


GHSA-vvhj-v88f-5gxr: ghtml Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability

## Summary It is possible to introduce user-controlled JavaScript code and trigger a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in some cases. ## Actions Taken - Updated the documentation to clarify that while `ghtml` escapes characters with special meaning in HTML, it does not provide comprehensive protection against all types of XSS attacks in every scenario. **_This aligns with the approach taken by other template engines. Developers should be cautious and take additional measures to sanitize user input and prevent potential vulnerabilities._** More reading: - The backtick character (`) is now also escaped to prevent the creation of strings in most cases where a malicious actor somehow gains the ability to write JavaScript. This does not provide comprehensive protection either.

Kiuwan Local Analyzer / SAST / SaaS XML Injection / XSS / IDOR

Kiuwan SAST versions prior to 2.8.2402.3, Kiuwan Local Analyzer versions prior to master.1808.p685.q13371, and Kiuwan SaaS versions prior to 2024-02-05 suffer from XML external entity injection, cross site scripting, insecure direct object reference, and various other vulnerabilities.

SEH utnserver Pro/ProMAX / INU-100 20.1.22 XSS / DoS / File Disclosure

SEH utnserver Pro/ProMAX and INU-100 version 20.1.22 suffers from cross site scripting, denial of service, and file disclosure vulnerabilities.

GHSA-4vf6-mq7w-3hp6: Zend_Filter_StripTags vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting when comments allowed

Zend_Filter_StripTags contained an optional setting to allow whitelisting HTML comments in filtered text. Microsoft Internet Explorer and several other browsers allow developers to create conditional functionality via HTML comments, including execution of script events and rendering of additional commented markup. By allowing whitelisting of HTML comments, a malicious user could potentially include XSS exploits within HTML comments that would then be rendered in the final output.

GHSA-6v7p-5qcq-268c: Zend-Navigation vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting

Many Zend Framework 2 view helpers were using the `escapeHtml()` view helper in order to escape HTML attributes, instead of the more appropriate `escapeHtmlAttr()`. In situations where user data and/or JavaScript is used to seed attributes, this can lead to potential cross site scripting (XSS) attack vectors. Vulnerable view helpers include: - All `Zend\Form` view helpers. - Most `Zend\Navigation` (aka `Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\*`) view helpers. - All "HTML Element" view helpers: `htmlFlash()`, `htmlPage()`, `htmlQuickTime()`. - `Zend\View\Helper\Gravatar`

GHSA-4v57-pwvf-x35j: Zendframework potential Cross-site Scripting vector in `Zend_Service_ReCaptcha_MailHide`

`Zend_Service_ReCaptcha_MailHide` had a potential XSS vulnerability. Due to the fact that the email address was never validated, and because its use of `htmlentities()` did not include the encoding argument, it was potentially possible for a malicious user aware of the issue to inject a specially crafted multibyte string as an attack via the CAPTCHA's email argument

GHSA-gvpp-6jrj-5pqc: Zend-Form vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting

Many Zend Framework 2 view helpers were using the escapeHtml() view helper in order to escape HTML attributes, instead of the more appropriate escapeHtmlAttr(). In situations where user data and/or JavaScript is used to seed attributes, this can lead to potential cross site scripting (XSS) attack vectors. Vulnerable view helpers include: - All `Zend\Form` view helpers. - Most `Zend\Navigation` (aka `Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\*`) view helpers. - All "HTML Element" view helpers: `htmlFlash()`, `htmlPage()`, `htmlQuickTime()`. - `Zend\View\Helper\Gravatar`

GHSA-vvm3-rv48-j3g5: Zendframework Potential XSS or HTML Injection vector in Zend_Json

`Zend_Json_Encoder` was not taking into account the solidus character (/) during encoding, leading to incompatibilities with the JSON specification, and opening the potential for XSS or HTML injection attacks when returning HTML within a JSON string.

GHSA-gwpm-pm6x-h7rj: ZendFramework Cross-site Scripting vector in `Zend_Filter_StripTags`

`Zend_Filter_StripTags` is a filtering class analogous to PHP's `strip_tags()` function. In addition to stripping HTML tags and selectively keeping those provided in a whitelist, it also provides the ability to whitelist specific attributes to retain per whitelisted tag. The reporter discovered that attributes that contained whitespace, and in paricular, line breaks, surrounding the attribute assignment operator would not be stripped, regardless of whether or not they were whitelisted. As examples of input affected: ``` <!-- newlines before and/or after assignment: --> <a href="" onclick = "alert('Broken'); return false;">Issues</a> ``` When passed to the following code: ``` $filter = new Zend_Filter_StripTags(array('a' => array('href'))); $value = $filter->($html); ``` then the "onclick" attribute would remain, even though it was not specified in the tag's whitelist. This could open potential cross-site scripting attack (XSS) vectors. ## Recommendati...

GHSA-g52p-86j5-xr8q: ZendFramework Potential Cross-site Scripting in Development Environment Error View Script

The default error handling view script generated using `Zend_Tool` failed to escape request parameters when run in the "development" configuration environment, providing a potential XSS attack vector. `Zend_Tool_Project_Context_Zf_ViewScriptFile` was patched such that the view script template now calls the `escape()` method on dumped request variables. Zend Framework 1.11.4 includes a patch that adds escaping to the generated error/error.phtml view script, ensuring that request variables are escaped appropriately for the browser. Do note, however, that this will not update any previously generated code. You will still need to follow the next advice for previously generated error view scripts.