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U.S. Treasury Sanctions 12 Kaspersky Executives Amid Software Ban

The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed sanctions against a dozen individuals serving executive and senior leadership roles at Kaspersky Lab, a day after the Russian company was banned by the Commerce Department. The move "underscores our commitment to ensure the integrity of our cyber domain and to protect our citizens against malicious cyber

The Hacker News
#intel#The Hacker News
Kaspersky's US Customers Face Tight Deadline Following Govt. Ban

After Sept. 29, 2024, organizations and individuals that continue using the vendor's products will no longer receive any updates or support.

'SneakyChef' APT Slices Up Foreign Affairs With SugarGh0st

Government ministries keep falling victim to relatively standard-fare cyber-espionage attacks, like this latest campaign with hazy Chinese links.

CISO Corner: Critical Infrastructure Misinformation; France's Atos Bid

Our collection of the most relevant reporting and industry perspectives for those guiding cybersecurity strategies and focused on SecOps. Also included: Inside China's civilian hacker army; outer space threats; and NIST 2.0 Framework secrets for success.

Legal Defense Fund Covers Crypto Research

The nonprofit Security Alliance is providing funds to protect security researchers who illegally access crypto assets with the aim of improving security.

Perplexity Plagiarized Our Story About How Perplexity Is a Bullshit Machine

Experts aren’t unanimous about whether the AI-powered search startup’s practices could expose it to legal claims ranging from infringement to defamation—but some say plaintiffs would have strong cases.

Multifactor Authentication Is Not Enough to Protect Cloud Data

Ticketmaster, Santander Bank, and other large firms have suffered data leaks from a large cloud-based service, underscoring that companies need to pay attention to authentication.