Pavel Durov, founder and chief executive of the popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France on Saturday, according to French television network TF1. Durov is believed to have been apprehended pursuant to a warrant issued in connection with a preliminary police investigation. TF1 said the probe was focused on a lack of content moderation on the instant messaging service, which the
Hyperledger Fabric through 2.5.9 does not verify that a request has a timestamp within the expected time window.
Plus: The US intelligence community formally blames Iran for Trump campaign hack, aircraft-tracking platform FlightAware says a “configuration error” exposed sensitive user data, and more.
A persistent (stored) cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been identified in Automad 2.0.0-alpha.4. This vulnerability enables an attacker to inject malicious JavaScript code into the template body. The injected code is stored within the flat file CMS and is executed in the browser of any user visiting the forum.
Guest users in the Mage AI framework that remain logged in after their accounts are deleted, are mistakenly given high privileges and specifically given access to remotely execute arbitrary code through the Mage AI terminal server.
Mage AI allows remote users with the "Viewer" role to leak arbitrary files from the Mage server due to a path traversal in the "Pipeline Interaction" request
Mage AI allows remote users with the "Viewer" role to leak arbitrary files from the Mage server due to a path traversal in the "File Content" request
Mage AI allows remote users with the "Viewer" role to leak arbitrary files from the Mage server due to a path traversal in the "Git Content" request
### Summary In Froxlor 2.1.9 and in the HEADs of the `main`, `v2.2` and `v2.1` branches , the XML templates in `lib/configfiles/` set `chmod 644` for `/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf`, although that file contains `<SQL_UNPRIVILEGED_PASSWORD>`. At least on Debian 12, all parent directories of `/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf` are world readable by default, thus exposing these credentials to all users with access to the system. Only Froxlor instances configured to use pure-ftpd are affected/vulnerable. ### Details https://github.com/froxlor/Froxlor/blob/2.1.9/lib/configfiles/bookworm.xml#L3075 ### PoC As non-privileged user: ``` nobody@mail:/tmp$ grep MYSQLPassword /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf MYSQLPassword MySecretMySQLPasswordForFroxlor ``` ### Impact Any unprivileged user with "command/code execution" access to the system can trivially obtain the credentials granting access to the `froxlor` MySQL database. This holds true even for virtual users without SSH access as long as they are a...
The following presentation at this year's DEF CON was brought to our attention on the Diesel Gitter Channel: > SQL Injection isn't Dead: Smuggling Queries at the Protocol Level > <http://web.archive.org/web/20240812130923/https://media.defcon.org/DEF%20CON%2032/DEF%20CON%2032%20presentations/DEF%20CON%2032%20-%20Paul%20Gerste%20-%20SQL%20Injection%20Isn't%20Dead%20Smuggling%20Queries%20at%20the%20Protocol%20Level.pdf> > (Archive link for posterity.) Essentially, encoding a value larger than 4GiB can cause the length prefix in the protocol to overflow, causing the server to interpret the rest of the string as binary protocol commands or other data. It appears Diesel _does_ perform truncating casts in a way that could be problematic, for example: <https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/blob/ae82c4a5a133db65612b7436356f549bfecda1c7/diesel/src/pg/connection/stmt/mod.rs#L36> This code has existed essentially since the beginning, so it is reasonable to assume that all published versio...