


eFile Tax Return Software Found Serving Up Malware

In the height of tax-return season, a popular tax prep software service leaves a malicious JavaScript file online for weeks.

GHSA-5p75-vc5g-8rv2: SvelteKit vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery

### Summary The SvelteKit framework offers developers an option to create simple REST APIs. This is done by defining a `+server.js` file, containing endpoint handlers for different HTTP methods. SvelteKit provides out-of-the-box cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection to it’s users. The protection is implemented at `kit/src/runtime/server/respond.js#L52`. While the implementation does a sufficient job in mitigating common CSRF attacks, the protection can be bypassed by simply specifying a different `Content-Type` header value. ### Details The CSRF protection is implemented using the code shown below. ```js const forbidden = // (1) request.method === 'POST' && // (2) request.headers.get('origin') !== url.origin && // (3) is_form_content_type(request); if (forbidden) { // (4) const csrf_error = error(403, `Cross-site ${request.method} form submissions are forbidden`); if (request.headers.get('accept') === 'application/json') { return json(csrf_error.body, {...

CVE-2023-27091: TeaCMS have a logic flaw · Issue #I6SXAF · XiaoBingBy/TeaCMS -

An unauthorized access issue found in XiaoBingby TeaCMS 2.3.3 allows attackers to escalate privileges via the id and keywords parameter(s).

CVE-2023-27487: Client may fake the header `x-envoy-original-path`

Envoy is an open source edge and service proxy designed for cloud-native applications. Prior to versions 1.26.0, 1.25.3, 1.24.4, 1.23.6, and 1.22.9, the client may bypass JSON Web Token (JWT) checks and forge fake original paths. The header `x-envoy-original-path` should be an internal header, but Envoy does not remove this header from the request at the beginning of request processing when it is sent from an untrusted client. The faked header would then be used for trace logs and grpc logs, as well as used in the URL used for `jwt_authn` checks if the `jwt_authn` filter is used, and any other upstream use of the x-envoy-original-path header. Attackers may forge a trusted `x-envoy-original-path` header. Versions 1.26.0, 1.25.3, 1.24.4, 1.23.6, and 1.22.9 have patches for this issue.

CVE-2023-26777: Script tag in Footer Text breaks window.preloadData at Status Page · Issue #2186 · louislam/uptime-kuma

Cross Site Scripting vulnerability found in :ouislam Uptime Kuma v.1.19.6 and before allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands via the description, title, footer, and incident creation parameter of the status_page.js endpoint.

CVE-2021-3267: File upload vulnerability leads to getshell · Issue #6 · Kitesky/KiteCMS

File Upload vulnerability found in KiteCMS v.1.1 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the uploadFile function.


An issue found in Jsish v.3.0.11 and before allows an attacker to cause a denial of service via the StringReplaceCmd function in the src/jsiChar.c file.


An issue found in Jsish v.3.0.11 and before allows an attacker to cause a denial of service via the Jsi_Strlen function in the src/jsiChar.c file.


An issue found in Jsish v.3.0.11 allows a remote attacker to cause a denial of service via the Jsi_ValueIsNumber function in ./src/jsiValue.c file.

CVE-2020-20914: There is a SQL Injection vulnerability that can dump the database · Issue #29 · sanluan/PublicCMS

SQL Injection vulnerability found in San Luan PublicCMS v.4.0 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the sql parameter.