on assetlinks_check(act_name, well_knowns)

### Summary While examining the "App Link assetlinks.json file could not be found" vulnerability detected by MobSF, we, as the Trendyol Application Security team, noticed that a GET request was sent to the "/.well-known/assetlinks.json" endpoint for all hosts written with "android:host". In the AndroidManifest.xml file. Since MobSF does not perform any input validation when extracting the hostnames in "android:host", requests can also be sent to local hostnames. This may cause SSRF vulnerability. ### Details Example <intent-filter structure in AndroidManifest.xml: ``` <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> <data android:host="" android:scheme="http" /> </intent-filter> ``` We defined it as android:host="". Here, the "#" character at the end of the hos...

GHSA-7f88-5hhx-67m2: XNIO denial of service vulnerability

A flaw was found in XNIO. The XNIO NotifierState that can cause a Stack Overflow Exception when the chain of notifier states becomes problematically large can lead to uncontrolled resource management and a possible denial of service (DoS). Version 3.8.14.Final is expected to contain a fix.

GHSA-2whx-ccr7-fxqm: Cross-Site Request Forgery in Anchor CMS

Anchor CMS v0.12.7 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) via /anchor/admin/categories/delete/2.

GHSA-4xw8-9fj7-j58j: Cross-Site Request Forgery in Anchor CMS

Anchor CMS v0.12.7 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) via /anchor/admin/users/delete/2.

GHSA-j4hq-f63x-f39r: Slow String Operations via MultiPart Requests in Event-Driven Functions

## Impacted Resources bref/src/Event/Http/Psr7Bridge.php:94-125 multipart-parser/src/StreamedPart.php:383-418 ## Description When Bref is used with the Event-Driven Function runtime and the handler is a `RequestHandlerInterface`, then the Lambda event is converted to a PSR7 object. During the conversion process, if the request is a MultiPart, each part is parsed. In the parsing process, the `Content-Type` header of each part is read using the [`Riverline/multipart-parser`]( library. The library, in the `StreamedPart::parseHeaderContent` function, performs slow multi-byte string operations on the header value. Precisely, the [`mb_convert_encoding`]( function is used with the first (`$string`) and third (`$from_encoding`) parameters read from the header value. ## Impact An attacker could send specifically crafted requests which would force the server into performing long op...

GHSA-882j-4vj5-7vmj: Cache Poisoning Vulnerability

### Summary An attacker controlling the second variable of the `translate` function is able to perform a cache poisoning attack. They can change the outcome of translation requests made by subsequent users. ### Details The `` parameter allows the overwriting of the cache key. If an attacker sets the `id` variable to the cache key that would be generated by another user, they can choose the response that user gets served. ### PoC Take the following simple server allowing users to supply text and the language to translate to. ```javascript import translate from "translate"; import express from 'express'; const app = express(); app.use(express.json());'/translate', async (req, res) => { const { text, language } = req.body; const result = await translate(text, language); return res.json(result); }); const port = 3000; app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`); }); ``` We can send the following request to poison the cache: ``` {"...

GHSA-f5x3-32g6-xq36: Denial of service while parsing a tar file due to lack of folders count validation

## Description: During some analysis today on npm's `node-tar` package I came across the folder creation process, Basicly if you provide node-tar with a path like this `./a/b/c/foo.txt` it would create every folder and sub-folder here a, b and c until it reaches the last folder to create `foo.txt`, In-this case I noticed that there's no validation at all on the amount of folders being created, that said we're actually able to CPU and memory consume the system running node-tar and even crash the nodejs client within few seconds of running it using a path with too many sub-folders inside ## Steps To Reproduce: You can reproduce this issue by downloading the tar file I provided in the resources and using node-tar to extract it, you should get the same behavior as the video ## Proof Of Concept: Here's a [video](

GHSA-pv9j-c53q-h433: Gadget chain in Symfony 1 due to uncontrolled unserialized input in sfNamespacedParameterHolder

### Summary Symfony 1 has a gadget chain due to dangerous unserialize in `sfNamespacedParameterHolder` class that would enable an attacker to get remote code execution if a developer unserialize user input in his project. ### Details This vulnerability present no direct threat but is a vector that will enable remote code execution if a developper deserialize user untrusted data. For example: ```php public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request) { $a = unserialize($request->getParameter('user')); } ``` We will make the assumption this is the case in the rest of this explanation. Symfony 1 provides the class `sfNamespacedParameterHolder` which implements `Serializable` interface. In particular, when an instance of this class is deserialized, the normal php behavior is hooked by implementing `unserialize()` method: ```php public function unserialize($serialized) { $this->__unserialize(unserialize($serialized)); } ``` Which make an array access on the ...