


GHSA-94cc-xjxr-pwvf: DSpace Cross Site Scripting (XSS) via a deposited HTML/XML document

### Impact In DSpace 7.0 through 7.6.1, when an HTML, XML or JavaScript Bitstream is downloaded, the user's browser _may_ execute any embedded JavaScript. If that embedded JavaScript is malicious, there is a risk of an XSS attack. This attack may only be initialized by a user who already has Submitter privileges in the repository. The submitter must upload the malicious HTML/XML/JavaScript file themselves. The attack itself would not occur until a different authenticated user downloads the malicious file. CORS and CSRF protection built into DSpace help to limit the impact of the attack (and may block it in some scenarios). If the repository is configured to only download HTML / XML / JavaScript Bitstreams using the [`Content-Disposition: attachment`]( header, then the attack is no longer possible. See "Workarounds" below. ### Patches The fix is included in both 8.0 and 7.6.2. Please upgrade to one of t...

New Attack Technique Exploits Microsoft Management Console Files

Threat actors are exploiting a novel attack technique in the wild that leverages specially crafted management saved console (MSC) files to gain full code execution using Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and evade security defenses. Elastic Security Labs has codenamed the approach GrimResource after identifying an artifact ("sccm-updater.msc") that was uploaded to the VirusTotal malware

Edu-Sharing Arbitrary File Upload

Edu-Sharing suffers from an arbitrary file upload vulnerability. Versions below 8.0.8-RC2, 8.1.4-RC0, and 9.0.0-RC19 are affected.

Flatboard 3.2 Cross Site Scripting

Flatboard version 3.2 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-4057-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-4057-03 - Release of OpenShift Serverless Logic 1.33.0. Issues addressed include cross site scripting and denial of service vulnerabilities.

GHSA-36gf-vpj2-j42w: Cross site scripting in Apache JSPWiki

XSS in Upload page in Apache JSPWiki 2.12.1 and priors allows the attacker to execute javascript in the victim's browser and get some sensitive information about the victim. Apache JSPWiki users should upgrade to 2.12.2 or later.

GHSA-g6c9-f4xm-9j4x: Open redirect in gradio

An open redirect vulnerability exists in the gradio-app/gradio, affecting the latest version. The vulnerability allows an attacker to redirect users to arbitrary websites, which can be exploited for phishing attacks, Cross-site Scripting (XSS), Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF), amongst others. This issue is due to improper validation of user-supplied input in the handling of URLs. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability by crafting a malicious URL that, when processed by the application, redirects the user to an attacker-controlled web page.

GHSA-pqhq-77pw-763c: Cross site scripting in opencart

This affects versions of the package opencart/opencart from A reflected XSS issue was identified in the directory parameter of admin common/filemanager.list route. An attacker could obtain a user's token by tricking the user to click on a maliciously crafted URL. The user is then prompted to login and redirected again upon authentication with the payload automatically executing. If the attacked user has admin privileges, this vulnerability could be used as the start of a chain of exploits like Zip Slip or arbitrary file write vulnerabilities in the admin functionality. **Notes:** 1) This is only exploitable if the attacker knows the name or path of the admin directory. The name of the directory is "admin" by default but there is a pop-up in the dashboard warning users to rename it. 2) The fix for this vulnerability is incomplete. The redirect is removed so that it is not possible for an attacker to control the redirect post admin login anymore, but it is still possible to e...

GHSA-qx44-885h-7p56: Cross site scripting in opencart

This affects versions of the package opencart/opencart from A reflected XSS issue was identified in the filename parameter of the admin tool/log route. An attacker could obtain a user's token by tricking the user to click on a maliciously crafted URL. The user is then prompted to login and redirected again upon authentication with the payload automatically executing. If the attacked user has admin privileges, this vulnerability could be used as the start of a chain of exploits like Zip Slip or arbitrary file write vulnerabilities in the admin functionality. **Notes:** 1) This is only exploitable if the attacker knows the name or path of the admin directory. The name of the directory is "admin" by default but there is a pop-up in the dashboard warning users to rename it. 2) The fix for this vulnerability is incomplete. The redirect is removed so that it is not possible for an attacker to control the redirect post admin login anymore, but it is still possible to exploit this ...

GHSA-qc3q-8rr8-8p5v: Cross site scripting in opencart

This affects versions of the package opencart/opencart from A reflected XSS issue was identified in the redirect parameter of customer account/login route. An attacker can inject arbitrary HTML and Javascript into the page response. As this vulnerability is present in the account functionality it could be used to target and attack customers of the OpenCart shop. **Notes:** 1) The fix for this vulnerability is incomplete