


Sued by Meta, Freenom Halts Domain Registrations

The domain name registrar Freenom, whose free domain names have long been a draw for spammers and phishers, has stopped allowing new domain name registrations. The move comes just days after the Dutch registrar was sued by Meta, which alleges the company ignores abuse complaints about phishing websites while monetizing traffic to those abusive domains.

Krebs on Security
Highlights from the New U.S. Cybersecurity Strategy

The Biden administration today issued its vision for beefing up the nation's collective cybersecurity posture, including calls for legislation establishing liability for software products and services that are sold with little regard for security. The White House's new national cybersecurity strategy also envisions a more active role by cloud providers and the U.S. military in disrupting cybercriminal infrastructure, and names China as the single biggest cyber threat to U.S. interests.

Hackers Claim They Breached T-Mobile More Than 100 Times in 2022

Three different cybercriminal groups claimed access to internal networks at communications giant T-Mobile in more than 100 separate incidents throughout 2022, new data suggests. In each case, the goal of the attackers was the same: Phish T-Mobile employees for access to internal company tools, and then convert that access into a cybercrime service that could be hired to divert any T-Mobile user's text messages and phone calls to another device.

When Low-Tech Hacks Cause High-Impact Breaches

Web hosting giant GoDaddy made headlines this month when it disclosed that a multi-year breach allowed intruders to steal company source code, siphon customer and employee login credentials, and foist malware on customer websites. Media coverage understandably focused on GoDaddy's admission that it suffered three different cyberattacks over as many years at the hands of the same hacking group.  But it's worth revisiting how this group typically got in to targeted companies: By calling employees and tricking them into navigating to a phishing website.

Microsoft Patch Tuesday February 2023: Win Graphics RCE, Edge RCE, Publisher SFB, CLFS EoP, Exchange RCEs, Word RCE, HoloLens1

Hello everyone! This episode will be about Microsoft Patch Tuesday for February 2023, including vulnerabilities that were added between January and February Patch Tuesdays. Alternative video link (for Russia): This month I decided to change the format a bit. Now I share my impression of Microsoft Patch Tuesday on the same Patch Tuesday day […]

Who’s Behind the Botnet-Based Service BHProxies?

A security firm has discovered that a five-year-old crafty botnet known as Mylobot appears to be powering a residential proxy service called BHProxies, which offers paying customers the ability to route their web traffic anonymously through compromised computers. Here’s a closer look at Mylobot, and a deep dive into who may be responsible for operating the BHProxies service.

New Protections for Food Benefits Stolen by Skimmers

Millions of Americans receiving food assistance benefits just earned a new right that they can't yet enforce: The right to be reimbursed if funds on their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards are stolen by card skimming devices secretly installed at cash machines and grocery store checkout lanes.

Microsoft Patch Tuesday, February 2023 Edition

Microsoft is sending the world a whole bunch of love today, in the form of patches to plug dozens of security holes in its Windows operating systems and other software. This year's special Valentine's Day Patch Tuesday includes fixes for a whopping three different "zero-day" vulnerabilities that are already being used in active attacks.

U.S., U.K. Sanction 7 Men Tied to Trickbot Hacking Group

Authorities in the United States and United Kingdom today levied financial sanctions against seven men accused of operating "Trickbot," a cybercrime-as-a-service platform based in Russia that has enabled countless ransomware attacks and bank account takeovers since its debut in 2016. The U.S. Department of the Treasury says the Trickbot group is associated with Russian intelligence services, and that this alliance led to the targeting of many U.S. companies and government entities.

KrebsOnSecurity in Upcoming Hulu Series on Ashley Madison Breach

KrebsOnSecurity will likely have a decent amount of screen time in an upcoming Hulu documentary series about the 2015 megabreach at marital infidelity site Ashley Madison. While I can't predict what the producers will do with the video interviews we shot, it's fair to say the series will explore tantalizing new clues as to who may have been responsible for the attack.