### Summary When using `rustix::fs::Dir` using the `linux_raw` backend, it's possible for the iterator to "get stuck" when an IO error is encountered. Combined with a memory over-allocation issue in `rustix::fs::Dir::read_more`, this can cause quick and unbounded memory explosion (gigabytes in a few seconds if used on a hot path) and eventually lead to an OOM crash of the application. ### Details #### Discovery The symptoms were initially discovered in https://github.com/imsnif/bandwhich/issues/284. That post has lots of details of our investigation. See [this post](https://github.com/imsnif/bandwhich/issues/284#issuecomment-1754321993) and the [Discord thread](https://discord.com/channels/273534239310479360/1161137828395237556) for details. #### Diagnosis This issue is caused by the combination of two independent bugs: 1. Stuck iterator - The `rustix::fs::Dir` iterator can fail to halt after encountering an IO error, causing the caller to be stuck in an infinite loop. 2. Memory...
Endpoint management based on open source agents, such as osquery, could simplify IT management and security while giving larger firms more customization options.
A vulnerability in the web UI of Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Manager could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to retrieve arbitrary files from an affected system. This vulnerability is due to improper validation of parameters that are sent to the web UI. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by logging in to Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Manager and issuing crafted requests using the web UI. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to obtain arbitrary files from the underlying Linux file system of an affected system. To exploit this vulnerability, the attacker must be an authenticated user.
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