### Impact It is possible to schedule/trigger/unschedule existing jobs by having an admin visit the Job Scheduler page through a predictable URL, for example by embedding such an URL in any content as an image. To reproduce in an XWiki installation, open `<xwiki-host>:/xwiki/bin/view/Scheduler/?do=trigger&which=Scheduler.NotificationEmailDailySender` as a user with admin rights. If there is no error message that indicates the CSRF token is invalid, the installation is vulnerable. ### Patches The vulnerability has been fixed on XWiki 14.10.19, 15.5.5, and 15.9. ### Workarounds Modify the Scheduler.WebHome page following this [patch](https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/commit/f16ca4ef1513f84ce2e685d4a05d689bd3a2ab4c#diff-1e2995eacccbbbdcc4987ff64f46ac74837d166cf9e92920b4a4f8af0f10bd47). ### References - https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-20851 - https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/commit/f16ca4ef1513f84ce2e685d4a05d689bd3a2ab4c
### Impact In multilingual wikis, translations can be edited by any user who has edit right, circumventing the rights that are normally required for authoring translations (script right for user-scope translations, wiki admin for translations on the wiki). This can be exploited for remote code execution if the translation value is not properly escaped where it is used. To reproduce, in a multilingual wiki, as a user without script or admin right, edit a translation of `AppWithinMinutes.Translations` and in the line `platform.appwithinminutes.description=` add `{{async}}{{groovy}}println("Hello from Translation"){{/groovy}}{{/async}}` at the end. Then open the app with in minutes home page (`AppWithinMinutes.WebHome`) in the same locale. If translations are still working and "Hello from Translation" is displayed at the end of the introduction, the installation is vulnerable. ### Patches This has been patched in XWiki 14.10.20, 15.5.4 and 15.10RC1. ### Workarounds We're not aware of ...
### Impact Remote code execution is possible via PDF export templates. To reproduce on an installation, register a new user account with username `PDFClass` if `XWiki.PDFClass` does not exist. On `XWiki.PDFClass`, use the class editor to add a "style" property of type "TextArea" and content type "Plain Text". Then, add an object of class `PDFClass` and set the "style" attribute to `$services.logging.getLogger('PDFClass').error("I got programming: $services.security.authorization.hasAccess('programming')")`. Finally, go to `<host>/xwiki/bin/export/Main/WebHome?format=pdf&pdftemplate=XWiki.PDFClass`. If the logs contain "ERROR PDFClass - I got programming: true", the instance is vulnerable. ### Patches This vulnerability has been patched in XWiki 14.10.20, 15.5.4 and 15.10-rc-1. ### Workarounds If PDF templates are not typically used on the instance, an administrator can create the document `XWiki.PDFClass` and block its edition, after making sure that it does not contain a `style` att...
### Summary The [patch that addressed CVE-2023-40581](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/commit/de015e930747165dbb8fcd360f8775fd973b7d6e) attempted to prevent RCE when using `--exec` with `%q` by replacing double quotes with two double quotes. However, this escaping is not sufficient, and still allows expansion of environment variables. Support for output template expansion in `--exec`, along with this vulnerable behavior, was added to `yt-dlp` in version [2021.04.11](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/tag/2021.04.11). ```cmd > yt-dlp "https://youtu.be/42xO6rVqf2E" --ignore-config -f 18 --exec "echo %(title)q" [youtube] Extracting URL: https://youtu.be/42xO6rVqf2E [youtube] 42xO6rVqf2E: Downloading webpage [youtube] 42xO6rVqf2E: Downloading ios player API JSON [youtube] 42xO6rVqf2E: Downloading android player API JSON [youtube] 42xO6rVqf2E: Downloading m3u8 information [info] 42xO6rVqf2E: Downloading 1 format(s): 18 [download] Destination: %CMDCMDLINE:~-1%&echo pwned&calc.exe [4...
There are also two out-of-bounds write vulnerabilities in the AMD Radeon user mode driver for DirectX 11.
By cybernewswire Dubai, UAE, April 10th, 2024, CyberNewsWire Match Systems, a leading authority in crypto crimes investigations and crypto AML… This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Match Systems publishes report on the consequences of CBDC implementation, led by CEO Andrei Kutin
By Cyber Newswire Match Systems, a leading authority in crypto crimes investigations and crypto AML solutions provider, has published a comprehensive… This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Match Systems report on consequences of CBDC implementation, led by CEO Andrei Kutin
In a cyberattack more reminiscent of the 2010s, a seemingly lone hacker fleeced a major corporation for millions of open customer records.
CHAOS RAT web panel version 5.0.1 is vulnerable to command injection, which can be triggered from a cross site scripting attack, allowing an attacker to takeover the RAT server.
This report seems to detail an operation to disable Russia's industrial sensor and monitoring infrastructure at www.moscollector.ru.