

Red Hat Blog

Impacts from a new reality drive the need for an enhanced digital identity framework

Users are perhaps more vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks than ever before. The answer to this increased risk? A self-sovereign identity (SSI)—especially for the financial services sector. Learn more.

Red Hat Blog
Curated, tested and supported: How enterprise vendors mitigate open source supply chain risk

Consuming enterprise open source through a vendor like Red Hat meets the goal of minimizing the risk of using software in general, while affording the many benefits that only open source can provide. Learn how:

Discover and remediate security vulnerabilities faster with Red Hat Insights

If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), you can use Red Hat Insights to find out what systems are exposed, and to what extent. See how to find and remediate security vulnerabilities faster using Insights.

Overcoming vulnerabilities with live kernel patching in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5

You can use a built-in tool to get update the kernel on RHEL systems with no downtime. That tool is live kernel patching (kpatch). Kpatch has been a part of our operating system for some time now (since RHEL 8.1, 7.7). However, with RHEL 8.5 (and the 9.0 Beta), there are some significant enhancements.

DSE measures and improves DevOps

DSE wants to make sure that their DevSecOps vision is working across the company - to demonstrate, quantifiably, that the changes were having the desired effect. Let's take a look at how they stack up against four key DevOps metrics.