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GHSA-wm25-j4gw-6vr3: pREST vulnerable to jwt bypass + sql injection

### Summary Probably jwt bypass + sql injection or what i'm doing wrong? ### PoC (how to reproduce) 1. Create following files: docker-compose.yml: ``` services: postgres: image: postgres container_name: postgres_container_mre environment: POSTGRES_USER: test_user_pg POSTGRES_PASSWORD: test_pass_pg POSTGRES_DB: test_db prest: image: prest/prest build: . volumes: - ./queries:/queries - ./migrations:/migrations ports: - "3000:3000" ``` Dockerfile: ``` from prest/prest:latest COPY ./prest.toml prest.toml ``` prest.toml: ``` debug=false migrations = "./migrations" [http] port = 3000 [jwt] default = true key = "secret" algo = "HS256" [auth] enabled = true type = "body" encrypt = "MD5" table = "prest_users" username = "username" password = "password" [pg] URL = "postgresql://test_user_pg:test_pass_pg@postgres:5432/test_db/?sslmode=disable" [ssl] mode = "disable" sslcert = "./PATH" sslkey = "./PATH" sslrootcert = "....

GHSA-fx6j-9pp6-ph36: Pimcore vulnerable to disclosure of system and database information behind /admin firewall

### Summary Navigating to `/admin/index/statistics` with a **logged in Pimcore user** (not an XmlHttpRequest because of this check: [IndexController:125]( exposes information about the Pimcore installation, PHP version, MYSQL version, installed bundles and all database tables and their row count in the system. > The web server should not return any product and version information of the components used. The table names and row counts should not be exposed. ### Details `/admin/index/statistics` returns the following JSON-response: ``` { { "instanceId": "...", "pimcore_major_version": 11, "pimcore_version": "v11.3.1", "pimcore_hash": "3ecd39f21dbdd25ffdf4bec6e2c860eccfd3d008", "pimcore_platform_version": "v2024.2", "php_version": "8.3.8", "mysql_version": "10.11.8-MariaDB-ubu2204", "bundles": [ //...

A Senate Bill Would Radically Improve Voting Machine Security

This year’s Intelligence Authorization Act would mandate penetration testing for federally certified voting machines and allow independent researchers to work on exposing vulnerabilities.

The CrowdStrike Meltdown: A Wake-up Call for Cybersecurity

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of our digital infrastructure. By adopting a diversified, resilient approach to cybersecurity, we can mitigate the risks and build a more secure digital future.

Cyberattackers Accessed HealthEquity Customer Info via Third Party

Data thieves heisted the HSA provider's data repository for 4.5 million people's HR information, including employer and dependents intel.

MIMEDefang Email Scanner 3.5

MIMEDefang is a flexible MIME email scanner designed to protect Windows clients from viruses. Includes the ability to do many other kinds of mail processing, such as replacing parts of messages with URLs. It can alter or delete various parts of a MIME message according to a very flexible configuration file. It can also bounce messages with unacceptable attachments. MIMEDefang works with the Sendmail 8.11 and newer "Milter" API, which makes it more flexible and efficient than procmail-based approaches.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6924-2

Ubuntu Security Notice 6924-2 - Several security issues were discovered in the Linux kernel. An attacker could possibly use these to compromise the system.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6927-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6927-1 - Ziming Zhang discovered that the DRM driver for VMware Virtual GPU did not properly handle certain error conditions, leading to a NULL pointer dereference. A local attacker could possibly trigger this vulnerability to cause a denial of service. Gui-Dong Han discovered that the software RAID driver in the Linux kernel contained a race condition, leading to an integer overflow vulnerability. A privileged attacker could possibly use this to cause a denial of service.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6923-2

Ubuntu Security Notice 6923-2 - Benedict Schlüter, Supraja Sridhara, Andrin Bertschi, and Shweta Shinde discovered that an untrusted hypervisor could inject malicious #VC interrupts and compromise the security guarantees of AMD SEV-SNP. This flaw is known as WeSee. A local attacker in control of the hypervisor could use this to expose sensitive information or possibly execute arbitrary code in the trusted execution environment. Several security issues were discovered in the Linux kernel. An attacker could possibly use these to compromise the system.

Apple Security Advisory 07-29-2024-9

Apple Security Advisory 07-29-2024-9 - visionOS 1.3 addresses bypass, information leakage, integer overflow, out of bounds access, out of bounds read, and use-after-free vulnerabilities.