


Transposh WordPress Translation Remote Code Execution

Transposh WordPress Translation versions and below have a "save_transposh" action available at "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=tp_advanced" that does not properly validate the "Log file name" allowing an attacker with the "Administrator" role to specify a .php file as the log destination. Since the log file is stored directly within the "/wp-admin" directory, executing arbitrary PHP code is possible by simply sending a crafted request that gets logged.

Packet Storm
Transposh WordPress Translation SQL Injection

Transposh WordPress Translation versions and below have a "tp_editor" page at "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=tp_editor" that is vulnerable to two authenticated, blind SQL injections when user-supplied input to the HTTP GET parameters "order" and "orderby" is processed by the web application.

Transposh WordPress Translation Improper Authorization

Transposh WordPress Translation versions and below do not properly enforce authorization on functionalities available on the plugin's "Utilities" page leading to unauthorized access for all user roles, including "Subscriber".

Transposh WordPress Translation Information Disclosure

Transposh WordPress Translation versions and below have an ajax action called "tp_history" which is intended to return data about who has translated a text given by the "token" parameter. However, the plugin also returns the user's login name as part of the "user_login" attribute. Successful exploits can allow an unauthenticated attacker to leak the WordPress username of translators. If an anonymous user submitted the translation, then the user's IP address is returned.

Transposh WordPress Translation Cross Site Request Forgery

Transposh WordPress Translation versions and below suffer from cross site request forgery vulnerabilities.

Transposh WordPress Translation 1.0.7 Incorrect Authorization

Transposh WordPress Translation versions 1.0.7 and below suffer from an incorrect authorization vulnerability. When installed, Transposh comes with a set of pre-configured options, one of these is the "Who can translate" setting under the "Settings" tab, which by default allows "Anonymous" users to add translations via the plugin's "tp_translation" ajax action. Successful exploits can allow an unauthenticated attacker to add translations to the WordPress site and thereby influence what is actually shown on the site.

Transposh WordPress Translation 1.0.7 Cross Site Scripting

Transposh WordPress Translation versions 1.0.7 and below have an ajax action "tp_translation" which is available to authenticated or unauthenticated users (see CVE-2022-2461) that allows them to submit new translations. Translations submitted this way are shown on the Transposh administrative interface on the pages "tp_main" and "tp_editor". However, since the plugin does not properly validate and sanitize the submitted translation, arbitrary Javascript code can be permanently injected and executed directly within the backend across all users visiting the page with the roles of at least "Subscriber" and up to "Administrator".

Transposh WordPress Translation 1.0.7 Cross Site Scripting

Transposh WordPress Translation versions 1.0.7 and below have an ajax action "tp_tp" that is vulnerable to an unauthenticated/authenticated reflected cross site scripting vulnerability when user-supplied input to the HTTP GET parameter "q" is processed by the web application. Since the application does not properly validate and sanitize this parameter, it is possible to place arbitrary script code onto the same page.

CVE-2022-1799: Release Notes  |  Google Play services  |  Google Developers

Incorrect signature trust exists within Google Play services SDK play-services-basement. A debug version of Google Play services is trusted by the SDK for devices that are non-GMS. We recommend upgrading the SDK past the 2022-05-03 release.

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