memos is a privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service. In memos 0.13.2, an SSRF vulnerability exists at the `/o/get/image` that allows unauthenticated users to enumerate the internal network and retrieve images. The response from the image request is then copied into the response of the current server request, causing a reflected XSS vulnerability. Version 0.22.0 of memos removes the vulnerable file.
memos is a privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service. In memos 0.13.2, an SSRF vulnerability exists at the /o/get/httpmeta that allows unauthenticated users to enumerate the internal network and receive limited html values in json form. This vulnerability is fixed in 0.16.1.
memos is a privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service. In memos 0.13.2, an SSRF vulnerability exists at the `/api/resource` that allows authenticated users to enumerate the internal network. Version 0.22.0 of memos removes the vulnerable file.
RobotsAndPencils go-saml, a SAML client library written in Go, contains an authentication bypass vulnerability in all known versions. This is due to how the `xmlsec1` command line tool is called internally to verify the signature of SAML assertions. When `xmlsec1` is used without defining the enabled key data, the origin of the public key for the signature verification is, unfortunately, not restricted. That means an attacker can sign the SAML assertions themselves and provide the required public key (e.g. an RSA key) directly embedded in the SAML token. Projects still using RobotsAndPencils/go-saml should move to another SAML library or alternatively remove support for SAML from their projects. The vulnerability can likely temporarily be fixed by forking the go-saml project and adding the command line argument `--enabled-key-data` and specifying a value such as `x509` or `raw-x509-cert` when calling the `xmlsec1` binary in the verify function. Please note that this workaround must be ...
Apereo CAS is an open source multilingual single sign-on solution for the web. Apereo CAS can be configured to use authentication based on client X509 certificates. These certificates can be provided via TLS handshake or a special HTTP header, such as “ssl_client_cert”. When checking the validity of the provided client certificate, X509CredentialsAuthenticationHandler performs check that this certificate is not revoked. To do so, it fetches URLs provided in the “CRL Distribution Points” extension of the certificate, which are taken from the certificate itself and therefore can be controlled by a malicious user. If the CAS server is configured to use an LDAP server for x509 authentication with a password, for example by setting a “cas.authn.x509.ldap.ldap-url” and “cas.authn.x509.ldap.bind-credential” properties, X509CredentialsAuthenticationHandler fetches revocation URLs from the certificate, which can be LDAP urls. When making requests to this LDAP urls, Apereo CAS uses the same pass...
Alpine is a scaffolding library in Java. Alpine prior to version 1.10.4 allows Authentication Filter bypass. The AuthenticationFilter relies on the request URI to evaluate if the user is accessing the swagger endpoint. By accessing a URL with a path such as /api/foo;%2fapi%2fswagger the contains condition will hold and will return from the authentication filter without aborting the request. Note that the principal object will not be assigned and therefore the issue wont allow user impersonation. This issue has been fixed in version 1.10.4. There are no known workarounds.
Researchers say "LianSpy" malware has been in use in a covert data gathering operation that's gone undetected for at least three years.
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In the cloud, patches disseminate automatically. On your computer, you get notified. IoT devices, meanwhile, can escape attention for years on end.
### Summary Nuxt Devtools is missing authentication on the `getTextAssetContent` RPC function which is vulnerable to path traversal. Combined with a lack of Origin checks on the WebSocket handler, an attacker is able to interact with a locally running devtools instance and exfiltrate data abusing this vulnerability. In certain configurations an attacker could leak the devtools authentication token and then abuse other RPC functions to achieve RCE. ### Details The `getTextAssetContent` function does not check for path traversals [(source)](https://github.com/nuxt/devtools/blob/c4f2b68281203fc3f61ffc97d9c6623fbfde46bb/packages/devtools/src/server-rpc/assets.ts#L88C48-L88C48), this could allow an attacker to read arbitrary files over the RPC WebSocket. The WebSocket server does not check the origin of the request [(source)](https://github.com/nuxt/devtools/blob/c4f2b68281203fc3f61ffc97d9c6623fbfde46bb/packages/devtools/src/server-rpc/index.ts#L109) leading to [CSWSH](https://ports...