

Packet Storm

LMS ZAI 6.1 Insecure Settings

LMS ZAI version 6.1 suffers from an ignored default credential vulnerability.

Packet Storm
PHP MaXiMuS 2.5.2 Cross Site Scripting

PHP MaXiMuS version 2.5.2 suffers from a cross site scripting vulnerability.

NUKE SENTINEL 2.5.2 Cross Site Scripting

NUKE SENTINEL version 2.5.2 suffers from a cross site scripting vulnerability.

Minfotech CMS 2.0 SQL Injection

Minfotech CMS version 2.0 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.

Softing Secure Integration Server 1.22 Remote Code Execution

This Metasploit module chains two vulnerabilities to achieve authenticated remote code execution against Softing Secure Integration Server version 1.22. In CVE-2022-1373, the restore configuration feature is vulnerable to a directory traversal vulnerability when processing zip files. When using the "restore configuration" feature to upload a zip file containing a path traversal file which is a dll called ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Windows\System32\wbem\wbemcomn.dll. This causes the file C:\Windows\System32\wbem\wbemcomn.dll to be created and executed upon touching the disk. In CVE-2022-2334, the planted wbemcomn.dll is used in a DLL hijacking attack when Softing Secure Integration Server restarts upon restoring configuration, which allows us to execute arbitrary code on the target system. The chain demonstrated in Pwn2Own used a signature instead of a password. The signature was acquired by running an ARP spoofing attack against the local network where the Softing SIS server was ...

Ghostscript Command Execution / Format String

This Metasploit module exploits a format string vulnerability in Ghostscript versions before 10.03.1 to achieve a SAFER sandbox bypass and execute arbitrary commands. This vulnerability is reachable via libraries such as ImageMagick. This exploit only works against Ghostscript versions 10.03.0 and 10.01.2. Some offsets adjustment will probably be needed to make it work with other versions.

I2P 2.6.0

I2P is an anonymizing network, offering a simple layer that identity-sensitive applications can use to securely communicate. All data is wrapped with several layers of encryption, and the network is both distributed and dynamic, with no trusted parties. This is the source code release version.