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ABB Cylon Aspect 3.07.01 Hard-Coded Credentials

ABB Cylon Aspect version 3.07.01 BMS/BAS controller is operating with default and hard-coded credentials contained in install package while exposed to the Internet.

Packet Storm
TI Bluetooth Denial Of Service

Proof of concept toolkit to demonstrate the issue noted in CVE-2023-52709 related to the TI bluetooth stack. When running Defensics test case #SMP legacy 1001 with loop mode on DUT configured as resolvable private address, after a while, the device will end up generating unresolvable random private address causing denial of service for already bonded peer devices.

pgAdmin 8.11 Information Disclosure

pgAdmin versions 8.11 and earlier are vulnerable to a security flaw in OAuth2 authentication. This vulnerability allows an attacker to potentially obtain the client ID and secret, leading to unauthorized access to user data.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-7039-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 7039-1 - Several security issues were discovered in the Linux kernel. An attacker could possibly use these to compromise the system.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-7021-3

Ubuntu Security Notice 7021-3 - Several security issues were discovered in the Linux kernel. An attacker could possibly use these to compromise the system.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-7164-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-7164-03 - The Migration Toolkit for Containers 1.8.4 is now available. Issues addressed include denial of service and password leak vulnerabilities.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-7020-3

Ubuntu Security Notice 7020-3 - Several security issues were discovered in the Linux kernel. An attacker could possibly use these to compromise the system.

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-7137-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-7137-03 - An update for the python39:3.9 module is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 Advanced Mission Critical Update Support, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 Update Services for SAP Solutions, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 Telecommunications Update Service.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-7034-2

Ubuntu Security Notice 7034-2 - USN-7034-1 updated ca-certificates. This update provides the corresponding update for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The ca-certificates package contained outdated CA certificates. This update refreshes the included certificates to those contained in the 2.64 version of the Mozilla certificate authority bundle.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-7003-4

Ubuntu Security Notice 7003-4 - It was discovered that the JFS file system contained an out-of-bounds read vulnerability when printing xattr debug information. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service. Several security issues were discovered in the Linux kernel. An attacker could possibly use these to compromise the system.