


GHSA-3434-hc3m-8mmm: Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in zenml

A reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was identified in zenml-io/zenml version 0.57.1. The vulnerability exists due to improper neutralization of input during web page generation, specifically within the survey redirect parameter. This flaw allows an attacker to redirect users to a specified URL after completing a survey, without proper validation of the 'redirect' parameter. Consequently, an attacker can execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the context of the user's browser session. This vulnerability could be exploited to steal cookies, potentially leading to account takeover.

Critical GitLab Bug Threatens Software Development Pipelines

The company is urging users running vulnerable versions to patch CVE-2024-5655 immediately, to avoid CI/CD malfeasance.

GitLab Releases Patch for Critical CI/CD Pipeline Vulnerability and 13 Others

GitLab has released security updates to address 14 security flaws, including one critical vulnerability that could be exploited to run continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines as any user. The weaknesses, which affect GitLab Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE), have been addressed in versions 17.1.1, 17.0.3, and 16.11.5. The most severe of the

China-Sponsored Attackers Target 40K Corporate Users in 90 Days

The attacks infiltrate enterprise networks through browsers, and show an evolution in evasive and adaptive tactics from well-resourced state-sponsored actors.

‘Poseidon’ Mac stealer distributed via Google ads

A competitor of the infamous Atomic Stealer targeting Mac users, has just launched a new campaign to lure in more victims.

Yokogawa FAST/TOOLS and CI Server

View CSAF 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CVSS v4 6.9 ATTENTION: Exploitable remotely/low attack complexity Vendor: Yokogawa Equipment: FAST/TOOLS and CI Server Vulnerabilities: Cross-site Scripting, Empty Password in Configuration File 2. RISK EVALUATION Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to launch a malicious script and take control of affected products. 3. TECHNICAL DETAILS 3.1 AFFECTED PRODUCTS The following versions of Yokogawa FAST/TOOLS and CI Server, SCADA software environments, are affected: FAST/TOOLS RVSVRN Package: Versions R9.01 through R10.04 FAST/TOOLS UNSVRN Package: Versions R9.01 through R10.04 FAST/TOOLS HMIWEB Package: Versions R9.01 through R10.04 FAST/TOOLS FTEES Package: Versions R9.01 through R10.04 FAST/TOOLS HMIMOB Package: Versions R9.01 through R10.04 CI Server: Versions R1.01.00 through R1.03.00 3.2 Vulnerability Overview 3.2.1 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') CWE-79 The affected...

GHSA-q6xv-jm4v-349h: Cross-site Scripting in ZenUML

### Summary Markdown-based comments in the ZenUML diagram syntax are susceptible to Cross-site Scripting (XSS). ### Details The comment feature allows the user to attach small notes for reference. This feature allows the user to enter in their comment in markdown comment, allowing them to use common markdown features, such as `**` for bolded text. However, the markdown text is currently not sanitized before rendering, allowing an attacker to enter a malicious payload for the comment which leads to XSS. ### PoC ``` // p<img onerror=alert(1) src=""/> A->B:hi ``` Above is a POC diagram payload that results in an XSS. Here is a similar POC in

GHSA-rjw8-v7rr-r563: October System module has a Reflected XSS via X-October-Request-Handler Header

### Impact The X-October-Request-Handler Header does not sanitize the AJAX handler name and allows unescaped HTML to be reflected back. There is no impact since this vulnerability cannot be exploited through normal browser interactions. This unescaped value is only detectable when using a proxy interception tool. ### Patches This issue has been patched in v3.5.15. ### References Credits to: - [Mayank Mehra](mailto:[email protected]) ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: * Email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

GHSA-gw84-84pc-xp82: Cross-site Scripting in djangorestframework

Versions of the package djangorestframework before 3.15.2 are vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) via the break_long_headers template filter due to improper input sanitization before splitting and joining with <br> tags.