Gitea version 1.22.0 suffers from a cross site scripting vulnerability.
Notemark versions 0.13.0 and below suffer from a cross site scripting vulnerability.
Online Graduate Tracer System version 1.0.0 suffers from an insecure direct object reference vulnerability.
SPIP version 4.2.5 suffers from a code execution vulnerability.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-6020-03 - An update for the postgresql:15 module is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-6001-03 - An update for the postgresql:15 module is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.
Online Bus Ticketing version 1.0 suffers from an insecure direct object reference vulnerability.
Online Appointment System version 1.0 suffers from an ignored default credential vulnerability.
Multi-Vendor Online Groceries Management System version 1.0 suffers from an ignored default credential vulnerability.
`core/authorize.php` in Drupal 11.x-dev allows Full Path Disclosure (even when error logging is None) if the value of `hash_salt` is `file_get_contents` of a file that does not exist.