

glibc Local Privilege Escalation

Dubbed Looney Tunables, Qualys discovered a buffer overflow vulnerability in the glibc dynamic loader’s processing of the GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variable. This vulnerability was introduced in April 2021 (glibc 2.34) by commit 2ed18c.

Packet Storm
Qualys Security AdvisoryLooney Tunables: Local Privilege Escalation in the glibc's of conceptExploitationAcknowledgmentsTimeline========================================================================Summary========================================================================The GNU C Library's dynamic loader "find[s] and load[s] the sharedobjects (shared libraries) needed by a program, prepare[s] the programto run, and then run[s] it" (man The dynamic loader is extremelysecurity sensitive, because its code runs with elevated privileges whena local user executes a set-user-ID program, a set-group-ID program, ora program with capabilities. Historically, the processing of environmentvariables such as LD_PRELOAD, LD_AUDIT, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been afertile source of vulnerabilities in the dynamic loader.Recently, we discovered a vulnerability (a buffer overflow) in thedynamic loader's processing of the GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variable( Thisvulnerability was introduced in April 2021 (glibc 2.34) by commit 2ed18c("Fix SXID_ERASE behavior in setuid programs (BZ #27471)").We successfully exploited this vulnerability and obtained full rootprivileges on the default installations of Fedora 37 and 38, Ubuntu22.04 and 23.04, Debian 12 and 13; other distributions are probably alsovulnerable and exploitable (one notable exception is Alpine Linux, whichuses musl libc, not the glibc). We will not publish our exploit for now;however, this buffer overflow is easily exploitable (by transforming itinto a data-only attack), and other researchers might publish workingexploits shortly after this coordinated disclosure.========================================================================Analysis========================================================================At the very beginning of its execution, calls __tunables_init() towalk through the environment (at line 279), searching for GLIBC_TUNABLESvariables (at line 282); for each GLIBC_TUNABLES that it finds, it makesa copy of this variable (at line 284), calls parse_tunables() to processand sanitize this copy (at line 286), and finally replaces the originalGLIBC_TUNABLES with this sanitized copy (at line 288):------------------------------------------------------------------------269 void270 __tunables_init (char **envp)271 {272   char *envname = NULL;273   char *envval = NULL;274   size_t len = 0;275   char **prev_envp = envp;...279   while ((envp = get_next_env (envp, &envname, &len, &envval,280                                &prev_envp)) != NULL)281     {282       if (tunable_is_name ("GLIBC_TUNABLES", envname))283         {284           char *new_env = tunables_strdup (envname);285           if (new_env != NULL)286             parse_tunables (new_env + len + 1, envval);287           /* Put in the updated envval.  */288           *prev_envp = new_env;289           continue;290         }------------------------------------------------------------------------The first argument of parse_tunables() (tunestr) points to thesoon-to-be-sanitized copy of GLIBC_TUNABLES, while the second argument(valstring) points to the original GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variable(in the stack). To sanitize the copy of GLIBC_TUNABLES (which should beof the form "tunable1=aaa:tunable2=bbb"), parse_tunables() removes alldangerous tunables (the SXID_ERASE tunables) from tunestr, but keepsSXID_IGNORE and NONE tunables (at lines 221-235):------------------------------------------------------------------------162 static void163 parse_tunables (char *tunestr, char *valstring)164 {...168   char *p = tunestr;169   size_t off = 0;170 171   while (true)172     {173       char *name = p;174       size_t len = 0;175 176       /* First, find where the name ends.  */177       while (p[len] != '=' && p[len] != ':' && p[len] != '\0')178         len++;179 180       /* If we reach the end of the string before getting a valid name-value181          pair, bail out.  */182       if (p[len] == '\0')183         {184           if (__libc_enable_secure)185             tunestr[off] = '\0';186           return;187         }188 189       /* We did not find a valid name-value pair before encountering the190          colon.  */191       if (p[len]== ':')192         {193           p += len + 1;194           continue;195         }196 197       p += len + 1;198 199       /* Take the value from the valstring since we need to NULL terminate it.  */200       char *value = &valstring[p - tunestr];201       len = 0;202 203       while (p[len] != ':' && p[len] != '\0')204         len++;205 206       /* Add the tunable if it exists.  */207       for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof (tunable_list) / sizeof (tunable_t); i++)208         {209           tunable_t *cur = &tunable_list[i];210 211           if (tunable_is_name (cur->name, name))212             {...219               if (__libc_enable_secure)220                 {221                   if (cur->security_level != TUNABLE_SECLEVEL_SXID_ERASE)222                     {223                       if (off > 0)224                         tunestr[off++] = ':';225 226                       const char *n = cur->name;227 228                       while (*n != '\0')229                         tunestr[off++] = *n++;230 231                       tunestr[off++] = '=';232 233                       for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j++)234                         tunestr[off++] = value[j];235                     }236 237                   if (cur->security_level != TUNABLE_SECLEVEL_NONE)238                     break;239                 }240 241               value[len] = '\0';242               tunable_initialize (cur, value);243               break;244             }245         }246 247       if (p[len] != '\0')248         p += len + 1;249     }250 }------------------------------------------------------------------------Unfortunately, if a GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variable is of the form"tunable1=tunable2=AAA" (where "tunable1" and "tunable2" are SXID_IGNOREtunables, for example "glibc.malloc.mxfast"), then:- during the first iteration of the "while (true)" in parse_tunables(),  the entire "tunable1=tunable2=AAA" is copied in-place to tunestr (at  lines 221-235), thus filling up tunestr;- at lines 247-248, p is not incremented (p[len] is '\0' because no ':'  was found at lines 203-204) and therefore p still points to the value  of "tunable1", i.e. "tunable2=AAA";- during the second iteration of the "while (true)" in parse_tunables(),  "tunable2=AAA" is appended (as if it were a second tunable) to tunestr  (which is already full), thus overflowing tunestr.A note on fuzzing: although we discovered this buffer overflow manually,we later tried to fuzz the vulnerable function, parse_tunables(); bothAFL++ and libFuzzer re-discovered this overflow in less than a second,when provided with a dictionary of tunables (which can be compiled byrunning " --list-tunables").========================================================================Proof of concept========================================================================$ env -i "GLIBC_TUNABLES=glibc.malloc.mxfast=glibc.malloc.mxfast=A" "Z=`printf '%08192x' 1`" /usr/bin/su --helpSegmentation fault (core dumped)========================================================================Exploitation========================================================================This vulnerability is a straightforward buffer overflow, but what shouldwe overwrite to achieve arbitrary code execution? The buffer we overflowis allocated at line 284 by tunables_strdup(), a re-implementation ofstrdup() that uses's __minimal_malloc() instead of the glibc'smalloc() (indeed, the glibc's malloc() has not been initialized yet).This __minimal_malloc() implementation simply calls mmap() to obtainmore memory from the kernel.The question, then, is: what writable pages can we overwrite in the mmapregion? To the best of our knowledge, we have only two options (becausethis buffer overflow takes place at the very beginning of'sexecution):1/ The read-write ELF segment of itself (the first pages of thisread-write segment are actually's RELRO segment, but they have notbeen mprotect()ed read-only yet):------------------------------------------------------------------------7f209f367000-7f209f369000 r--p 00000000 fd:00 10943                      /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ r-xp 00002000 fd:00 10943                      /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ r--p 0002c000 fd:00 10943                      /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ rw-p 00037000 fd:00 10943                      /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, on all the Linux distributions that we checked, the unmappedhole immediately below's read-write segment is at most one page,but's __minimal_malloc() always allocates at least two pages ("oneextra page to reduce number of mmap calls"). In other words, the bufferwe overflow cannot be allocated immediately below's read-writesegment, and therefore cannot overwrite this segment.2/ Our only option, then, is to overwrite mmap()ed pages that wereallocated by tunables_strdup() itself: because __tunables_init() canprocess multiple GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variables, and because theLinux kernel's mmap() is a top-down allocator, we can mmap() a firstGLIBC_TUNABLES (without overflowing it), mmap() a second GLIBC_TUNABLES(immediately below the first one) and overflow it, thus overwriting thefirst GLIBC_TUNABLES. As a result, we can:- either replace this first GLIBC_TUNABLES with a completely different  environment variable, for example LD_PRELOAD or LD_LIBRARY_PATH -- but  these dangerous variables are later removed from the environment by (in process_envvars()), and such a replacement would therefore  be useless;- or replace the first GLIBC_TUNABLES with a GLIBC_TUNABLES that  contains dangerous (SXID_ERASE) tunables, which were previously  removed by parse_tunables() -- although this seems promising at first,  exploiting such a replacement would require a SUID-root program that  setuid(0)s and execve()s another program with a preserved environment  (to process the dangerous GLIBC_TUNABLES as root, but without  __libc_enable_secure).  Alas, we do not know of such a SUID-root program on Linux (on OpenBSD,  /usr/bin/chpass setuid(0)s and execv()s /usr/sbin/pwd_mkdb, and was  exploited in CVE-2019-19726); if you, dear reader, know of such a  SUID-root program on Linux, please let us know!At that point, the situation looked quite hopeless, but a comment's _dl_new_object() (which is called long after __tunables_init())caught our attention (at line 105):------------------------------------------------------------------------ 56 struct link_map * 57 _dl_new_object (char *realname, const char *libname, int type, 58                 struct link_map *loader, int mode, Lmid_t nsid) 59 { .. 84   struct link_map *new; 85   struct libname_list *newname; .. 92   new = (struct link_map *) calloc (sizeof (*new) + audit_space 93                                     + sizeof (struct link_map *) 94                                     + sizeof (*newname) + libname_len, 1); 95   if (new == NULL) 96     return NULL; 97  98   new->l_real = new; 99   new->l_symbolic_searchlist.r_list = (struct link_map **) ((char *) (new + 1)100                                                             + audit_space);101 102   new->l_libname = newname103     = (struct libname_list *) (new->l_symbolic_searchlist.r_list + 1);104   newname->name = (char *) memcpy (newname + 1, libname, libname_len);105   /* newname->next = NULL;      We use calloc therefore not necessary.  */ allocates the memory for this link_map structure with calloc(),and therefore does not explicitly initialize various of its members tozero; this is a reasonable optimization. As mentioned earlier, calloc()here is not the glibc's calloc() but's __minimal_calloc(), whichcalls __minimal_malloc() *without* explicitly initializing the memory itreturns to zero; this is also a reasonable optimization, because for allintents and purposes __minimal_malloc() always returns a clean chunk ofmmap()ed memory, which is guaranteed to be initialized to zero by thekernel.Unfortunately, the buffer overflow in parse_tunables() allows us tooverwrite clean mmap()ed memory with non-zero bytes, thereby overwritingpointers of the soon-to-be-allocated link_map structure with non-NULLvalues. This allows us to completely break the logic of, whichassumes that these pointers are NULL.We first tried to exploit this buffer overflow by overwriting thelink_map structure's l_next and l_prev pointers (a doubly linked list oflink_map structures), but we failed because of two assert()ion failuresin setup_vdso(), which immediately abort() (all the distributionsthat we checked compile their glibc, and hence, with assert()ionsenabled):------------------------------------------------------------------------ 96       assert (l->l_next == NULL); 97       assert (l->l_prev == main_map);------------------------------------------------------------------------We then realized that many more pointers in the link_map structure arenot explicitly initialized to NULL; in particular, the pointers toElf64_Dyn structures in the l_info[] array of pointers. Among these,l_info[DT_RPATH], the "Library search path", immediately stood out: ifwe overwrite this pointer and control where and what it points to, thenwe can force to trust a directory that we own, and therefore toload our own or LD_PRELOAD library from this directory, andexecute arbitrary code (as root, if we run through a SUID-rootprogram).------------------------------------------------------------------------Where should the overwritten l_info[DT_RPATH] point to? The easy answerto this question is: the stack; more precisely, our environment stringsin the stack. On Linux, the stack is randomized in a 16GB region, andour environment strings can occupy up to 6MB (_STK_LIM / 4 * 3, in thekernel's bprm_stack_limits()): after 16GB / 6MB = 2730 tries we have agood chance of guessing the address of our environment strings (in ourexploit, we always overwrite l_info[DT_RPATH] with 0x7ffdfffff010, thecenter of the randomized stack region). In our tests, this brute forcetakes ~30s on Debian, and ~5m on Ubuntu and Fedora (because of theirautomatic crash handlers, Apport and ABRT; we have not tried to workaround this slowdown).------------------------------------------------------------------------What should the overwritten l_info[DT_RPATH] point to? In other words,what should we store in our 6MB of environment strings? l_info[DT_RPATH]is a pointer to a small (16B) Elf64_Dyn structure:- an int64_t d_tag, which should be DT_RPATH (15), but this value is  never actually checked anywhere, so we can store anything there;- a uint64_t d_val, which is an offset into the ELF string table of the  SUID-root program that is being executed (this offset references a  string that is the "Library search path" itself).In our exploit, we simply fill our 6MB of environment strings with0xfffffffffffffff8 (-8), because at an offset of -8B below the stringtable of most SUID-root programs, the string "\x08" appears: this to trust a relative directory named "\x08" (in our current workingdirectory), and therefore allows us to load and execute our or LD_PRELOAD library from this directory, as root.------------------------------------------------------------------------One major problem remains unsolved, however: to avoid the kind ofassert()ion failures mentioned earlier (when we tried to overwrite thel_next and l_prev pointers of the link_map structure), we must overwritethe soon-to-be-allocated link_map structure with NULL pointers only(except l_info[DT_RPATH], of course); but intuitively, the ability tooverflow a buffer with a large number of null bytes while parsing anull-terminated C string sounds quite unusual.Luckily for us attackers, the bytes that are written out-of-bounds byparse_tunables() are also read out-of-bounds (at line 234), but not fromthe mmap()ed copy of our GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variable (tunestr),but from our original GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variable in the stack(valstring, at line 200). Consequently, if we store a large number ofempty strings (null bytes) immediately after our GLIBC_TUNABLES in thestack, followed by the string "\x10\xf0\xff\xff\xfd\x7f", followed bymore empty strings (null bytes), then we safely overwrite the link_mapstructure with null bytes (NULL pointers), except for l_info[DT_RPATH](which we overwrite with 0x7ffdfffff010, which points to our ownElf64_Dyn structures in the stack with a probability of 1/2730).Final note: the exploitation method described in this advisory worksagainst almost all of the SUID-root programs that are installed bydefault on Linux; a few exceptions are:- sudo on all distributions, because it specifies its own ELF RUNPATH  (/usr/libexec/sudo), which overrides our l_info[DT_RPATH];- chage and passwd on Fedora, because they are protected by special  SELinux rules;- snap-confine on Ubuntu, because it is protected by special AppArmor  rules.Last-minute note: although glibc 2.34 is vulnerable to this bufferoverflow, its tunables_strdup() uses __sbrk(), not __minimal_malloc()(which was introduced in glibc 2.35 by commit b05fae, "elf: Use theminimal malloc on tunables_strdup"); we have not yet investigatedwhether glibc 2.34 is exploitable or not.========================================================================Acknowledgments========================================================================We thank Red Hat Product Security, Siddhesh Poyarekar, the members oflinux-distros@openwall, Salvatore Bonaccorso, and Solar Designer.========================================================================Timeline========================================================================2023-09-04: Advisory and exploit sent to [email protected]: Advisory and patch sent to [email protected]: Coordinated Release Date (17:00 UTC).

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