Packet Storm
Carbiz Buy Sell Car Marketplace Script version 1.2.0 appears to leave default credentials installed after installation.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4138-01 - The kernel-rt packages provide the Real Time Linux Kernel, which enables fine-tuning for systems with extremely high determinism requirements. Issues addressed include out of bounds access and use-after-free vulnerabilities.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4137-01 - The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system. Issues addressed include out of bounds access and use-after-free vulnerabilities.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4125-01 - The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system. Issues addressed include denial of service, privilege escalation, and use-after-free vulnerabilities.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4128-01 - EDK is a project to enable UEFI support for Virtual Machines. This package contains a sample 64-bit UEFI firmware for QEMU and KVM. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4124-01 - EDK is a project to enable UEFI support for Virtual Machines. This package contains a sample 64-bit UEFI firmware for QEMU and KVM.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4025-01 - Red Hat OpenShift support for Windows Containers allows you to deploy Windows container workloads running on Windows Server containers. Issues addressed include a bypass vulnerability.
Capitol Matrimonial Banquet Centre version 1.5 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4100-01 - The Berkeley Internet Name Domain is an implementation of the Domain Name System protocols. BIND includes a DNS server ; a resolver library ; and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly.
Debian Linux Security Advisory 5454-1 - Riccardo Bonafede discovered that the Kanboard project management software was susceptible to SQL injection.