By Waqas Europol led Operation Endgame, the largest operation against botnets to date, focused on dismantling the infrastructure of malicious… This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: 4 Arrested as Operation Endgame Disrupts Ransomware Botnets
Law enforcement agencies in the United States and Europe today announced Operation Endgame, a coordinated action against some of the most popular cybercrime platforms for delivering ransomware and data-stealing malware. Dubbed "the largest ever operation against botnets," the international effort is being billed as the opening salvo in an ongoing campaign targeting advanced malware "droppers" or "loaders" like IcedID, Smokeloader and Trickbot.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Wednesday said it dismantled what it described as "likely the world's largest botnet ever," which consisted of an army of 19 million infected devices that was leased to other threat actors to commit a wide array of offenses. The botnet, which has a global footprint spanning more than 190 countries, functioned as a residential proxy service known as 911 S5.
The US says a Chinese national operated the “911 S5” botnet, which included computers worldwide and was used to file hundreds of thousands of fraudulent Covid claims and distribute CSAM, among other crimes.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) today said they arrested the alleged operator of 911 S5, a ten-year-old online anonymity service that was powered by what the director of the FBI called "likely the world's largest botnet ever." The arrest coincided with the seizure of the 911 S5 website and supporting infrastructure, which the government says turned computers running various "free VPN" products into Internet traffic relays that facilitated billions of dollars in online fraud and cybercrime.
By Cyber Newswire ELLIO and ntop partnership to boost high-speed network traffic monitoring with real-time data on opportunistic scans, botnets, and… This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: ELLIO and ntop Partnership Enhances Real-Time Network Traffic Monitoring
By Cyber Newswire ELLIO and ntop partnership to boost high-speed network traffic monitoring with real-time data on opportunistic scans, botnets, and… This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: ELLIO and ntop Partnership Enhances Real-Time Network Traffic Monitoring
The U.S. Department of the Treasury today unveiled sanctions against three Chinese nationals for allegedly operating 911 S5, an online anonymity service that for many years was the easiest and cheapest way to route one's Web traffic through malware-infected computers around the globe. KrebsOnSecurity identified one of the three men in a July 2022 investigation into 911 S5, which was massively hacked and then closed ten days later.
The threat actors behind the CatDDoS malware botnet have exploited over 80 known security flaws in various software over the past three months to infiltrate vulnerable devices and co-opt them into a botnet for conducting distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. "CatDDoS-related gangs' samples have used a large number of known vulnerabilities to deliver samples," the QiAnXin XLab team
By Deeba Ahmed Russian hackers and APT groups are escalating cyberattacks, leveraging readily available malware and broadening their targets beyond governments.… This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Russian Hackers Shift Tactics, Target More Victims with Paid Malware