

CVE-2022-20137: Android Security Bulletin—June 2022  |  Android Open Source Project

In onCreateContextMenu of, there is a possible way for non-owner users to change WiFi settings due to a missing permission check. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with User execution privileges needed. User interaction is needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: Android-12 Android-12LAndroid ID: A-206986392


Published June 6, 2022 | Updated June 7, 2022

The Android Security Bulletin contains details of security vulnerabilities affecting Android devices. Security patch levels of 2022-06-05 or later address all of these issues. To learn how to check a device’s security patch level, see Check and update your Android version.

Android partners are notified of all issues at least a month before publication. Source code patches for these issues will be released to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) repository in the next 48 hours. We will revise this bulletin with the AOSP links when they are available.

The most severe of these issues is a critical security vulnerability in the System component that could lead to remote code execution with no additional execution privileges needed. The severity assessment is based on the effect that exploiting the vulnerability would possibly have on an affected device, assuming the platform and service mitigations are turned off for development purposes or if successfully bypassed.

Refer to the Android and Google Play Protect mitigations section for details on the Android security platform protections and Google Play Protect, which improve the security of the Android platform.

Android and Google service mitigations

This is a summary of the mitigations provided by the Android security platform and service protections such as Google Play Protect. These capabilities reduce the likelihood that security vulnerabilities could be successfully exploited on Android.

  • Exploitation for many issues on Android is made more difficult by enhancements in newer versions of the Android platform. We encourage all users to update to the latest version of Android where possible.
  • The Android security team actively monitors for abuse through Google Play Protect and warns users about Potentially Harmful Applications. Google Play Protect is enabled by default on devices with Google Mobile Services, and is especially important for users who install apps from outside of Google Play.

2022-06-01 security patch level vulnerability details

In the sections below, we provide details for each of the security vulnerabilities that apply to the 2022-06-01 patch level. Vulnerabilities are grouped under the component they affect. Issues are described in the tables below and include CVE ID, associated references, type of vulnerability, severity, and updated AOSP versions (where applicable). When available, we link the public change that addressed the issue to the bug ID, like the AOSP change list. When multiple changes relate to a single bug, additional references are linked to numbers following the bug ID. Devices with Android 10 and later may receive security updates as well as Google Play system updates.


The most severe vulnerability in this section could lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges needed.





Updated AOSP versions





10, 11, 12





10, 11, 12, 12L





10, 11, 12, 12L


A-210469972 [2]



10, 11, 12, 12L





10, 11, 12, 12L

Media Framework

The vulnerability in this section could lead to remote code execution with no additional execution privileges needed.





Updated AOSP versions





10, 11, 12, 12L


The most severe vulnerability in this section could lead to remote code execution with no additional execution privileges needed.





Updated AOSP versions





10, 11, 12, 12L





12, 12L










10, 11, 12, 12L





10, 11, 12, 12L





10, 11, 12, 12L


A-218341397 [2]



10, 11, 12, 12L





10, 11, 12, 12L





12, 12L





10, 11, 12, 12L


A-187702830 [2]



10, 11, 12, 12L





10, 11, 12, 12L





10, 11, 12, 12L





10, 11, 12, 12L


A-217934478 [2]



10, 11, 12, 12L





10, 11, 12, 12L

Google Play system updates

The following issues are included in Project Mainline components.



Media Codecs


2022-06-05 security patch level vulnerability details

In the sections below, we provide details for each of the security vulnerabilities that apply to the 2022-06-05 patch level. Vulnerabilities are grouped under the component they affect. Issues are described in the tables below and include CVE ID, associated references, type of vulnerability, severity, and updated AOSP versions (where applicable). When available, we link the public change that addressed the issue to the bug ID, like the AOSP change list. When multiple changes relate to a single bug, additional references are linked to numbers following the bug ID.

Kernel components

The most severe vulnerability in this section could lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges needed.







Upstream kernel





Upstream kernel



Inet sockets


Upstream kernel [2] [3] [4]





Upstream kernel [2]





Upstream kernel [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]





Upstream kernel



RNDIS driver

MediaTek components

This vulnerability affects MediaTek components and further details are available directly from MediaTek. The severity assessment of this issue is provided directly by MediaTek.








WIFI Firmware

Unisoc components

This vulnerability affects Unisoc components and further details are available directly from Unisoc. The severity assessment of this issue is provided directly by Unisoc.









Qualcomm closed-source components

These vulnerabilities affect Qualcomm closed-source components and are described in further detail in the appropriate Qualcomm security bulletin or security alert. The severity assessment of these issues is provided directly by Qualcomm.








Closed-source component




Closed-source component




Closed-source component




Closed-source component




Closed-source component


A-223209816 *


Closed-source component




Closed-source component




Closed-source component




Closed-source component




Closed-source component

Common questions and answers

This section answers common questions that may occur after reading this bulletin.

1. How do I determine if my device is updated to address these issues?

To learn how to check a device’s security patch level, see Check and update your Android version.

  • Security patch levels of 2022-06-01 or later address all issues associated with the 2022-06-01 security patch level.
  • Security patch levels of 2022-06-05 or later address all issues associated with the 2022-06-05 security patch level and all previous patch levels.

Device manufacturers that include these updates should set the patch string level to:

  • []:[2022-06-01]
  • []:[2022-06-05]

For some devices on Android 10 or later, the Google Play system update will have a date string that matches the 2022-06-01 security patch level. Please see this article for more details on how to install security updates.

2. Why does this bulletin have two security patch levels?

This bulletin has two security patch levels so that Android partners have the flexibility to fix a subset of vulnerabilities that are similar across all Android devices more quickly. Android partners are encouraged to fix all issues in this bulletin and use the latest security patch level.

  • Devices that use the 2022-06-01 security patch level must include all issues associated with that security patch level, as well as fixes for all issues reported in previous security bulletins.
  • Devices that use the security patch level of 2022-06-05 or newer must include all applicable patches in this (and previous) security bulletins.

Partners are encouraged to bundle the fixes for all issues they are addressing in a single update.

3. What do the entries in the Type column mean?

Entries in the Type column of the vulnerability details table reference the classification of the security vulnerability.




Remote code execution


Elevation of privilege


Information disclosure


Denial of service


Classification not available

4. What do the entries in the References column mean?

Entries under the References column of the vulnerability details table may contain a prefix identifying the organization to which the reference value belongs.




Android bug ID


Qualcomm reference number


MediaTek reference number


NVIDIA reference number


Broadcom reference number


UNISOC reference number

5. What does an * next to the Android bug ID in the References column mean?

Issues that are not publicly available have an * next to the corresponding reference ID. The update for that issue is generally contained in the latest binary drivers for Pixel devices available from the Google Developer site.

6. Why are security vulnerabilities split between this bulletin and device / partner security bulletins, such as the Pixel bulletin?

Security vulnerabilities that are documented in this security bulletin are required to declare the latest security patch level on Android devices. Additional security vulnerabilities that are documented in the device / partner security bulletins are not required for declaring a security patch level. Android device and chipset manufacturers may also publish security vulnerability details specific to their products, such as Google, Huawei, LGE, Motorola, Nokia, or Samsung.






June 6, 2022

Bulletin Published


June 7, 2022

Bulletin revised to include AOSP links

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Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5540-1

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Pexip Infinity before 27.3 allows remote attackers to trigger a software abort via One Touch Join.

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Pexip Infinity before 27.3 allows remote attackers to trigger a software abort via the Session Initiation Protocol.

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Pexip Infinity before 27.3 allows remote attackers to trigger a software abort via One Touch Join.

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Pexip Infinity 27.x before 27.3 allows remote attackers to trigger a software abort via HTTP.

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Pexip Infinity before 27.3 allows remote attackers to trigger a software abort via One Touch Join.

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Pexip Infinity before 27.3 allows remote attackers to trigger a software abort via H.323.

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Pexip Infinity before 27.3 allows remote attackers to trigger a software abort via HTTP.

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Pexip Infinity before 27.3 allows remote attackers to trigger a software abort via Epic Telehealth.

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Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5513-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5513-1 - Norbert Slusarek discovered a race condition in the CAN BCM networking protocol of the Linux kernel leading to multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities. A local attacker could use this issue to execute arbitrary code. Likang Luo discovered that a race condition existed in the Bluetooth subsystem of the Linux kernel, leading to a use-after-free vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service or possibly execute arbitrary code.

CVE-2021-40012: July

Vulnerability of pointers being incorrectly used during data transmission in the video framework. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may affect confidentiality.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5505-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5505-1 - Norbert Slusarek discovered a race condition in the CAN BCM networking protocol of the Linux kernel leading to multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities. A local attacker could use this issue to execute arbitrary code. Likang Luo discovered that a race condition existed in the Bluetooth subsystem of the Linux kernel, leading to a use-after-free vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service or possibly execute arbitrary code.

CVE-2022-20144: Android Automotive OS Update Bulletin—December 2022

In multiple functions of, there is a possible access to content owned by system content providers due to a confused deputy. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: Android-10 Android-11Android ID: A-250637906


Possible out of bound read due to improper validation of certificate chain in SSL or Internet key exchange in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer Electronics Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Voice & Music, Snapdragon Wearables

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5468-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5468-1 - It was discovered that the Linux kernel did not properly restrict access to the kernel debugger when booted in secure boot environments. A privileged attacker could use this to bypass UEFI Secure Boot restrictions. Aaron Adams discovered that the netfilter subsystem in the Linux kernel did not properly handle the removal of stateful expressions in some situations, leading to a use-after-free vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service or execute arbitrary code.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5467-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5467-1 - It was discovered that the Linux kernel did not properly restrict access to the kernel debugger when booted in secure boot environments. A privileged attacker could use this to bypass UEFI Secure Boot restrictions. Aaron Adams discovered that the netfilter subsystem in the Linux kernel did not properly handle the removal of stateful expressions in some situations, leading to a use-after-free vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service or execute arbitrary code.

CVE-2022-21745: June 2022

In WIFI Firmware, there is a possible memory corruption due to a use after free. This could lead to remote escalation of privilege, when devices are connecting to the attacker-controllable Wi-Fi hotspot, with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation. Patch ID: ALPS06468872; Issue ID: ALPS06468872.

Critical UNISOC Chip Vulnerability Affects Millions of Android Smartphones

A critical security flaw has been uncovered in UNISOC's smartphone chipset that could be potentially weaponized to disrupt a smartphone's radio communications through a malformed packet. "Left unpatched, a hacker or a military unit can leverage such a vulnerability to neutralize communications in a specific location," Israeli cybersecurity company Check Point said in a report shared with The

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5417-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5417-1 - Ke Sun, Alyssa Milburn, Henrique Kawakami, Emma Benoit, Igor Chervatyuk, Lisa Aichele, and Thais Moreira Hamasaki discovered that the Spectre Variant 2 mitigations for AMD processors on Linux were insufficient in some situations. A local attacker could possibly use this to expose sensitive information. It was discovered that the MMC/SD subsystem in the Linux kernel did not properly handle read errors from SD cards in certain situations. An attacker could possibly use this to expose sensitive information.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5417-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5417-1 - Ke Sun, Alyssa Milburn, Henrique Kawakami, Emma Benoit, Igor Chervatyuk, Lisa Aichele, and Thais Moreira Hamasaki discovered that the Spectre Variant 2 mitigations for AMD processors on Linux were insufficient in some situations. A local attacker could possibly use this to expose sensitive information. It was discovered that the MMC/SD subsystem in the Linux kernel did not properly handle read errors from SD cards in certain situations. An attacker could possibly use this to expose sensitive information.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5418-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5418-1 - Ke Sun, Alyssa Milburn, Henrique Kawakami, Emma Benoit, Igor Chervatyuk, Lisa Aichele, and Thais Moreira Hamasaki discovered that the Spectre Variant 2 mitigations for AMD processors on Linux were insufficient in some situations. A local attacker could possibly use this to expose sensitive information. Demi Marie Obenour and Simon Gaiser discovered that several Xen para- virtualization device frontends did not properly restrict the access rights of device backends. An attacker could possibly use a malicious Xen backend to gain access to memory pages of a guest VM or cause a denial of service in the guest.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5418-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5418-1 - Ke Sun, Alyssa Milburn, Henrique Kawakami, Emma Benoit, Igor Chervatyuk, Lisa Aichele, and Thais Moreira Hamasaki discovered that the Spectre Variant 2 mitigations for AMD processors on Linux were insufficient in some situations. A local attacker could possibly use this to expose sensitive information. Demi Marie Obenour and Simon Gaiser discovered that several Xen para- virtualization device frontends did not properly restrict the access rights of device backends. An attacker could possibly use a malicious Xen backend to gain access to memory pages of a guest VM or cause a denial of service in the guest.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5418-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5418-1 - Ke Sun, Alyssa Milburn, Henrique Kawakami, Emma Benoit, Igor Chervatyuk, Lisa Aichele, and Thais Moreira Hamasaki discovered that the Spectre Variant 2 mitigations for AMD processors on Linux were insufficient in some situations. A local attacker could possibly use this to expose sensitive information. Demi Marie Obenour and Simon Gaiser discovered that several Xen para- virtualization device frontends did not properly restrict the access rights of device backends. An attacker could possibly use a malicious Xen backend to gain access to memory pages of a guest VM or cause a denial of service in the guest.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5415-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5415-1 - Jeremy Cline discovered a use-after-free in the nouveau graphics driver of the Linux kernel during device removal. A privileged or physically proximate attacker could use this to cause a denial of service. Ke Sun, Alyssa Milburn, Henrique Kawakami, Emma Benoit, Igor Chervatyuk, Lisa Aichele, and Thais Moreira Hamasaki discovered that the Spectre Variant 2 mitigations for AMD processors on Linux were insufficient in some situations. A local attacker could possibly use this to expose sensitive information.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-5415-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 5415-1 - Jeremy Cline discovered a use-after-free in the nouveau graphics driver of the Linux kernel during device removal. A privileged or physically proximate attacker could use this to cause a denial of service. Ke Sun, Alyssa Milburn, Henrique Kawakami, Emma Benoit, Igor Chervatyuk, Lisa Aichele, and Thais Moreira Hamasaki discovered that the Spectre Variant 2 mitigations for AMD processors on Linux were insufficient in some situations. A local attacker could possibly use this to expose sensitive information.

CVE-2022-25258: USB: gadget: validate interface OS descriptor requests · torvalds/linux@75e5b48

An issue was discovered in drivers/usb/gadget/composite.c in the Linux kernel before 5.16.10. The USB Gadget subsystem lacks certain validation of interface OS descriptor requests (ones with a large array index and ones associated with NULL function pointer retrieval). Memory corruption might occur.

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