

CVE-2022-2864: Changeset 2772352 for demon-image-annotation – WordPress Plugin Repository

The demon image annotation plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 4.7. This is due to missing nonce validation in the ~/includes/settings.php file. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to modify the plugin’s settings and inject malicious web scripts via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.


6 if($_POST[‘dia_hidden’] == ‘Y’) { 7 //post content wrapper 8 $dia_csscontainer = $_POST[‘dia_csscontainer’]; 9 update_option('demon_image_annotation_postcontainer’, $dia_csscontainer); 10 11 //plugin status 12 $dia_display = $_POST[‘dia_display’]; 13 update_option('demon_image_annotation_display’, $dia_display); 14 15 //admin only 16 $dia_admin = $_POST[‘dia_admin’]; 17 update_option('demon_image_annotation_admin’, $dia_admin); 18 19 //auto resize image 20 $dia_autoresize = $_POST[‘dia_autoresize’]; 21 update_option('demon_image_annotation_autoresize’, $dia_autoresize); 22 23 //comments thumbnail 24 $dia_thumbnail = $_POST[‘dia_thumbnail’]; 25 update_option('demon_image_annotation_thumbnail’, $dia_thumbnail); 26 27 //image note gravatar 28 $dia_gravatar = $_POST[‘dia_gravatar’]; 29 update_option('demon_image_annotation_gravatar’, $dia_gravatar); 30 31 //image note gravatar 32 $dia_gravatardefault = $_POST[‘dia_gravatardefault’]; 33 update_option('demon_image_annotation_gravatar_deafult’, $dia_gravatardefault); 34 35 //auto approve comment 36 $dia_autoapprove = $_POST[‘dia_autoapprove’]; 37 update_option('demon_image_annotation_autoapprove’, $dia_autoapprove); 38 39 //wordpress comment 40 $dia_comments = $_POST[‘dia_comments’]; 41 update_option('demon_image_annotation_comments’, $dia_comments); 42 43 //auto insert image id attribute 44 $dia_autoimageid = $_POST[‘dia_autoimageid’]; 45 update_option('demon_image_annotation_autoimageid’, $dia_autoimageid); 46 47 //numbering 48 $dia_numbering = $_POST[‘dia_numbering’]; 49 update_option('demon_image_annotation_numbering’, $dia_numbering); 50 51 //mouse over desc 52 $dia_mouseoverdesc = $_POST[‘dia_mouseoverdesc’]; 53 update_option('demon_image_annotation_mouseoverdesc’, $dia_mouseoverdesc); 54 55 //link 56 $dia_linkoption = $_POST[‘dia_linkoption’]; 57 update_option('demon_image_annotation_linkoption’, $dia_linkoption); 58 59 //link desc 60 $dia_linkdesc = $_POST[‘dia_linkdesc’]; 61 update_option('demon_image_annotation_linkdesc’, $dia_linkdesc); 62 63 //mouseover text 64 $dia_clickable_text = $_POST[‘dia_clickable_text’]; 65 update_option('demon_image_annotation_clickable_text’, $dia_clickable_text); 66 67 //note maxlength 68 $dia_maxlength = $_POST[‘dia_maxlength’]; 69 update_option('demon_image_annotation_maxlength’, $dia_maxlength); 70 71 ?> 72 <div class="updated"><p><strong><?php _e(‘Options saved.’ ); ?></strong></p></div> 6if (isset($_POST[“update_dia_options”])) { 7 if ( 8 !wp_verify_nonce( 9 $_POST[“_wpnonce”], 10 “diaupdateoptions” 11 ) 12 ) { 13 die(esc_html__( 'Update security violated’, ‘demon-image-annotation’ )); 14 } 15 if (sanitize_text_field($_POST[“update_dia_options”]) == “yes”) { 16 //post content wrapper 17 $dia_csscontainer = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_csscontainer’]); 18 update_option('demon_image_annotation_postcontainer’, $dia_csscontainer); 19 20 //plugin status 21 $dia_display = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_display’]); 22 update_option('demon_image_annotation_display’, $dia_display); 23 24 //admin only 25 $dia_admin = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_admin’]); 26 update_option('demon_image_annotation_admin’, $dia_admin); 27 28 //auto resize image 29 $dia_autoresize = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_autoresize’]); 30 update_option('demon_image_annotation_autoresize’, $dia_autoresize); 31 32 //comments thumbnail 33 $dia_thumbnail = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_thumbnail’]); 34 update_option('demon_image_annotation_thumbnail’, $dia_thumbnail); 35 36 //image note gravatar 37 $dia_gravatar = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_gravatar’]); 38 update_option('demon_image_annotation_gravatar’, $dia_gravatar); 39 40 //image note gravatar 41 $dia_gravatardefault = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_gravatardefault’]); 42 update_option('demon_image_annotation_gravatar_deafult’, $dia_gravatardefault); 43 44 //auto approve comment 45 $dia_autoapprove = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_autoapprove’]); 46 update_option('demon_image_annotation_autoapprove’, $dia_autoapprove); 47 48 //wordpress comment 49 $dia_comments = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_comments’]); 50 update_option('demon_image_annotation_comments’, $dia_comments); 51 52 //auto insert image id attribute 53 $dia_autoimageid = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_autoimageid’]); 54 update_option('demon_image_annotation_autoimageid’, $dia_autoimageid); 55 56 //numbering 57 $dia_numbering = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_numbering’]); 58 update_option('demon_image_annotation_numbering’, $dia_numbering); 59 60 //mouse over desc 61 $dia_mouseoverdesc = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_mouseoverdesc’]); 62 update_option('demon_image_annotation_mouseoverdesc’, $dia_mouseoverdesc); 63 64 //link 65 $dia_linkoption = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_linkoption’]); 66 update_option('demon_image_annotation_linkoption’, $dia_linkoption); 67 68 //link desc 69 $dia_linkdesc = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_linkdesc’]); 70 update_option('demon_image_annotation_linkdesc’, $dia_linkdesc); 71 72 //mouseover text 73 $dia_clickable_text = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_clickable_text’]); 74 update_option('demon_image_annotation_clickable_text’, $dia_clickable_text); 75 76 //note maxlength 77 $dia_maxlength = sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘dia_maxlength’]); 78 update_option('demon_image_annotation_maxlength’, $dia_maxlength); 79 ?> 80 <div class="updated"><p><strong><?php _e(‘Options saved.’ ); ?></strong></p></div>

101 <input type="hidden" name="dia_hidden" value="Y"> 110 <input type="hidden" name="update_dia_options" value="yes"> 111 <?php wp_nonce_field(“diaupdateoptions”); ?> 112

111 $selected = $dia_display == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 122 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_display) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

124 <input type="text" name="dia_csscontainer" value="<?php echo ($dia_csscontainer == ‘’) ? ‘’ : $dia_csscontainer; ?>" size="20"><em> eg: #entrybody, .entrybody</em><br> 135 <input type="text" name="dia_csscontainer" value="<?php echo (esc_textarea($dia_csscontainer) == ‘’) ? ‘’ : esc_textarea($dia_csscontainer); ?>" size="20"><em><?php esc_html_e( ' eg: #entrybody, .entrybody’ , ‘demon-image-annotation’) ?></em><br>

126 <strong><?php esc_html_e( ‘Example’ , ‘demon-image-annotation’); ?> (.entrybody)</strong><br> 137 <strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Example (.entrybody)' , ‘demon-image-annotation’); ?></strong><br>

143 $selected = $dia_autoimageid == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 154 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_autoimageid) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

149 <strong><?php esc_html_e( ‘Example’ , ‘demon-image-annotation’); ?> (img-postid-4774005463)</strong><br> 150 <code><img id="img-12-4774005463" src="" /></code><br><br> 160 <strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Example (img-postid-4774005463)' , ‘demon-image-annotation’); ?></strong><br> 161 <code><?php esc_html_e( ‘<img id="img-12-4774005463" src="" />’ , ‘demon-image-annotation’); ?></code><br><br>

164 $selected = $dia_admin == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 175 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_admin) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

180 $selected = $dia_autoresize == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 191 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_autoresize) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

196 $selected = $dia_numbering == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 207 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_numbering) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

202 <code><strong>03</strong> | Mouseover to load notes | Image Note by Flickr</code> 213 <code><?php printf( esc_html__( '%s03%s | Mouseover to load notes | Image Note by Flickr’, ‘demon-image-annotation’ ), '<strong>’, ‘</strong>’); ?></code>

211 <input type="text" name="dia_mouseoverdesc" size="30" value="<?php echo ($dia_mouseoverdesc == ‘’) ? ‘’ : $dia_mouseoverdesc; ?>" size="20"><em> eg. Mouseover to load notes</em> 222 <input type="text" name="dia_mouseoverdesc" size="30" value="<?php echo (esc_textarea($dia_mouseoverdesc) == ‘’) ? ‘’ : esc_textarea($dia_mouseoverdesc); ?>" size="20"><em><?php esc_html_e( ' eg. Mouseover to load notes’, ‘demon-image-annotation’ ); ?></em>

215 <code>03 | <strong>Mouseover to load notes</strong> | Image Note by Flickr</code> 226 <code><?php printf( esc_html__( '03 | %sMouseover to load notes%s | Image Note by Flickr’, ‘demon-image-annotation’ ), '<strong>’, ‘</strong>’); ?></code>

226 $selected = $dia_linkoption == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 237 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_linkoption) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

232 <input type="text" name="dia_linkdesc" size="30" value="<?php echo ($dia_linkdesc == ‘’) ? ‘’ : $dia_linkdesc; ?>" size="20"><em>eg: Source, Link, Flickr</em> 243 <input type="text" name="dia_linkdesc" size="30" value="<?php echo (esc_textarea($dia_linkdesc) == ‘’) ? ‘’ : esc_textarea($dia_linkdesc); ?>" size="20"><em><?php esc_html_e( 'eg: Source, Link, Flickr’, ‘demon-image-annotation’ ); ?></em>

236 <code>03 | Mouseover to load notes | <strong>Image Note by Flickr</strong></code> 247 <code><?php printf( esc_html__( '03 | Mouseover to load notes | %sImage Note by Flickr%s’, ‘demon-image-annotation’ ), '<strong>’, ‘</strong>’); ?></code>

247 $selected = $dia_clickable_text == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 258 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_clickable_text) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

267 $selected = $dia_comments == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 278 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_comments) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

282 $selected = $dia_autoapprove == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 293 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_autoapprove) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

297 $selected = $dia_thumbnail == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 308 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_thumbnail) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

309 <input type="number" name="dia_maxlength" max="300" value="<?php echo ($dia_maxlength == ‘’) ? ‘140’ : $dia_maxlength; ?>" size="20"><em> eg: 140</em> 320 <input type="number" name="dia_maxlength" max="300" value="<?php echo (esc_textarea($dia_maxlength) == ‘’) ? ‘140’ : esc_textarea($dia_maxlength); ?>" size="20"><em><?php esc_html_e( ' eg: 140’, ‘demon-image-annotation’ ); ?></em>

322 $selected = $dia_gravatar == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’; 333 $selected = esc_textarea($dia_gravatar) == $key ? ‘checked="checked"’ : '’;

327 <em><?php esc_html_e( 'Default gravatar : ', ‘demon-image-annotation’ ); ?></em><br/><?php echo get_bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?><input type="text" name="dia_gravatardefault" value="<?php echo $dia_gravatardefault ?>" size="20"> eg: /images/default.png<br> 338 <em><?php esc_html_e( 'Default gravatar : ', ‘demon-image-annotation’ ); ?></em><br/><?php echo get_bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?><input type="text" name="dia_gravatardefault" value="<?php echo esc_textarea($dia_gravatardefault) ?>" size="20"><?php esc_html_e( ' eg: /images/default.png’, ‘demon-image-annotation’ ); ?><br>

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