XenForo versions 2.2.15 and below suffer from a remote code execution vulnerability in the Template system.
XenForo versions 2.2.15 and below suffer from a cross site request forgery vulnerability in Widget::actionSave.
### Summary In `torrentpier/library/includes/functions.php`, `get_tracks()` uses the unsafe native PHP serialization format to deserialize user-controlled cookies: https://github.com/torrentpier/torrentpier/blob/84f6c9f4a081d9ffff4c233098758280304bf50f/library/includes/functions.php#L41-L60 ### PoC One can use [`phpggc`](https://github.com/ambionics/phpggc/) and the chain `Guzzle/FW1` to write PHP code to an arbitrary file, and execute commands on the system. For instance, the cookie `bb_t` will be deserialized when browsing to `viewforum.php`.
A malicious Telegram bot is the key to a veritable flourishing garden of nefarious cybercriminal activity, which was discovered via a series of Python packages.
### Summary The ProfileBasedRequestOptionsBuilder method returns allowedCredentials without any credentials if no username was found. ### Details When WebAuthn is used as the first or only authentication method, an attacker can enumerate usernames based on the absence of the `allowedCredentials` property in the assertion options response. This allows enumeration of valid or invalid usernames. #### Proposal how to resolve it: ``` return $this->publicKeyCredentialRequestOptionsFactory->create( $this->profile, count($allowedCredentials) <= 0 ? self::getRandomCredentials(): $allowedCredentials, $optionsRequest->userVerification, $extensions ); private static function getRandomCredentials(): array { $credentialSources = []; for ($i = 0; $i <= rand(0,1); $i++) { $credentialSources[] = new PublicKeyCredentialSource( random_bytes(32), "public-key", [], ...
Cybersecurity researchers said they discovered an accidentally leaked GitHub token that could have granted elevated access to the GitHub repositories of the Python language, Python Package Index (PyPI), and the Python Software Foundation (PSF) repositories. JFrog, which found the GitHub Personal Access Token, said the secret was leaked in a public Docker container hosted on Docker Hub. "This
In a new malware campaign, threat actors are using Google ads to target Mac users looking to download Microsoft Teams.
WordPress Poll Maker plugin version 5.3.2 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
Multiple threat actors have been observed exploiting a recently disclosed security flaw in PHP to deliver remote access trojans, cryptocurrency miners, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnets. The vulnerability in question is CVE-2024-4577 (CVSS score: 9.8), which allows an attacker to remotely execute malicious commands on Windows systems using Chinese and Japanese language locales. It
In [v1.5](https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#15-2022-12-11) we introduced the YOURLS server-side proxy. The idea was to allow using the YOURLs URL shortener without running the YOURLs instance without authentication and/or exposing the authentication token to the public, allowing anyone to shorten any URL. With the proxy mechanism, anyone can shorten any URL pointing to the configured PrivateBin instance. The vulnerability allowed other URLs to be shortened, as long as they contain the PrivateBin instance, defeating the limit imposed by the proxy. Neither the confidentially of existing pastes on the server nor the configuration options including the YOURLs token are affected. ### Impact This issue only affects non-standard configurations of PrivateBin. Instances are affected if all of the following conditions are met: 1. The PrivateBin instance enables URL shortening. 2. A YOURLs URL shortener is used and it is configured not to be public and require a...