

CVE-2022-34871: Centreon Core | Centreon Documentation

This vulnerability allows remote attackers to escalate privileges on affected installations of Centreon. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the configuration of poller resources. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before using it to construct SQL queries. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to escalate privileges to the level of an administrator. Was ZDI-CAN-16335.



You can find in this chapter all changelogs concerning Centreon Core.

It is very important when you update your system to refer to this section in order to learn about behavior changes or major changes that have been made on this version. This will let you know the impact of the installation of these versions on the features you use or the specific developments that you have built on your platform (modules, widgets, plugins).

If you have feature requests or want to report a bug, please go to our Github

Centreon Web​****21.10.8​

Release date: August 3, 2022


  • [Configuration] Fixed SQLi vulnerability in escalations configuration
  • [Configuration] Fixed XSS vulnerability in escalations configuration


Release date: June 10, 2022

Bug Fixes​

  • [API] Fixed /monitoring/host endpoint to return service state
  • [API] Fixed SQL syntax when retrieving service_id field
  • [Business Activity] Fixed synchronization of configuration with Remote Server
  • [Configuration] Fixed export when host group is disabled
  • [Configuration] Fixed export when service group is disabled
  • [Configuration] Fixed export when service template is disabled
  • [Core] Fixed database partitioning issue with MySQL 8
  • [Dashboard] Fixed displaying of first service in host reporting dashboard
  • [Discovery] Fixed critical error when searching host templates with notification option in mappers configuration
  • [Install] Fixed error when installing Centreon with remote DBMS
  • [Monitoring] Fixed notification number in legacy pages
  • [Remote Server] Fixed synchronization of configuration
  • [Resource Status] Fixed color when resources are selected in downtime or acknowledged
  • [UX] Fixed timezone when adding a downtime or an acknowledgement
  • [UX] Follow user configuration for Date/Time display
  • [Widget] The list of pollers is now filtered according to the user’s ACLs


  • [Security] Fixed RCE in command
  • [Security] Fixed SQLi in virtual metrics
  • [Security] Sanitize and bind “hostgroups” queries
  • [Security] Sanitize and bind “meta_service” related queries
  • [Security] Sanitize and bind “poller” queries
  • [Security] Sanitize and bind ACL resources queries


Release date: May 2, 2022

Bug Fixes​

  • [API] Fixed an issue in the icons API endpoint that always returned 0 for total number of results
  • [Banner] Fixed display of empty skeleton
  • [Charts] Fixed slowdown in graphics display
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue that caused the export of the poller configuration files to fail when a disabled host template was used
  • [Configuration] Fixed checkbox selection after enabling/disabling a contact via icons
  • [Core] Fixed an issue where proxy settings were saved with empty parameters
  • [Install] Fixed an issue in database user creation with remote DBMS
  • [Monitoring] Fixed display of acknowledgement information in legacy Resources Status pages
  • [Monitoring] Fixed relation issue for recurrent downtimes
  • [Reporting] Fixed an issue where MBI graphs reports were not using graph templates
  • [Resources Status] Fixed default settings for acknowledgments and downtimes
  • [Resources Status] Fixed display of acknowledgements comments
  • [Resources Status] Fixed Hard/Soft translation
  • [Resources Status] Fixed monitoring command that was not displayed in Resources Status Details panel
  • [UX] Fixed display of date with UTC timezone in datepickers
  • [UX] Improved interface response time if CEIP is enabled but the browser does not have internet access

Security Fixes​

  • [Apache] Fixed cookies with missing or contradictory properties
  • [Apache] HTTPS Apache configuration now includes HSTS
  • [Configuration] Fixed an SQL injection issue in Configuration > Poller > Resources
  • [Core] Passwords are now obfuscated in the page’s HTML source
  • [Core] Replace Math.random by Crypto JS API
  • [PHP] Disabled allow_url_fopen in PHP


Release date: March 21, 2022

Security Fixes​

  • [Administration] SQL Injections on ACL group listing
  • [Administration] SQL Injection on Knowledge Base configuration form
  • [Administration] SQL Injections on LDAP listing
  • [Configuration] Command path traversal resulting in RCE on command edition form
  • [Configuration] SQL Injection on export configuration
  • [Configuration] SQL Injections on SNMP traps edition form
  • [Core] RCE in legacy PHP’s class autoload
  • [Monitoring] SQL Injection on performance curve edition form


Release date: March 3, 2022


  • [Authentication] Autologin Validation reinforcement
  • [Install] Set broker retry interval to 15s instead of 60s
  • [Performance] Improve SQL queries to use index
  • [Reporting] Add select2 to hostgroup and servicegroup reporting dashboards
  • [Resource Status] Added custom variables definition in URL/Action URL
  • [Resource Status] Create new filter on type of status (Hard or Soft)
  • [Stats] Manage exception for statistics
  • [UX] Add TheWatch url to Centreon footer

Bug Fixes​

  • [APIv2] Fixed criticality null return for monitoring endpoint
  • [Apache] Fixed SNMP MIB import mib with new mod_security rule definition
  • [Authentication] Improve LDAP authentication and authorization
  • [Authentication] Remove deadlocks on token deletion
  • [Configuration] A regression in the host/host template configuration form caused the inherited macros to be saved as owned by the host/host template instead of being inherited. This can be seen as the loss of orange coloration. To undo this unwanted change, remove the macros from the list and they will be inherited again.
  • [Configuration] Contact template properties not exported with the contact
  • [Configuration] Fixed an infinite loop in export of configuration
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue in the contact form. When a non-admin user modified another non-admin user, only access groups that were common to both users were kept, other access groups were lost for the second user.
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue in the contact form: when a non-admin user modified a duplicated contact, it resulted in a blank screen
  • [Configuration] Wizard doesn’t insert anymore old logger configuration
  • [Monitoring] Fixed deletion of comments
  • [Reporting] Fixed timeperiod selection in dashboards when changing resource
  • [Resources Status] Change “resource” by “type” in Resource status filter menu
  • [Resources Status] Contents cropped in many tiles in French
  • [Resources Status] Fixed display of old downtimes
  • [Resources Status] Removed the tooltips on hover for urls
  • [Resources Status] Rework Detail panel chip: hostgroup/servicegroup

Security Fixes​

  • XSS reflected from plugin’s metric output
  • XSS in reporting dashboard


Release date: January 26, 2022

Bug Fixes​

  • [Graph] Fixed display of additional graph if it came from Resources Status
  • [Install] Fixed SQL request syntax error for cron with MySQL 8
  • [Resources Status] Fixed display of meta-services
  • [Resources Status] Fixed graph unit displayed twice
  • [Resources Status] Fixed saving a filter on an existing name
  • [Resources Status] Take the default downtime options to set downtime
  • [UX] Fixed random disconnection since update to Centreon 21.10


Release note: December 24, 2021


  • [Administration] Display the name of the object that has been modified in the detail form of logs
  • [Authentication] Removed token display in login debug file
  • [UI] The top-counter menu for pollers is now refreshed immediately after enabling the “Export button” in the user’s profile

Bug Fixes​

  • [API] Fixed the access to API is account doesn’t have access to GUI
  • [Authentication] Fixed LDAP OU quote connection breaking
  • [CLAPI] Fixed an issue preventing ACLs from applying on services created with CLAPI
  • [CLAPI] Fixed error with LDAP configuration ID
  • [Configuration] Fixed SNMP Trap matching with service linked to multiple hosts
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue that caused the Anomaly Detection services to lose their graphs when they were renamed
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue that caused the loss of broker output configuration
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue that prevented from removing the SNMP community (and other fields) from the host form
  • [Configuration] Fixed the wizard for adding a new server that did not add it
  • [Configuration] Fixed unwanted writes into unexisting file when exporting Traps config at the same time as a trap arrives. Based on PR #9973. Fixes issue #4236.
  • [MBI] Fixed CBIS process trying to get contact_js_effects column that no longer exists
  • [Resource Status] Fixed graph tooltip


Release date: November 29, 2021

Bug Fixes​

  • [Authentication] Fixed PHP error when debug is enabled with OIDC authentication
  • [Configuration] Fixed the list of host template that was not available if the database name was different from the default
  • [UX] Non admin user do not have the same submenu subsections
  • [UX] Remove “Animation effects” option


  • [Authentication] Improve OIDC support (OpenId Connect)
    • Add Okta support
    • Add MS Azure AD / ADFS
    • Add possibility to define which claim is used for Centreon login
    • Add possibility to define complete URL for endpoints
    • Add possibility to use client_secret_basic as authentication. Based on PR #9878
    • Allow to define no redirect URL. Based on PR #9877
    • Add errors log in /var/log/centreon/login.log
    • Add possibility to display debug log in /var/log/centreon/login.log
    • Use proxy if defined
  • [API] API versioning is now consistent with Centreon’s major release number
  • [CEIP] Product Adoption component integration
  • [Configuration] The poller management actions are now only available via buttons:
    • “Add” now leads to the wizard.
    • "Add (advanced)" leads to the former “Add” action (for experts only).
    • “Delete” and “Duplicate” are converted into buttons.
    • “Delete” should normally not be confused with another action.
  • [Configuration] The deprecated “Logger” tab of the “Broker configuration” menu has been removed
  • [Resources Status] Revamp Search experience
  • [Resources Status] Revamp Timeline
  • [Resources Status] Add Sticky and Persistent options to ACK in Resource Status
  • [Resources Status] Allow detail tiles to be re-ordered for each user
  • [Resources Status] Add multi-select to Resources Status listing
  • [Resources Status] Add “Last OK” tile within Details panel
  • [Resources Status] Persist user selected number of rows displayed
  • [Resources Status] Make “duration” as the default second sorting criteria
  • [Resources Status] Add link to performance page in detail panel. Based on PR #9822
  • [Resources Status] Add Graphs panel for Hosts
  • [Resources Status] Add tooltip to explain grayed options
  • [Resources Status] Improve Custom Columns Name Display
  • [Resources Status] Move Shortcuts from dedicated panel to option within Header
  • [Resources Status] Make configure resource icon always visible
  • [Resources Status] Improve readability of command line displayed
  • [UX] Add Feature Flipping for Resources Status vs Legacy Pages
  • [UX] Downtimes can now be scheduled until 2100
  • [UX] The poller management action buttons are now hidden on Remote Servers

Beta enhancements​

  • [Configuration] Administrators can toggle a new button in the Pollers top-counter menu that allows them to export and reload the configuration of all pollers from any page

Breaking changes​

Access to API v2 has been changed. All of the beta endpoints have been migrated to version 21.10. This must be modified by “latest” or by the version of your Centreon platform (v21.10 for example).

For example replace:




or: By:



  • Move to PHP 8.0
  • Preparing Debian 11 support

Centreon Collect​****21.10.2​

Release date: June 15, 2022

Centreon Broker​****Improvements​

  • Improved the way TCP connections are stored by keeping them in an ordered structure. This should avoid rare connection issues experienced by some users

Bug fixes​

  • Fixed an issue that caused broker to crash when a BAM output was configured and the BAM tables did not exist
  • Added a bbdo_version function to the LUA libraries for Stream Connectors developers
  • Scheduled downtimes used to be inserted one at a time, which caused performance issues on platforms with a lot of recurrent scheduled downtimes. They are now injected in bulk inserts to reduce demands on the database and avoid performance issues.
  • Broker crashed when a logger was disabled/off
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent broker from connecting again after the database was stopped to make a LVM snapshot
  • Broker crashed when its configuration included a filter that referred to a module that wasn’t loaded

Centreon Engine​****Improvements​

  • Removed unnecessary informational log messages regarding Anomaly Detection in the Poller configuration export page

Bug fixes​

  • Fixed an issue that caused centengine to send duplicate service status messages to broker. This change will reduce network bandwidth consumption, database activity and disk I/O.
  • Fixed an issue with the way escaped special characters were managed (eg. \n)
  • Fixed an issue that caused loss of recovery notifications when a downtime end notification was sent before recovery
  • Reviewed the way time period exceptions are handled to fix some issues with the way notifications are managed

Centreon Perl & SSH Connectors​****Bug fixes​

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the SSH connector to crash
  • Fixed a memory leak issue in the Perl connector

As of version 21.10.0, the components of Centreon Collect (Centreon Broker, Centreon Clib, Centreon Engine and Centreon Connectors) are released simultaneously. They are now grouped under this section.


Release date: February 23, 2022

Centreon Broker​****Improvements​

  • Improved the multiplexing of events, which was a performance bottleneck. The processing speed of queued events should be significantly increased.
  • Some TLS trace logs were logged as errors, flooding the log file.
  • The SQL connections stats have been added to the broker stats available via gRPC.
  • Added the SQL Manager statistics in gRPC and stabilized the stats provider.
  • Added to LUA Stream Connectors’ perfdata label parser the compatibility with centreon-plugins new metrics naming convention.

Bug fixes​

  • Fixed a regression due to the central broker’s cache generation optimization, which was too thorough and prevented BAM from computing KPIs based on boolean rules
  • The central broker’s cache generation loaded too much data and took too much time when BAM was activated.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause segmentation faults in centreon-engine when scheduling external commands
  • Fixed a design issue to avoid trying to access variables of broker’s new logger when the logger was stopped. This issue could cause segmentation faults.
  • When a single metric is deleted, the corresponding RRD file is now actually removed.
  • If the SQL stream took too long to initialize its connection, then the Perfdata stream timed out and the whole connection failed. To fix this, the timeout has been increased.
  • In some circumstances, the mysql_ping function, which is used to test if the session is still active, could freeze. To fix this, the calls to mysql_ping have been spaced out, a timeout has been added, and the commit management has been consolidated.
  • Fixed an issue causing BAM Business Activities (best status) to remain in an OK state when the OK KPIs were removed
  • Refactored the BAM Business activities downtimes inheritance mechanism so that they are properly inherited and not duplicated anymore.

After having updated centreon-broker to this version, you may still have unwanted remaining downtimes on your Business Activities. It can happen if a downtime that was inherited from a KPI has been duplicated and if the original downtime ended before the bugfix was installed. In that case, you will have to apply the following procedure.

systemctl stop centenginesed -i -zE 's/(servicecomment|servicedowntime) \{\nhost_name=_Module_BAM_1\n[^}]*\}\n//g' /var/log/centreon-engine/retention.datsystemctl start centengine

All the downtimes applied on Business Activities have now been removed.

You must then restart the centengine service on all the other pollers to restore the legitimate inherited downtimes.

21.10.0​****Centreon Engine​

  • Flapping now starts only on non-OK states. Based on PR #523
  • Flapping now starts only for services of UP hosts or for hosts with UP parent. Based on PR #524. Fixes Issue #192
  • Provide feedback on gRPC client execution success/failure

Centreon Broker​

  • Queues (in memory and retention files) are now cleared for reversed broker flows without peer retention when the connection is reset. This is a change of behavior back to what it should have always been. It will prevent endless retention files for Centreon-Studio (Centreon-Map).
  • [BETA] Centreon-broker is now able to use OpenSSL instead of GNUTLS and allows forcing TLS/SSL version and cipher suite
  • Broker now only loads the modules that are necessary for its inputs and outputs
  • Old broker log format has been removed

Centreon Gorgone​****21.10.2​

Release date: February 17, 2022


  • Added an “audit” module to Gorgone to provide an overview of the system status, package versions, + some Centreon metrics.
  • Added a new “httpserverng” module to allow asynchronous API calls.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Service Discovery scans to fail because the wrong message was caught.
  • Fixed an issue that could make Gorgone crash in pull mode.
  • Fixed uninitialized values in Gorgone that could cause error log messages.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Gorgone from handling advanced Service Discovery features correctly.
  • Fixed an issue in the module management that could cause crashes.


Release date: December 14, 2021


  • Make Gorgone’s private key readable by centreon-gorgone only
  • Gorgone was too long to restart, which could cause the service to reach the systemctl timeout. The time to stop has been thoroughly decreased.


  • Add IPv6 support

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