TOTOLINK N350RT V9.3.5u.6139_B20201216 was discovered to contain a stack overflow via the command parameter in the function setTracerouteCfg.
TOTOLINK A3700R V9.1.2u.6134_B20201202 was discovered to contain a stack overflow via the command parameter in the function setTracerouteCfg.
TOTOLINK A3700R V9.1.2u.6134_B20201202 was discovered to contain a stack overflow via the sPort parameter in the function setIpPortFilterRules.
TOTOLINK A3700R V9.1.2u.6134_B20201202 was discovered to contain a stack overflow via the pppoeUser parameter.
TOTOLINK A3700R V9.1.2u.6134_B20201202 was discovered to contain a stack overflow via the ip parameter in the function setDiagnosisCfg.
TOTOLINK A3700R V9.1.2u.6134_B20201202 was discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the FileName parameter in the function UploadFirmwareFile.
TOTOLink A720R V4.1.5cu.532_B20210610 was discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the username parameter in /cstecgi.cgi.
TOTOLINK A3700R V9.1.2u.6134_B20201202 was discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the hostName parameter in the function setOpModeCfg.
TOTOLINK A3700R V9.1.2u.6134_B20201202 was discovered to contain a stack overflow via the lang parameter in the function setLanguageCfg.
TOTOLINK A3700R V9.1.2u.6134_B20201202 was discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the command parameter in the function setTracerouteCfg.