Pavel Durov, founder and chief executive of the popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France on Saturday, according to French television network TF1. Durov is believed to have been apprehended pursuant to a warrant issued in connection with a preliminary police investigation. TF1 said the probe was focused on a lack of content moderation on the instant messaging service, which the
Plus: The US intelligence community formally blames Iran for Trump campaign hack, aircraft-tracking platform FlightAware says a “configuration error” exposed sensitive user data, and more.
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has placed a security flaw impacting Versa Director to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog based on evidence of active exploitation. The medium-severity vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-39717 (CVSS score: 6.6), is case of file upload bug impacting the "Change Favicon" feature that could allow a threat actor to
### Summary In Froxlor 2.1.9 and in the HEADs of the `main`, `v2.2` and `v2.1` branches , the XML templates in `lib/configfiles/` set `chmod 644` for `/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf`, although that file contains `<SQL_UNPRIVILEGED_PASSWORD>`. At least on Debian 12, all parent directories of `/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf` are world readable by default, thus exposing these credentials to all users with access to the system. Only Froxlor instances configured to use pure-ftpd are affected/vulnerable. ### Details https://github.com/froxlor/Froxlor/blob/2.1.9/lib/configfiles/bookworm.xml#L3075 ### PoC As non-privileged user: ``` nobody@mail:/tmp$ grep MYSQLPassword /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf MYSQLPassword MySecretMySQLPasswordForFroxlor ``` ### Impact Any unprivileged user with "command/code execution" access to the system can trivially obtain the credentials granting access to the `froxlor` MySQL database. This holds true even for virtual users without SSH access as long as they are a...
This Metasploit module demonstrates a command injection vulnerability in Ray via cpu_profile.
This Metasploit modules demonstrates remote code execution in Ray via the agent job submission endpoint. This is intended functionality as Ray's main purpose is executing arbitrary workloads. By default Ray has no authentication.
DiCal-RED version 4009 provides a network server on TCP port 2101. This service does not seem to process any input, but it regularly sends data to connected clients. This includes operation messages when they are processed by the device. An unauthenticated attacker can therefore gain information about current emergency situations and possibly also emergency vehicle positions or routes.
DiCal-RED version 4009 makes use of unmaintained third party components with their own vulnerabilities.
DiCal-RED version 4009 is vulnerable to unauthorized log access and other files on the device's file system due to improper authentication checks.
DiCal-RED version 4009 has an administrative web interface that is vulnerable to path traversal attacks in several places. The functions to download or display log files can be used to access arbitrary files on the device's file system. The upload function for new license files can be used to write files anywhere on the device's file system - possibly overwriting important system configuration files, binaries or scripts. Replacing files that are executed during system operation results in a full compromise of the whole device.