


Toshiba Multi-Function Printers 40 Vulnerabilities

103 models of Toshiba Multi-Function Printers (MFP) are vulnerable to 40 different vulnerabilities including remote code execution, local privilege escalation, xml injection, and more.

Packet Storm
Sharp Multi-Function Printer 18 Vulnerabilities

308 different models of Sharp Multi-Function Printers (MFP) are vulnerable to 18 different vulnerabilities including remote code execution, local file inclusion, credential disclosure, and more.

WordPress Photo Gallery 1.8.26 Cross Site Scripting

WordPress Photo Gallery plugin version 1.8.26 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.

Siemens CP-8000 / CP-8021 / CP8-022 / CP-8031 / CP-8050 / SICORE Buffer Overread / Escalation

Siemens CP-8000, CP-8021, CP8-022, CP-8031, CP-8050, and SICORE products suffer from buffer overread, privilege escalation, and unsafe storage vulnerabilities.

WordPress FooGallery 2.4.16 Cross Site Scripting

WordPress FooGallery plugin version 2.4.16 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.

WordPress Gallery 2.3.6 Cross Site Scripting

WordPress Gallery version 2.3.6 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.

How MFA Failures are Fueling a 500% Surge in Ransomware Losses

The cybersecurity threat landscape has witnessed a dramatic and alarming rise in the average ransomware payment, an increase exceeding 500%. Sophos, a global leader in cybersecurity, revealed in its annual "State of Ransomware 2024" report that the average ransom payment has increased 500% in the last year with organizations that paid a ransom reporting an average payment of $2 million, up from

GHSA-j59v-vgcr-hxvf: GeoServer's Server Status shows sensitive environmental variables and Java properties

GeoServer's Server Status page and REST API (at `/geoserver/rest/about/status`) lists *all* environment variables and Java properties to *any* GeoServer user with administrative rights as part of those modules' status message. These variables/properties can also contain sensitive information, such as database passwords or API keys/tokens, for example: * Data stores defined with [parameterized catalog settings][catalog] (`-DALLOW_ENV_PARAMETRIZATION=true`) which need a password or access key. * GeoServer's official Docker image [uses environment variables to configure PostgreSQL JNDI resources, including credentials][docker-jndi] (`POSTGRES_HOST`, `POSTGRES_USERNAME`, `POSTGRES_PASSWORD`) Additionally, many community-developed GeoServer container images `export` other credentials from their start-up scripts as environment variables to the GeoServer (`java`) process, such as: * GeoServer `admin` and master (`root`) passwords * Tomcat management application password * HTTPS/TLS cer...

WordPress WPCode Lite 2.1.14 Cross Site Scripting

WordPress WPCode Lite plugin version 2.1.14 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.

Customer Support System 1.0 Cross Site Scripting

Customer Support System version 1.0 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability. Original discovery of cross site scripting in this version is attributed to Ahmed Abba in November of 2020.