


Oracle Weblogic PreAuth Remote Command Execution

Oracle Weblogic versions, and prior to the Jan 2023 security update are vulnerable to an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability due to a post deserialization vulnerability. This Metasploit module exploits this vulnerability to trigger the JNDI connection to a LDAP server you control. The LDAP server will then respond with a remote reference response that points to a HTTP server that you control, where the malicious Java class file will be hosted. Oracle Weblogic will then make an HTTP request to retrieve the malicious Java class file, at which point our HTTP server will serve up the malicious class file and Oracle Weblogic will instantiate an instance of that class, granting us remote code execution as the oracle user.

Packet Storm
TerraMaster TOS 4.2.15 Remote Code Execution

This Metasploit module is a Terramaster chained exploit that performs session crafting to achieve escalated privileges that allows an attacker to access vulnerable code execution flaws. TOS versions 4.2.15 and below are affected.

TerraMaster TOS 4.2.06 Remote Code Execution

This Metasploit module exploits an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability in TerraMaster TOS versions 4.2.06 and below via shell metacharacters in the Event parameter at vulnerable endpoint include/makecvs.php during CSV creation. Any unauthenticated user can therefore execute commands on the system under the same privileges as the web application, which typically runs under root at the TerraMaster Operating System.

Anevia Flamingo XL 3.6.20 Authenticated Root Remote Code Execution

Anevia Flamingo XL version 3.6.20 suffers from an authenticated remote code execution vulnerability. A remote attacker can exploit this issue and execute arbitrary system commands granting her system access with root privileges.

Anevia Flamingo XS 3.6.5 Authenticated Root Remote Code Execution

Anevia Flamingo XS version 3.6.5 suffers from an authenticated remote code execution vulnerability. A remote attacker can exploit this issue and execute arbitrary system commands granting her system access with root privileges.

CVE-2023-26133: Snyk Vulnerability Database | Snyk

All versions of the package progressbar.js are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via the function extend() in the file utils.js.

WordPress Workreap 2.2.2 Shell Upload

WordPress theme Workreap version 2.2.2 suffers from a remote shell upload vulnerabilities.

librelp Remote Code Execution

Proof of concept exploit for a buffer overflow remote code execution vulnerability in librelp.

Anevia Flamingo XS 3.6.5 Authenticated Root Remote Code Execution

The affected device suffers from authenticated remote code execution vulnerability. A remote attacker can exploit this issue and execute arbitrary system commands granting her system access with root privileges. Also, the application suffers from Insufficient Session Expiration vulnerability.

Anevia Flamingo XL 3.6.20 Authenticated Root Remote Code Execution

The affected device suffers from authenticated remote code execution vulnerability. A remote attacker can exploit this issue and execute arbitrary system commands granting her system access with root privileges. Also, the application suffers from Insufficient Session Expiration vulnerability.