An ongoing Magecart campaign has attracted the attention of cybersecurity researchers for leveraging realistic-looking fake payment screens to capture sensitive data entered by unsuspecting users. "The threat actor used original logos from the compromised store and customized a web element known as a modal to perfectly hijack the checkout page," Jérôme Segura, director of threat intelligence at
AI-generated spam comments on Amazon, the latest on the 3CX supply chain attack and more security headlines from the past week.
A little-known Russian-speaking cyber-espionage group has been linked to a new politically-motivated surveillance campaign targeting high-ranking government officials, telecom services, and public service infrastructures in Tajikistan. The intrusion set, dubbed Paperbug by Swiss cybersecurity company PRODAFT, has been attributed to a threat actor known as Nomadic Octopus (aka DustSquad). "The
Categories: Threat Intelligence Tags: magecart Tags: skimmer Tags: modal Tags: fraud Tags: e-commerce It's hard to put individuals at fault when the malicious copy is better than the original. This credit card skimmer was built to fool just about anyone. (Read more...) The post Magecart threat actor rolls out convincing modal forms appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.
Microsoft has confirmed that the active exploitation of PaperCut servers is linked to attacks designed to deliver Cl0p and LockBit ransomware families. The tech giant's threat intelligence team is attributing a subset of the intrusions to a financially motivated actor it tracks under the name Lace Tempest (formerly DEV-0950), which overlaps with other hacking groups like FIN11, TA505, and Evil
The Profile Builder – User Profile & User Registration Forms plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized password resets in versions up to, and including 3.9.0. This is due to the plugin using native password reset functionality, with insufficient validation on the password reset function (wppb_front_end_password_recovery). The function uses the plaintext value of a password reset key instead of a hashed value which means it can easily be retrieved and subsequently used. An attacker can leverage CVE-2023-0814, or another vulnerability like SQL Injection in another plugin or theme installed on the site to successfully exploit this vulnerability.
Awarded individuals and companies are trailblazers in third-party risk management.
Last year, 71% of enterprise breaches were pulled off quietly, with legitimate tools, research shows.
The advanced persistent threat (APT) group referred to as Evasive Panda has been observed targeting an international non-governmental organization (NGO) in Mainland China with malware delivered via update channels of legitimate applications like Tencent QQ. The attack chains are designed to distribute a Windows installer for MgBot malware, ESET security researcher Facundo Muñoz said in a new
Rapid7 Insight Agent token handler versions 3.2.6 and below, suffer from a Directory Traversal vulnerability whereby unsanitized input from a CLI argument flows into io.ioutil.WriteFile, where it is used as a path. This can result in a Path Traversal vulnerability and allow an attacker to write arbitrary files. This issue is remediated in version 3.3.0 via safe guards that reject inputs that attempt to do path traversal.