


Cyberattackers Torch Python Machine Learning Project

The popular PyTorch Python project for data scientists and machine learning developers has become the latest open source project to be targeted with a dependency confusion attack.

CVE-2022-23506: Merge pull request from GHSA-wqq8-664f-54hh · spinnaker/rosco@e80cfaa

Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes, and Spinnaker's Rosco microservice produces machine images. Rosco prior to versions 1.29.2, 1.28.4, and 1.27.3 does not property mask secrets generated via packer builds. This can lead to exposure of sensitive AWS credentials in packer log files. Versions 1.29.2, 1.28.4, and 1.27.3 of Rosco contain fixes for this issue. A workaround is available. It's recommended to use short lived credentials via role assumption and IAM profiles. Additionally, credentials can be set in `/home/spinnaker/.aws/credentials` and `/home/spinnaker/.aws/config` as a volume mount for Rosco pods vs. setting credentials in roscos bake config properties. Last even with those it's recommend to use IAM Roles vs. long lived credentials. This drastically mitigates the risk of credentials exposure. If users have used static credentials, it's recommended to purge any bake logs for AWS, evaluate whether AWS_ACCESS_KEY, ...

Raspberry Robin Worm Hatches a Highly Complex Upgrade

The Evil Corp-linked malware family has undergone an evolution, becoming more obfuscated and "several times more complex," as the group behind it tests how far the worm can be spread.

GHSA-5pq7-52mg-hr42: httparty has multipart/form-data request tampering vulnerability

### Impact I found "multipart/form-data request tampering vulnerability" caused by Content-Disposition "filename" lack of escaping in httparty. `httparty/lib/httparty/request` > `body.rb` > `def generate_multipart` By exploiting this problem, the following attacks are possible * An attack that rewrites the "name" field according to the crafted file name, impersonating (overwriting) another field. * Attacks that rewrite the filename extension at the time multipart/form-data is generated by tampering with the filename For example, this vulnerability can be exploited to generate the following Content-Disposition. > Normal Request example: > normal input filename: `abc.txt` > > generated normal header in multipart/form-data > `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="avatar"; filename="abc.txt"` > Malicious Request example > malicious input filename: `overwrite_name_f...

Hackers Using Stolen Bank Information to Trick Victims into Downloading BitRAT Malware

A new malware campaign has been observed using sensitive information stolen from a bank as a lure in phishing emails to drop a remote access trojan called BitRAT. The unknown adversary is believed to have hijacked the IT infrastructure of a Colombian cooperative bank, using the information to craft convincing decoy messages to lure victims into opening suspicious Excel attachments. The discovery

Raspberry Robin Worm Evolves to Attack Financial and Insurance Sectors in Europe

Financial and insurance sectors in Europe have been targeted by the Raspberry Robin worm, as the malware continues to evolve its post-exploitation capabilities while remaining under the radar. "What is unique about the malware is that it is heavily obfuscated and highly complex to statically disassemble," Security Joes said in a new report published Monday. The intrusions, observed against

New device? Here's how to safely dispose of your old one

Categories: Android Categories: Apple Categories: News Tags: devices Tags: recycle Tags: back up Tags: reset Tags: android Tags: mac Tags: apple Tags: iphone Tags: ipad Tags: windows Tags: chromebook Before we hand down, sell on, or recycle our old device we will want to make sure all personal data are backed up and deleted from the device. Here's how... (Read more...) The post New device? Here's how to safely dispose of your old one appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.


A vulnerability classified as problematic has been found in rofl0r MacGeiger. Affected is the function dump_wlan_at of the file macgeiger.c of the component ESSID Handler. The manipulation leads to injection. Access to the local network is required for this attack to succeed. The name of the patch is 57f1dd50a4821b8c8e676e8020006ae4bfd3c9cb. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-217188.

PyTorch Machine Learning Framework Compromised with Malicious Dependency

The maintainers of the PyTorch package have warned users who have installed the nightly builds of the library between December 25, 2022, and December 30, 2022, to uninstall and download the latest versions following a dependency confusion attack. "PyTorch-nightly Linux packages installed via pip during that time installed a dependency, torchtriton, which was compromised on the Python Package