


Raspberry Robin Malware Upgrades with Discord Spread and New Exploits

The operators of Raspberry Robin are now using two new one-day exploits to achieve local privilege escalation, even as the malware continues to be refined and improved to make it stealthier than before. This means that "Raspberry Robin has access to an exploit seller or its authors develop the exploits themselves in a short period of time," Check Point said in a report this

The Hacker News
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MoqHao Android Malware Evolves with Auto-Execution Capability

Threat hunters have identified a new variant of Android malware called MoqHao that automatically executes on infected devices without requiring any user interaction. "Typical MoqHao requires users to install and launch the app to get their desired purpose, but this new variant requires no execution," McAfee Labs said in a report published this week. "While the app is

New Rust-Based macOS Backdoor Steals Files, Linked to Ransomware Groups

By Waqas The backdoor impersonates a Visual Studio update. This is a post from Read the original post: New Rust-Based macOS Backdoor Steals Files, Linked to Ransomware Groups

2054, Part V: From Tokyo With Love

“Had this all been contrived? Had his life become a game in which everyone knew the rules but him?” An exclusive excerpt from 2054: A Novel.

New Coyote Trojan Targets 61 Brazilian Banks with Nim-Powered Attack

Sixty-one banking institutions, all of them originating from Brazil, are the target of a new banking trojan called Coyote. "This malware utilizes the Squirrel installer for distribution, leveraging Node.js and a relatively new multi-platform programming language called Nim as a loader to complete its infection," Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky said in a Thursday report. What

Stealthy Zardoor Backdoor Targets Saudi Islamic Charity Organizations

An unnamed Islamic non-profit organization in Saudi Arabia has been targeted as part of a stealthy cyber espionage campaign designed to drop a previously undocumented backdoor called Zardoor. Cisco Talos, which discovered the activity in May 2023, said the campaign has likely persisted since at least March 2021, adding it has identified only one compromised target to date, although it's

Spyware isn’t going anywhere, and neither are its tactics

For their part, the U.S. did roll out new restrictions on the visas of any foreign individuals who misuse commercial spyware.

GHSA-8v28-3g86-chj5: PanelSwWix4.Sdk .be TEMP folder is vulnerable to DLL redirection attacks that allow the attacker to escalate privileges

# Summary .be TEMP folder is vulnerable to DLL redirection attacks that allow the attacker to escalate privileges. # Details If the bundle is not run as admin, the user's TEMP folder is used and not the system TEMP folder. A utility is able to monitor the user's TEMP folder for changes and drop its own DLL into the .be/.Local folder immediately when the .be folder is created. When the burn engine elevates, the malicious DLL receives elevated privileges. # PoC As a standard, non-admin user: 1. Monitor the user's TEMP folder for changes using ReadDirectoryChangesW 1. On FILE_ACTION_ADDED, check if the folder name is .be 1. Create a folder in .be named after the bundle + .Local (e.g. MyInstaller.exe.Local) 1. Put the malicious COMCTL32.DLL in the .Local folder following the naming used for the real DLL (e.g. MyInstaller.exe.Local/ 1. Do hacker things when the engine escalates and the malicious DLL is loaded Proper naming f...

GHSA-259p-rvjx-ffwg: Panel::Software Customized WiX .be TEMP folder is vulnerable to DLL redirection attacks that allow the attacker to escalate privileges

# Summary .be TEMP folder is vulnerable to DLL redirection attacks that allow the attacker to escalate privileges. # Details If the bundle is not run as admin, the user's TEMP folder is used and not the system TEMP folder. A utility is able to monitor the user's TEMP folder for changes and drop its own DLL into the .be/.Local folder immediately when the .be folder is created. When the burn engine elevates, the malicious DLL receives elevated privileges. # PoC As a standard, non-admin user: 1. Monitor the user's TEMP folder for changes using ReadDirectoryChangesW 1. On FILE_ACTION_ADDED, check if the folder name is .be 1. Create a folder in .be named after the bundle + .Local (e.g. MyInstaller.exe.Local) 1. Put the malicious COMCTL32.DLL in the .Local folder following the naming used for the real DLL (e.g. MyInstaller.exe.Local/ 1. Do hacker things when the engine escalates and the malicious DLL is loaded Proper naming f...

GHSA-7wh2-wxc7-9ph5: WiX Toolset's .be TEMP folder is vulnerable to DLL redirection attacks that allow the attacker to escalate privileges

### Summary .be TEMP folder is vulnerable to DLL redirection attacks that allow the attacker to escalate privileges. ### Details If the bundle is not run as admin, the user's TEMP folder is used and not the system TEMP folder. A utility is able to monitor the user's TEMP folder for changes and drop its own DLL into the **.be/<bundle>.Local** folder immediately when the .be folder is created. When the burn engine elevates, the malicious DLL receives elevated privileges. ### PoC As a standard, non-admin user: 1. Monitor the user's TEMP folder for changes using ReadDirectoryChangesW 2. On FILE_ACTION_ADDED, check if the folder name is .be 3. Create a folder in .be named after the bundle + .Local (e.g. MyInstaller.exe.Local) 4. Put the malicious COMCTL32.DLL in the .Local folder following the naming used for the real DLL (e.g. MyInstaller.exe.Local/ 5. Do hacker things when the engine escalates and the malicious DLL is loaded Proper...