Fuzz testing, by Ada Logics and sponsored by the CNCF, identified input to functions in the _chartutil_ package that can cause a segmentation violation. Applications that use functions from the _chartutil_ package in the Helm SDK can have a Denial of Service attack when they use this package and it panics. ### Impact The _chartutil_ package contains a parser that loads a JSON Schema validation file. For example, the Helm client when rendering a chart will validate its values with the schema file. The _chartutil_ package parses the schema file and loads it into structures Go can work with. Some schema files can cause array data structures to be created causing a memory violation. Applications that use the _chartutil_ package in the Helm SDK to parse a schema file can suffer a Denial of Service when that input causes a panic that cannot be recovered from. The Helm Client will panic with a schema file that causes a memory violation panic. Helm is not a long running service so the pani...
Binbloom 2.0 was discovered to contain a heap buffer overflow via the read_pointer function at /binbloom-master/src/helpers.c.
Version 2.0 of the Common Security Advisory Framework will enable organizations to automate vulnerability remediation.
Helmet Store Showroom Site v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via /hss/classes/Master.php?f=delete_product.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-8989-01 - The kpatch management tool provides a kernel patching infrastructure which allows you to patch a running kernel without rebooting or restarting any processes. Issues addressed include an out of bounds write vulnerability.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-8977-01 - D-Bus is a system for sending messages between applications. It is used both for the system-wide message bus service, and as a per-user-login-session messaging facility.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-8973-01 - The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system. Issues addressed include buffer overflow, code execution, memory leak, out of bounds write, and privilege escalation vulnerabilities.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-8974-01 - The kernel-rt packages provide the Real Time Linux Kernel, which enables fine-tuning for systems with extremely high determinism requirements. Issues addressed include buffer overflow, code execution, out of bounds write, and privilege escalation vulnerabilities.
Red Hat Security Advisory 2022-8971-01 - The USBGuard software framework provides system protection against intrusive USB devices by implementing basic whitelisting and blacklisting capabilities based on device attributes. To enforce a user-defined policy, USBGuard uses the Linux kernel USB device authorization feature.
Shoplazza version 1.1 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.