This Metasploit module tests if an SMTP server will accept (via a code 250) an e-mail by using a variation of testing methods. Some of the extended methods will try to abuse configuration or mailserver flaws.
This Metasploit module retrieves the client unattend file from Windows Deployment Services RPC service and parses out the stored credentials. Tested against Windows 2008 R2 x64 and Windows 2003 x86.
This Metasploit module can be used to discover Memcached servers which expose the unrestricted UDP port 11211. A basic "stats" request is executed to check if an amplification attack is possible against a third party.
This Metasploit module uses a dictionary to brute force valid TFTP image names from a TFTP server.
This Metasploit modules exploits a directory traversal vulnerability in IpSwitch WhatsUp Golds TFTP service.
This Metasploit modules exploits a directory traversal vulnerability in NetDecision 4.2 TFTP service.
This Metasploit module attempts to retrieve the sid from the Oracle XML DB httpd server, utilizing Pete Finnigans default oracle password list.
This Metasploit module attempts to bruteforce the SID on the Oracle application server iSQL*Plus login pages. It does this by testing Oracle error responses returned in the HTTP response. Incorrect username/pass with a correct SID will produce an Oracle ORA-01017 error. Works against Oracle 9.2, 10.1 and 10.2 iSQL*Plus. This Metasploit module will attempt to fingerprint the version and automatically select the correct POST request.
This Metasploit module uses a list of well known default authentication credentials to discover easily guessed accounts.
This Metasploit module simply queries the TNS listener for the Oracle SID. With Oracle and above the listener will be protected and the SID will have to be bruteforced or guessed.