Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-7581-01 - Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language, which includes modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types and dynamic typing. Python supports interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various windowing systems.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-7813-01 - The zlib packages provide a general-purpose lossless data compression library that is used by many different programs.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-7830-01 - Node.js is a software development platform for building fast and scalable network applications in the JavaScript programming language. Issues addressed include HTTP request smuggling and bypass vulnerabilities.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-7585-01 - The libtiff packages contain a library of functions for manipulating Tagged Image File Format files. Issues addressed include buffer overflow, denial of service, and out of bounds read vulnerabilities.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-7821-01 - Node.js is a software development platform for building fast and scalable network applications in the JavaScript programming language. Issues addressed include a HTTP request smuggling vulnerability.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-7822-01 - The container-tools module contains tools for working with containers, notably podman, buildah, skopeo, and runc. Issues addressed include an information leakage vulnerability.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-7720-01 - The e2fsprogs packages provide a number of utilities for creating, checking, modifying, and correcting the ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems. Issues addressed include an out of bounds read vulnerability.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-7514-01 - FriBidi is a library to handle bidirectional scripts, so that the display is done in the proper way, while the text data itself is always written in logical order. Issues addressed include a buffer overflow vulnerability.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-7643-01 - The Berkeley Internet Name Domain is an implementation of the Domain Name System protocols. BIND includes a DNS server ; a resolver library ; and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly. Issues addressed include denial of service and memory leak vulnerabilities.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-7458-01 - Flatpak-builder is a tool for building flatpaks from sources.