PHPJabbers Appointment Scheduler version 3.0 suffers from a CSV injection vulnerability.
PHPJabbers Appointment Scheduler version 3.0 suffers from a missing rate limiting control that can allow for resource exhaustion.
PHPJabbers Appointment Scheduler version 3.0 suffers from multiple persistent cross site scripting vulnerabilities.
PHPJabbers Appointment Scheduler version 3.0 suffers from multiple html injection vulnerabilities.
EzViz Studio v2.2.0 is vulnerable to DLL hijacking.
PHPJabbers Car Rental version 3.0 suffers from an html injection vulnerability.
PHPJabbers Car Rental version 3.0 suffers from multiple persistent cross site scripting vulnerabilities.
PHPJabbers Car Rental version 3.0 suffers from a CSV injection vulnerability.
PHPJabbers Car Rental version 3.0 suffers from a missing rate limiting control that can allow for resource exhaustion.
PHPJabbers Time Slots Booking Calendar version 4.0 suffers from a missing rate limiting control that can allow for resource exhaustion.