

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0797-03

Red Hat Security Advisory 2024-0797-03 - Updated Satellite 6.14 packages that fixes Important security bugs and several regular bugs are now available for Red Hat Satellite. Issues addressed include HTTP request smuggling, buffer overflow, denial of service, and memory leak vulnerabilities.

Packet Storm

The following advisory data is extracted from:

Red Hat officially shut down their mailing list notifications October 10, 2023. Due to this, Packet Storm has recreated the below data as a reference point to raise awareness. It must be noted that due to an inability to easily track revision updates without crawling Red Hat’s archive, these advisories are single notifications and we strongly suggest that you visit the Red Hat provided links to ensure you have the latest information available if the subject matter listed pertains to your environment.

  • Packet Storm Staff

Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis: Important: Satellite 6.14.2 Async Security Update
Advisory ID: RHSA-2024:0797-03
Product: Red Hat Satellite 6
Advisory URL:
Issue date: 2024-02-13
Revision: 03
CVE Names: CVE-2023-0809


Updated Satellite 6.14 packages that fixes Important security bugs and several
regular bugs are now available for Red Hat Satellite.


Red Hat Satellite is a system management solution that allows organizations
to configure and maintain their systems without the necessity to provide
public Internet access to their servers or other client systems. It
performs provisioning and configuration management of predefined standard
operating environments.

Security fix(es):

  • CVE-2023-26049 (puppetserver): Cookie parsing of quoted values can exfiltrate values from other cookies
  • CVE-2023-26141 (rubygem-sidekiq): Denial of Service (DoS) in dashboard-charts
  • CVE-2023-36479 (puppetserver): Improper addition of quotation marks to user inputs in CgiServlet
  • CVE-2023-38545 (puppet-agent): Heap-based buffer overflow in the SOCKS5 proxy handshake
  • CVE-2023-40167 (puppetserver): Improper validation of HTTP/1 content-length
  • CVE-2023-40175 (rubygem-puma): HTTP request smuggling when parsing chunked transfer encoding bodies and zero-length content-length headers
  • CVE-2023-4785 (rubygem-grpc): File descriptor exhaustion leads to denial of service
  • CVE-2023-0809, CVE-2023-28366, CVE-2023-3592 (mosquitto): Memory leak leads to unresponsive broker

This update fixes the following bugs:
2250347 - ‘Sun, 11 Jun 2023 17:51:29 GMT’ could not be parsed at index 0 at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseResolved
2254974 - satellite-convert2rhel-toolkit install fails on latest rpm with /usr/bin/bash: /usr/libexec/satellite-convert2rhel-appliance/ No such file or directory
2255260 - 6.14 - satellite-convert2rhel-toolkit is part of the satellite module
2257321 - Request for UEFI Kickstart Provisioning to handle naming convention for VLAN tagged interfaces of the format <parent_device>.<vlan_id> in addition to vlan<vlan_id>
2257324 - Generate applicability tasks fails with error "ERROR: insert or update on table “katello_content_facet_errata” violates foreign key constraint “katello_content_facet_errata_ca_id”
2257326 - Show failed resources in failed installation report
2257327 - Puppet reports without any messages don’t get an origin
2257329 - Host registration fails with error “Attached to can’t be blank” when the VLAN name includes UPPERCASE letters
2257330 - default tuning profile leaves httpd MaxClients 150 which httpd raises a warning
2257331 - Registering host through load balancer causes REX not to know what capsule to choose for ‘registered_through’
2257332 - Registration can’t find any Capsules when their locations are not assigned to admin user
2257415 - Provisioning vm host fails with error "Failed to attach ISO image to CDROM drive of instance InvalidPowerState: The attempted operation cannot be performed in the current state (Powered on)".
2260525 - [Improvement] RefreshRepos step in Capsule Sync to refresh just repos to sync
2262131 - Unable to sync library/busybox from

Users of Red Hat Satellite are advised to upgrade to these updated
packages, which fix these bugs.





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In Mosquitto before 2.0.16, excessive memory is allocated based on malicious initial packets that are not CONNECT packets.

CVE-2023-0809: Version 2.0.16 released.

In Mosquitto before 2.0.16, excessive memory is allocated based on malicious initial packets that are not CONNECT packets.

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CVE-2023-40167: RFC 9110: HTTP Semantics

Jetty is a Java based web server and servlet engine. Prior to versions 9.4.52, 10.0.16, 11.0.16, and 12.0.1, Jetty accepts the `+` character proceeding the content-length value in a HTTP/1 header field. This is more permissive than allowed by the RFC and other servers routinely reject such requests with 400 responses. There is no known exploit scenario, but it is conceivable that request smuggling could result if jetty is used in combination with a server that does not close the connection after sending such a 400 response. Versions 9.4.52, 10.0.16, 11.0.16, and 12.0.1 contain a patch for this issue. There is no workaround as there is no known exploit scenario.

CVE-2023-36479: Errant command quoting in `org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.CGI` Servlet

Eclipse Jetty Canonical Repository is the canonical repository for the Jetty project. Users of the CgiServlet with a very specific command structure may have the wrong command executed. If a user sends a request to a org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.CGI Servlet for a binary with a space in its name, the servlet will escape the command by wrapping it in quotation marks. This wrapped command, plus an optional command prefix, will then be executed through a call to Runtime.exec. If the original binary name provided by the user contains a quotation mark followed by a space, the resulting command line will contain multiple tokens instead of one. This issue was patched in version 9.4.52, 10.0.16, 11.0.16 and 12.0.0-beta2.

GHSA-hmr7-m48g-48f6: Jetty accepts "+" prefixed value in Content-Length

### Impact Jetty accepts the '+' character proceeding the content-length value in a HTTP/1 header field. This is more permissive than allowed by the RFC and other servers routinely reject such requests with 400 responses. There is no known exploit scenario, but it is conceivable that request smuggling could result if jetty is used in combination with a server that does not close the connection after sending such a 400 response. ### Workarounds There is no workaround as there is no known exploit scenario. ### Original Report [RFC 9110 Secion 8.6]( defined the value of Content-Length header should be a string of 0-9 digits. However we found that Jetty accepts "+" prefixed Content-Length, which could lead to potential HTTP request smuggling. Payload: ``` POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: +16 Connection: close ​ 0123456789abcdef ``` When sending this payload to Jetty, it can successfully parse and identify the...

GHSA-3gh6-v5v9-6v9j: Jetty vulnerable to errant command quoting in CgiServlet

If a user sends a request to a `org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.CGI` Servlet for a binary with a space in its name, the servlet will escape the command by wrapping it in quotation marks. This wrapped command, plus an optional command prefix, will then be executed through a call to Runtime.exec. If the original binary name provided by the user contains a quotation mark followed by a space, the resulting command line will contain multiple tokens instead of one. For example, if a request references a binary called file” name “here, the escaping algorithm will generate the command line string “file” name “here”, which will invoke the binary named file, not the one that the user requested. ```java if (execCmd.length() > 0 && execCmd.charAt(0) != '"' && execCmd.contains(" ")) execCmd = "\"" + execCmd + "\""; ``` ### Exploit Scenario The cgi-bin directory contains a binary named exec and a subdirectory named exec” commands, which contains a file called bin1. The user sends to the CGI servlet a r...

GHSA-3qc2-v3hp-6cv8: sidekiq Denial of Service vulnerability

Versions of the package sidekiq before 7.1.3 are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) due to insufficient checks in the dashboard-charts.js file. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by manipulating the localStorage value which will cause excessive polling requests.

CVE-2023-26141: Sidekiq DoS

Versions of the package sidekiq before 7.1.3 are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) due to insufficient checks in the dashboard-charts.js file. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by manipulating the localStorage value which will cause excessive polling requests.

CVE-2023-4785: [backport][iomgr][EventEngine] Improve server handling of file descriptor exhaustion by drfloob · Pull Request #33670 · grpc/grpc

Lack of error handling in the TCP server in Google's gRPC starting version 1.23 on posix-compatible platforms (ex. Linux) allows an attacker to cause a denial of service by initiating a significant number of connections with the server. Note that gRPC C++ Python, and Ruby are affected, but gRPC Java, and Go are NOT affected. 

CVE-2023-32338: Security Bulletin: IBM Sterling Secure Proxy is vulnerable to multiple issues

IBM Sterling Secure Proxy and IBM Sterling External Authentication Server 6.0.3 and 6.1.0 stores user credentials in plain clear text which can be read by a local user with container access. IBM X-Force ID: 255585.

CVE-2023-28366: Fix for CVE-2023-28366 · eclipse/mosquitto@6113eac

The broker in Eclipse Mosquitto 1.3.2 through 2.x before 2.0.16 has a memory leak that can be abused remotely when a client sends many QoS 2 messages with duplicate message IDs, and fails to respond to PUBREC commands. This occurs because of mishandling of EAGAIN from the libc send function.

CVE-2023-40175: Merge pull request from GHSA-68xg-gqqm-vgj8 · puma/puma@690155e

Puma is a Ruby/Rack web server built for parallelism. Prior to versions 6.3.1 and 5.6.7, puma exhibited incorrect behavior when parsing chunked transfer encoding bodies and zero-length Content-Length headers in a way that allowed HTTP request smuggling. Severity of this issue is highly dependent on the nature of the web site using puma is. This could be caused by either incorrect parsing of trailing fields in chunked transfer encoding bodies or by parsing of blank/zero-length Content-Length headers. Both issues have been addressed and this vulnerability has been fixed in versions 6.3.1 and 5.6.7. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

GHSA-68xg-gqqm-vgj8: Puma HTTP Request/Response Smuggling vulnerability

### Impact Prior to version 6.3.1, puma exhibited incorrect behavior when parsing chunked transfer encoding bodies and zero-length Content-Length headers in a way that allowed HTTP request smuggling. The following vulnerabilities are addressed by this advisory: * Incorrect parsing of trailing fields in chunked transfer encoding bodies * Parsing of blank/zero-length Content-Length headers ### Patches The vulnerability has been fixed in 6.3.1 and 5.6.7. ### Workarounds No known workarounds. ### References [HTTP Request Smuggling]( ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: Open an issue in [Puma]( See our [security policy](

CVE-2023-22062: Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - July 2023

Vulnerability in the Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting product of Oracle Hyperion (component: Repository). The supported version that is affected is Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting. While the vulnerability is in Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting accessible data and unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.5 (Confidentiality and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:L).

GHSA-p26g-97m4-6q7c: Eclipse Jetty's cookie parsing of quoted values can exfiltrate values from other cookies

Nonstandard cookie parsing in Jetty may allow an attacker to smuggle cookies within other cookies, or otherwise perform unintended behavior by tampering with the cookie parsing mechanism. If Jetty sees a cookie VALUE that starts with `"` (double quote), it will continue to read the cookie string until it sees a closing quote -- even if a semicolon is encountered. So, a cookie header such as: `DISPLAY_LANGUAGE="b; JSESSIONID=1337; c=d"` will be parsed as one cookie, with the name `DISPLAY_LANGUAGE` and a value of `b; JSESSIONID=1337; c=d` instead of 3 separate cookies. ### Impact This has security implications because if, say, `JSESSIONID` is an `HttpOnly` cookie, and the `DISPLAY_LANGUAGE` cookie value is rendered on the page, an attacker can smuggle the `JSESSIONID` cookie into the `DISPLAY_LANGUAGE` cookie and thereby exfiltrate it. This is significant when an intermediary is enacting some policy based on cookies, so a smuggled cookie can bypass that policy yet still be seen by ...

CVE-2023-26049: Cookie parsing of quoted values can exfiltrate values from other cookies

Jetty is a java based web server and servlet engine. Nonstandard cookie parsing in Jetty may allow an attacker to smuggle cookies within other cookies, or otherwise perform unintended behavior by tampering with the cookie parsing mechanism. If Jetty sees a cookie VALUE that starts with `"` (double quote), it will continue to read the cookie string until it sees a closing quote -- even if a semicolon is encountered. So, a cookie header such as: `DISPLAY_LANGUAGE="b; JSESSIONID=1337; c=d"` will be parsed as one cookie, with the name DISPLAY_LANGUAGE and a value of b; JSESSIONID=1337; c=d instead of 3 separate cookies. This has security implications because if, say, JSESSIONID is an HttpOnly cookie, and the DISPLAY_LANGUAGE cookie value is rendered on the page, an attacker can smuggle the JSESSIONID cookie into the DISPLAY_LANGUAGE cookie and thereby exfiltrate it. This is significant when an intermediary is enacting some policy based on cookies, so a smuggled cookie can bypass that polic...

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