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GHSA-97mg-9jhf-r7rm: Jenkins Maven Artifact ChoiceListProvider (Nexus) Plugin vulnerable to exposure of system-scoped credentials

Jenkins Maven Artifact ChoiceListProvider (Nexus) Plugin 1.14 and earlier does not set the appropriate context for credentials lookup, allowing the use of System-scoped credentials otherwise reserved for the global configuration. This allows attackers with Item/Configure permission to access and capture credentials they are not entitled to. As of publication of this advisory, there is no fix.

TerraMaster TOS 4.2.29 Remote Code Execution

This Metasploit module exploits an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability in TerraMaster TOS versions 4.2.29 and below by chaining two existing vulnerabilities, CVE-2022-24990 "Leaking sensitive information" and CVE-2022-24989, "Authenticated remote code execution". Exploiting vulnerable endpoint api.php?mobile/webNasIPS leaking sensitive information such as admin password hash and mac address, the attacker can achieve unauthenticated access and use another vulnerable endpoint api.php?mobile/createRaid with POST parameters raidtype and diskstring to execute remote code as root on TerraMaster NAS devices.

MagnusBilling Remote Command Execution

This Metasploit module exploits a command injection vulnerability in MagnusBilling application versions 6.x and 7.x that allows remote attackers to run arbitrary commands via an unauthenticated HTTP request. A piece of demonstration code is present in lib/icepay/icepay.php, with a call to an exec(). The parameter to exec() includes the GET parameter democ, which is controlled by the user and not properly sanitised/escaped. After successful exploitation, an unauthenticated user is able to execute arbitrary OS commands. The commands run with the privileges of the web server process, typically www-data or asterisk. At a minimum, this allows an attacker to compromise the billing system and its database.

vmwgfx Driver File Descriptor Handling Privilege Escalation

If the vmwgfx driver fails to copy the fence_rep object to userland, it tries to recover by deallocating the (already populated) file descriptor. This is wrong, as the fd gets released via put_unused_fd() which shouldn't be used, as the fd table slot was already populated via the previous call to fd_install(). This leaves userland with a valid fd table entry pointing to a freed file object. The authors use this bug to overwrite a SUID binary with their payload and gain root. Linux kernel versions 4.14-rc1 - 5.17-rc1 are vulnerable. Successfully tested against Ubuntu 22.04.01 with kernel 5.13.12-051312-generic.

CVE-2023-0291: WordPress Quiz And Survey Master 8.0.8 Cross Site Request Forgery ≈ Packet Storm

The Quiz And Survey Master for WordPress is vulnerable to authorization bypass due to a missing capability check on the function associated with the qsm_remove_file_fd_question AJAX action in versions up to, and including, 8.0.8. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to delete arbitrary media files.

GHSA-pc99-qmg4-rcff: act vulnerable to arbitrary file upload in artifact server

### Impact The artifact server that stores artifacts from Github Action runs does not sanitize path inputs. This allows an attacker to download and overwrite arbitrary files on the host from a Github Action. This issue may lead to privilege escalation. #### Issue 1: Arbitrary file upload in artifact server (GHSL-2023-004) The [/upload endpoint]( is vulnerable to path traversal as filepath is user controlled, and ultimately flows into os.Mkdir and os.Open. ``` router.PUT("/upload/:runId", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params httprouter.Params) { itemPath := req.URL.Query().Get("itemPath") runID := params.ByName("runId") if req.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip" { itemPath += gzipExtension } filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", runID, itemPath) ``` #### Issue 2: Arbitrary file download in artifact server (GHSL-2023-004) The [/artifact endpoint](

GHSA-w5w5-2882-47pc:'s x/crisis does not charge ConstantFee

# x/crisis does not charge ConstantFee ### Impact If a transaction is sent to the `x/crisis` module to check an invariant, the ConstantFee parameter of the chain is NOT charged. All versions of the `x/crisis` module are affected on all versions of the Cosmos SDK. ### Details The `x/crisis` module is supposed to allow anyone to halt a chain in the event of a violated invariant by sending a `MsgVerifyInvariant` with the name of the invariant. Processing this message takes extra processing power hence a `ConstantFee` was introduced on the chain that is charged as extra from the reporter for the extra computational work. This is supposed to avert spammers on the chain making nodes do extra computations using this transaction. By not charging the `ConstantFee`, the transactions related to invariant checking are relatively cheaper compared to the computational need and other transactions. That said, the submitter still has to pay the transaction fee to put the transaction on the network, h...

Vulnerability Spotlight: Multiple issues in Robustel R1510 cellular router could lead to code execution, denial of service

Francesco Benvenuto of Cisco Talos discovered these vulnerabilities. Blog by Jon Munshaw.  Cisco Talos recently discovered nine vulnerabilities in the Robustel R1510 industrial cellular router, several of which could allow an adversary to inject operating system code remotely.  The Robustel R1510 router is a dual-ethernet port wireless router that shares 3G and 4G wireless signals for use in industrial and internet-of-things environments. The router includes the use of open VPN tunneling, a cloud management platform to manage other devices and routers and different safeguards to manage data caps. Talos discovered five operating system command injection vulnerabilities in the router that an adversary could trigger by sending the targeted device a specially crafted network request. All these vulnerabilities have a CVSS severity score of 9.1 out of 10:  TALOS-2022-1578 (CVE-2022-34850)  TALOS-2022-1577 (CVE-2022-33150)  TALOS-2022-1576 (CVE-2022-32765)  TALOS-2022-1573 (CVE-2022-33325 ...

GHSA-97m3-52wr-xvv2: Dompdf's usage of vulnerable version of phenx/php-svg-lib leads to restriction bypass and potential RCE

### Summary A lack of sanitization/check in the font path returned by php-svg-lib, in the case of a inline CSS font defined, that will be used by Cpdf to open a font will be passed to a `file_exists` call, which is sufficient to trigger metadata unserializing on a PHAR file, through the phar:// URL handler on PHP < 8.0. On other versions, it might be used as a way to get a SSRF through, for example, ftp, not restricted by authorized protocols configured on dompdf. ### Details The problem lies on the `openFont` function of the `lib/Cpdf.php` library, when the `$font` variable passed by php-svg-lib isn't checked correctly. A path is crafted through $name and $dir, which are two values that can be controlled through CSS : ``` $name = basename($font); $dir = dirname($font); [...] $metrics_name = "$name.ufm"; [...] if (!isset($this->fonts[$font]) && file_exists("$dir/$metrics_name")) { ``` Passing a font named `phar:///foo/bar/baz.phar/test` will set the value of $name to `test` and $d...

GHSA-9c47-m6qq-7p4h: Prototype Pollution in JSON5 via Parse Method

The `parse` method of the JSON5 library before and including version `2.2.1` does not restrict parsing of keys named `__proto__`, allowing specially crafted strings to pollute the prototype of the resulting object. This vulnerability pollutes the prototype of the object returned by `JSON5.parse` and not the global Object prototype, which is the commonly understood definition of Prototype Pollution. However, polluting the prototype of a single object can have significant security impact for an application if the object is later used in trusted operations. ## Impact This vulnerability could allow an attacker to set arbitrary and unexpected keys on the object returned from `JSON5.parse`. The actual impact will depend on how applications utilize the returned object and how they filter unwanted keys, but could include denial of service, cross-site scripting, elevation of privilege, and in extreme cases, remote code execution. ## Mitigation This vulnerability is patched in json v2.2.2 and...