An open redirection vulnerability has been identified in the friendsofsymfony/oauth2-php library, which could potentially expose users to unauthorized redirects during the OAuth authentication process. This vulnerability has been addressed by implementing an exact check for the domain and port, ensuring more secure redirection.
Several widely-used JSON Web Token (JWT) libraries, including node-jsonwebtoken, pyjwt, namshi/jose, php-jwt, and jsjwt, are affected by critical vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to bypass the verification step when using asymmetric keys (RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512).
In eZ Platform v2.3.x it is possible to bypass permission checks in a particular case. This means user data such as name and email (but not passwords or password hashes) can be read by unauthenticated users. This affects only v2.3.x. If you use v2.2.x or older you are not affected. To install, use Composer to update "ezsystems/repository-forms" to the "Resolving versions" mentioned above, or apply this patch manually: https://github.com/ezsystems/repository-forms/commit/ea82e136ec1ea40aca714abb79cc8e5bfece01e8 Have you found a security bug in eZ Publish or eZ Platform? See how to report it responsibly here: https://doc.ez.no/Security
There is an XSS vulnerability in CKEditor, which is used by AlloyEditor, which is used in eZ Platform Admin UI. Scripts can be injected through specially crafted "protected" comments. We are not sure it is exploitable in eZ Platform, but recommend installing it to be on the safe side. It is fixed in CKEditor v4.14, AlloyEditor v2.11.9. It is distributed via Composer, for: ``` eZ Platform v1.13.x: ezsystems/PlatformUIAssetsBundle v4.2.3 (included from ezsystems/PlatformUIBundle v1.13.x) eZ Platform v2.5.13: ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui-assets v4.2.1 eZ Platform v3.0.*: ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui-assets v5.0.1 eZ Platform v3.1.2: ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui-assets v5.1.1 ``` Drafts that are sent to trash become visible in the Review Queue, even for users that were not able to see them before this action. It's not possible to preview them, but their title and review history is displayed. This affects Enterprise Edition only, of which ezplatform-workflow is a part. This security ...
This Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in the Legacy shop module. A backend editor could perform object injection in discount rules. This would require backend access and permission to edit discount rules. While object injection in itself is a serious vulnerability, the permission requirement means that normally only administrators would be able to exploit it, that's why it was classified as Medium severity.
This Security Advisory is about a vulnerability in the way eZ Platform and eZ Publish Legacy handles file uploads, which can in the worst case lead to remote code execution (RCE), a very serious threat. An attacker would need access to uploading files to be able to exploit the vulnerability, so if you have strict controls on this and trust all who have this permission, you're not affected. On the basis of the tests we have made, we also believe the vulnerability cannot be exploited as long as our recommended vhost configuration is used. Here is the v2.5 recommendation for Nginx, as an example: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform/blob/2.5/doc/nginx/vhost.template#L31 This vhost template specifies that only the file app.php in the web root is executed, while vulnerable configurations allow execution of any php file. Apache is affected in the same way as Nginx, and is also protected by using the recommended configuration. The build-in webserver in PHP stays vulnerable, as it doesn't...
The eZ Platform and Legacy are affected by an issue related to how uploaded PHP and PHAR files are handled, and consists of two parts: 1. Web server configuration, and 2. Disabling the PHAR stream wrapper. **1. WEB SERVER CONFIGURATION** The sample web server configuration in our documentation can in some cases allow the execution of uploaded PHP/PHAR code. This can be abused to allow priviledge escalation and breach of content access controls, among other things. Please ensure that your web server will not execute files in directories were files may be uploaded, such as web/var/ and ezpublish_legacy/var/ As an example, here is how you can make Apache return HTTP 403 Forbidden for a number of executable file types in your eZ Platform var directory. Please adapt it to your needs. It is then possible to enable logging of HTTP 403 in a separate log file if you wish, you could do this to see if someone is trying to abuse the server. ``` RewriteEngine On # disable .php(3) and other exten...
This security advisory fixes a vulnerability in eZ Publish Legacy, and we recommend that you install it as soon as possible if you are using Legacy. Installations that are using the legacy LDAP login handler or the TextFile login handler in combination with the standard legacy login handler, may in rare cases be vulnerable to a failure of the standard login handler to verify passwords correctly, allowing unauthorised access. If your installation has never used the LDAP or TextFile login handlers, or never used legacy login at all, then it is not affected. Still, we recommend installing the update, to be on the safe side. To install, use Composer to update to one of the "Resolving versions" mentioned above, or apply this patch manually: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezpublish-legacy/commit/13f03a2be6c0ee4d0caaafaef05904ea9b0c4d9d
This security advisory fixes a vulnerability in eZ Publish Legacy, and we recommend that you install it as soon as possible if you are using Legacy via the LegacyBridge. Installations where all modules are disabled may be vulnerable to XSS injection in the module name. This is a rare configuration, but we still recommend installing the update, which adds the necessary input washing. To install, use Composer to update to one of the "Resolving versions" mentioned above, or apply this patch manually: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezpublish-legacy/commit/4697bff700e8cf95d5847ea19dad3479a77b02d9
This Security Advisory is about an object injection vulnerability in the SiteAccessMatchListener of eZ Platform, which could lead to remote code execution (RCE), a very serious threat. All sites may be affected. Update: There are bugs introduced by this fix, particularly but not limited to compound siteaccess matchers. These have been fixed in ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel v1.0.3, and in ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel v7.5.8, v6.13.6.4, and v5.4.15.